and I come to thee: Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me." q. d. While I have been personally present with them, I took the same care of them, as a shepherd doth of his flock, or a tender father of his children: but now I must leave them in the world, and in the midst of a world of dangers, fears, and troubles, against which they can make no provision or defence, themselves. Father, remember them, look after them, when I shall be removed from them, they are thine as well as mine; and I recommend them, with my last breath, to thy care and protection. This is a special ground alfo of God's care for them. 5. Believers daily cast themselves upon the care of God, and reign themselves unto it in their daily prayers, and by their often renewed acts of faith, than which no act is found more en gaging from the creature upon its God; though there be nothing of merit, yet there is much engaging efficacy in it, Isa, xxvi. 3. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is "stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee." We find it so among ourselves, the more firmly and entirely any one trusteth in us, and dependeth upon us, the more he engageth us to protect and relieve him. Now this is the daily work of Chriftians to trust God over all, and put all their concernments into his hand, which very trust and dependance draws forth the care of God for them. 6. In a word, the many promises God hath made to his people, to preserve, support and supply them, in all the times of need, engageth the care of God for them, as often as fuch wants or dangers befal them; for, indeed, herein, he at once takes care for their neceffity, and for his own honour and glory. They trust to his word, and rely upon his promifes, which therefore he will be careful to make good. This was the argument which the church pleaded in the time of imminent danger, to engage the care of God for them, Pf. lxxiv. 20. Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty, q. d. O Lord, thy people are in the midst of cruel enemies, take care for their protection, and though there be no worth in them, to which thou shouldest have respect, yet have respect unto thine own covenant: let the glory of thy name draw forth thy care to thy people. Sect. II. We have seen the grounds and reasons of God's care over his people, let us next view (2.) The extent and compass of this divine care; and here methinks the Lord faith to his people, as he faid to Abraham, Gen. xiii. 14, 15. Lift up now thine eyes from the place where thou art, northward, and 1 So Fouthward, and eastward, and westward, for all the land which thou seeft, to thee will I give it, and to thy feed for ever. here, poor timorous, dejected believer, lift up thine eyes from the place where thou art, and take a view of all the promises in the fcriptures of truth; promises of supports under all burthens, fupplies of all wants, deliverances out of all dangers, assistances in all distresses; to thee have I given them all as a portion for ever. This care of God walks around, and encompaffeth the fouls and bodies of them that fear him, day and night. There is no interest or concern of either found without the line of his all-furrounding care, and every one of his children are enfolded in his fatherly arms, Deut. xxxiii. 3. All his faints are in thy hand. All, and every one of their wants and straits are observed by this care, in order to their fupply, Phil. iv. 19. My God shall fupply all your needs. 1. Great is the care of God over the bodies of his people, and all the dangers and neceffities of them as they daily grow; your meat and drink are daily provided for you by your father's care, Pfal. cxi. 5. He bath given meat unto them that fear him; he will be ever mindful of bis covenant. It is from this care of thy heavenly Father, that neceffary provisions have been made for thee, of which, it may be, thou hast had no forefight: this is the God that hath fed thee all thy life long, Gen. xlviii. 15. It is from the same care thy body hath been cloathed, Mat. vi. 28. How much more fball he chath you, O ye of little faith? It is through this care, you fleep in peace, and your rest is made sweet unto you, Prov. iii. 24. "When thou liest down, thou shalt " not be afraid; yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy fleep shall " be sweet." In a word; thou owest all thy recoveries from dangerous diseases, and narrow escapes from the grave, to this care of thy God over thee, He is the Lord that healeth thee, Exod. xv. 26. That the incenfed humours of thy body had not overflowed their banks, like an inundation of the fea, when they raged in thy dangerous diseases, is only because thy God took the care of thee, and fet them their bounds. 2. Divine care extends itself to the fouls of all that fear God, and to all the concernments of their fouls; and manifeftly difcovers itself in all the gracious provisions it hath made for them. More particularly, it is from this tender, fatherly care that, 1. A Saviour was provided to redeem them, when they were ruined and loft by fin, John iii. 16. Rom. viii. 32. 2. That spiritual cordials are provided to refresh them, in all their finking forrows and inward distresses, Pfal. xciv. 19. 1 3. That a door of deliverance is opened to them, when they are forely pressed upon by temptations, and ready to be overwhelmed, 1 Cor. x. 13. 4. That a strength above their own comes seasonably to support them, when they are almost over-weighed with inward troubles, when great weights are upon them, the everlasting arms are underneath them, Pfal. cxxxviii. 3. Ifa. lvii. 16. 5. That their ruin is prevented, when they are upon the dan gerous and flippery brink of temptations, and their feet almost gone, Pfal. Ixxiii. 42. Hof. ii. 6. 2 Cor. xii. 7. 6. That they are recovered again after dangerous falls by fin, and not left as a prey and trophy to their enemy, Hof. xiv. 4. 7. That they are guided and directed in the right way, when they are at a loss, and know not what course to take, Pfal. xvi. 11. Pfal. lxxiii. 24. 8. That they are established, and confirmed in Christ, in the most shaking and overturning times of trouble and persecution; so that neither their hearts turn back, nor their steps decline from his ways, Jer. xxxii. 40. John iv. 14. 