Northern Antiquities: Or, An Historical Account of the Manners, Customs, Religion and Laws, Maritime Expeditions and Discoveries, Language and Literature of the Ancient ScandinaviansH. G. Bohn, 1847 - 578 من الصفحات |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abode Æsir afterwards ages Al-thing Anglo-Saxon appear arms Arnkill Asgard Baldur Bersi Bolli Cæsar called Celtic Celts century Christianity Cimbri coast Danish death deities Denmark derived divine doctrines earth Eddaic poems edition Eirek etym fact father Finn Magnusen fire Freyja Frigga Gangler Gauls German giant gods Grágás Grimm Gudruna Harald heaven hence holmgang honour Hvergelmir Iceland inhabitants island Jarl Jomsburg Jötunheim king Kjartan Kormak land language laws Loki mallet manner Muspellheim mythology Njörd northern Northmen Norway Norwegian observed Odin Olaf Old Norse origin possession present prob probably Prose Edda race Ragnarök regarded religion remarks rendered replied respect Romans Runic Sagas Saxons sea-rovers serpent Skald Snorro Steingerda stones strophe Surtur sword Tacitus Teutonic nations thee thing Thor Thorarin Thorolf thou tion translation tribes Utgard-Loki Valhalla verse vessel Völuspá warriors word writers Yggdrasill Ymir
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 431 - She keeps in a box the apples which the gods, when they feel old age approaching, have only to taste of to become young again. It is in this manner that they will be kept in renovated youth until Ragnarok " ' One of the gods is Heimdall, called also the White God.
الصفحة 57 - Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit. AMEN.
الصفحة 203 - Byzantine court; and they preserved, till the last age of the empire, the inheritance of spotless loyalty and the use of the Danish or English tongue. With their broad and double-edged battle-axes on their shoulders, they attended the Greek emperor to the temple, the senate, and the hippodrome ; he slept and feasted under their trusty guard ; and the keys of the palace, the treasury, and the capital were held by the firm and faithful hands of the Varangians...
الصفحة 170 - A multitude, like which the populous north Pour'd never from her frozen loins, to pass Rhene or the Danaw, when her barbarous sons Came like a deluge on the south, and spread Beneath Gibraltar to the Libyan sands.
الصفحة 449 - is to eat quicker than any one else, and in this I am ready to give a proof against any one here who may choose to compete with me." " That will indeed be a feat," said Utgard-Loki, " if thou performest what thou promisest, and it shall be tried forthwith.
الصفحة 456 - As soon as Loki heard this he went away, and resuming his natural shape, cut off the mistletoe, and repaired to the place where the gods were assembled. There he found Hodur standing apart, without partaking of the sports, on account of his blindness, and going up to him, said, "Why dost thou not also throw something at Baldur?" "Because I am blind," answered Hodur, "and see not where Baldur is, and have, moreover, nothing to throw.
الصفحة 458 - Frost-giants and giants of the mountains present. Odin laid on the pile the gold ring called Draupnir, which afterwards acquired the property of producing every ninth night eight rings of equal weight.
الصفحة 451 - If thou meanest to drain the horn at the third draught thou must pull deeply; and I must needs say that thou wilt not be called so mighty a man here as thou art at home if thou showest no greater prowess in other feats than methinks will be shown in this.
الصفحة 447 - So they travelled the whole day, and at dusk, Skrymir chose a place for them to pass the night in under a large oak tree. Skrymir then told them he would lie down to sleep. " But take ye the wallet," he added,
الصفحة 448 - But Thor went away hastily, saying that he had just then awoke, and that as it was only midnight, there was still time for sleep. He, however, resolved that if he had an opportunity of striking a third blow, it should settle all matters between them. A little before daybreak he perceived that Skrymir was again fast asleep, and again grasping his mallet, he dashed it with such violence that it forced its way into the giant's skull up to the handle.