CHRIST A STUDY IN THE PRINCIPLES BY WILLIAM DE WITT HYDE PRESIDENT OF BOWDOIN COLLEGE “Be a person, and respect others as persons." - HEGEL UNIVERSITY New York THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. 1904 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published September, 1904. ПИШЛЕВИЦА Norwood Press J. S. Cushing & Co. - Berwick & Smith Co. PREFACE WHEN asked why some men with moderate talents and meagre technical equipment succeed, where others with greater ability and better preparation fail; why some women with plain features and few accomplishments charm, while others with all the advantages of beauty and cultivation repel, we are wont to conceal our ignorance behind the vague term personality. Undoubtedly the deeper springs of personality are below the threshold of consciousness, in hereditary traits and early training. Still some of the higher elements of personality rise above this threshold, are reducible to philosophical principles, and amenable to rational control. The five centuries from the birth of Socrates to the death of Jesus produced five such principles: the Epicurean pursuit of pleasure, genial but ungenerous; the Stoic law of self-control, strenuous but forbidding; the Platonic plan of subordination, sublime but ascetic; the Aristotelian sense of proportion, practical but uninspiring; and the 6336 48ECAP) NAR 18:19:5 V 109008 |