9. That they are upheld under spiritual desertions, and recovered again out of that dismal darkness, into the chearful light of God's countenance, Isa. Ivii. 16. 10. That they are at last brought safe to heaven, through the innumerable hazards and dangers all along their way thither, Heb. xi. 19. In all these things the care of their God eminently discovers itself for their fouls. (3.) Once more let us consider the care of God for his people in the lovely properties thereof. As, 1. It is a fatherly care, than which none is greater or more tender, Mat. vi. 8. "Your father knoweth that you have need of "all these things." And indeed the greatest and tenderest care of an earthly father is but a faint shadow of that tender care which is in the heart of God over his children; for to that end we find them compared, Mat. vii. 11. " If ye then, being evil, " know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much " more shall your Father which is in heaven, give good things to them which ask him." The care of parents is carelessness itself, compared with that care which God takes of his. 2. The care of God is an universal care, watching over all his people, in all ages, places, and dangers, 2 Chron. xvi. 9. "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro thro' the whole earth, " to thew himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is per"fect towards him." This was applied by way of reproof to Afa, who out of a finful distrust of the care of God, relied upon the help of Syria, as if there had not been a God in heaven to take care of him and the people. 3. God's care over his, is assiduous and continual; "his mer"cies are new every morning, great is his faithfulness," Lam. iii. 22, 23. "He keeps his people night and day," Ifa. xxvii. 3. Could Satan, or his instruments find such an hour, wherein the seven eyes of providence should be all asleep, that would be the fatal hour to our fouls and bodies; but he that keepeth Israel numbereth not. 4. God's care over his, is exceeding tender, far beyond the tenderness that the most affectionate mother ever felt in her heart towards the child that hanged on her breast, Isa. xlix. 15. "Can a mother forget her fucking child, &c. they may, yet will " not I forget thee." The birds of the air are not so tender of their young in the nest, as God is of his people in the world, Ifa. xxxi. 5. Mercy fills the heart of God, yea, tender mercy, yea, multitudes of tender mercies, Pfal. li. 1. 5. The care of God is seasonable care, which is always sure to take the opportunity and proper season of relieving his people; in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen; the beauty of providence is much seen in this thing, wherever you feel a want, this care finds a supply; and thus much briefly of the care of God absolutely confidered in itself. Sect. III. It remains that we also consider the care of God in its twofold respect, viz. 1. To his promises. 2. To his providences. (1.) There are multitudes of promises found in the scriptures, exactly fitted as so inany keys to open the door of this comfortable chamber, to receive, and secure all that fear God, whatever their wants, fears, or distreffes are. These are reducible into two classes, or ranks, viz. 1. More general and comprehenfive. 2. More particular promises. The general and more comprehenfive promises are found in the general expression of the covenant, as that to Abraham, Gen. xvii. 1. "I am God Almighty, walk thou before me, and " be perfect." q. d. Let it be thy care to walk exactly in the paths of obedience before me, and I will take care to fupply all thy wants from the never-failing fountain of my all-fufficiency; and of the fame tenour is that, 2 Cor. vi. 18. I will be to them a Father, and they shall be my fons and daughters, i. e. Expect VOL. IV. X your provisions and protections from my care, as children do from their father. More particularly, there fix forts of promises, herein the care of God is particularly made over to his people in the greatest hazards and difficulties in this life, viz. 1. It is affigned and made over to them to supply all their needs, fo far as the glory of God and advancement of their spiritual and eternal good shall require it, Pfal. xxxίν. 9. " They *" that fear the Lord, shall not want any good thing." All your livelihood is in that promise; thence comes your daily bread; your own and your family's meat is contained therein. 2. It is made over to the church and people of God for their defence against all dangers, Ifa. liv. 17. "No weapon that is " formed against thee shall prosper." This promise wards off all the deadly blows, and puts by all the mortal thrusts that are made at you; here the care of God forms itself into a shield for your defence. 3. The care of God is engaged by promise for the modera tion and mitigation of your afflictions, that they may not exceed your abilities to bear them, Isa. xxvii. 8, 9. " In mea" sure when it shooteth forth, thou wilt debate with it; he stay"ed the rough wind in the day of the east wind." If the wind blow from a cold corner, this promife moderates it, that it blow not a storm; all the sparing mercies and sweetening circum. stances, which gracious fouls thankfully note, in the sharpest trials, come from this promise, wherein the care of God is engaged for that purpose. : 4. Divine care is put under the bond of a promise, for the direction and guidance of all their troubles and trials to an happy issue, Rom. viii. 28. "All things shall work together for "good." From what quarter soever the wind bloweth, God will take care that it shall be useful to drive you to your port; the very providences that cast you down, by virtue of this promile, prove as ferviceable and beneficial as those that lift you up. 5. The care of God stands engaged, in the promise, for the help and aid of his people in all the extremities and exigencies of their lives, Pfal. xlvi. 1. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Never is the care of God more visible and confpicuous, than in such times of need. 6. Lastly, The care of God is engaged to carry his people fafe through all the dangers of the way, and bring them all home to glory at last, John x. 28. "I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck " them out of my hand." This care of God, thus engaged for |