صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Did ho'inefs in precepts fland,

And for perfection cal',
Juftice in threat'nings death demand?
Th. Hutband gave it all.

His blood the fiery law did quench,

Its fummons need not feare;

Tho't cite thee to Heav'n's awful bench,

Thy Hufband's at the bar.
This Advocate has much to fay,

His clients need not fear;
For God the Father hears him ay,
Thy Hufband hath his ear.

A caufe fail'd never in his hand,

So trong his pleading is;
His Father grants his whole demané,
Thy Hufband's will ish
Hell-forces ali may rendszy 25,

Accufers may combine;

Yet fear thou not who art his frocks
Thy Hufband's caufe is thine.
By folemn oath Jenovan cid
His priesthood ratify;
Let earth and hell then counterplead,
Thy Husband gains the plea.



1. A Lamp ordained for God's Anointed.

Pfal. cxxxiii. 17.—I have ordained a lamp for mine

II. The Angel's Seal fet upon God's faithful Servants,
when hurtful Winds are blowing in the Church Mili-

Rev. vii. 1. 2. 3.—And after these things, I faw four
angel: ftanding on the four corners of the earth, bolding
the four winds of the earth, that the wind fhould not
blow on the earth, nor on the fea, nor on any tree.
And I faw another angel, afcending from the caft, having
the feal of the living God: and he cried with a loud
voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to burt
the earth and the fea,

Saying, Hurt not the earth, nor the fea, nor the trees, till
we have fealed the fervants of our God in their fore-

III. Chrift confidered as the Nail faftened in a fure
place, bearing all the Glory of his Father's Houfe.
I. xxii. 24.—And they shall hang upon him all the glory


of his Father's houfe, all veffels of small quantity: from the veffels of cups, even to all veffels of flagons. 76

XIII. Abraham rejoicing to fee Chrift's Day afar off.
John viii. 56.-Your father Abraham rejoiced to fee my
day: and he faw it, and was glad.

XIV. Chrift, as the Breaker, opening all Paffes to
Glory, that were impaffable.

Micah ii. 13.-The Breaker is come up before them; they
have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and
are gone out by it; and their King shall pafs before
them, and the Lord (or Jehovah) on the head of them.
XV. Ethiopia ftretching out her hands to God.
Pfal. lxviii. 31.-Ethiopia fhall foon ftretch out her hands
unto God.

XVI. The Kingdom of God within the Soul of Man.
Luke xvii. 21.-For behold the kingdom of God is within

XVII. Gofpel-treasure in Earthen Veffels.

2 Cor. iv. 7.-But we have this treafure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

XVIII. The Character of a faithful Minister of Christ. Col. i. 7.-Epaphras-who is for you a faithful Minifter of Chrift.

XIX. Chrift in the Clouds coming to Judgement.

Matth. xvi. 37.-Then fhall he reward every man according to his works.

XX. The Word of Salvation.







Acts. xiii.16.-To you is the word of this falvation fent. 576

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