Icelandic Poetry, Or The Edda of SaemundN. Biggs, 1797 - 318 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Afori Alfi alſo ALVISS anſwered Balder becauſe called cauſe Ceaſe Celts courſe diſtant Dwarfs earth Edda ev'ry facred fame fate Fenrir ferpent FIOLSUID fire firſt flain fleep fome fons foul Freya Freyer Frigga GANRADE Gaul Geirrod giant Gods HARBARD Haſte heaven Heimdaller Hela heroes himſelf horſe houſe Hymer Hyndla Icelandic language laſt loft mallet Midgard mortal moſt myſtic names of Odin nature ſecretly refides night Niorder o'er obſerved odes Odin's Ottar perſon race raiſe riſe round ſacred Sæmund ſafe ſame ſay ſee ſeek ſeem ſeen ſent ſhades ſhall ſhe ſhine ſhore ſhould Skada ſkies SKIRNER ſky ſome ſon ſpeak ſpeed ſpell ſphere ſpread ſprung ſtand ſtar ſtate ſtill ſtorms ſtream ſtrength ſtrong ſuch ſuppoſed Surtur ſweep ſword tell thee theſe Thialfe Thor thoſe thou thro THRYM uſe VAFTHRUDNIS Vani veil that hides Veorr verſes VIDRER VINDKALDER VOLVA Whence whoſe wife wolf Yggdrasil Ymer
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 240 - The dwarfs figh and groan before the " doors of their caverns. Oh! ye inhabitants of " the mountains ; can you fay whether any thing
الصفحة 34 - Jamque nocens ferrum, ferroque nocentius aurum prodierat ; prodit Bellum, quod pugnat utroque, sanguineaque manu crepitantia concutit arma. vivitur ex rapto : non hospes ab hospite tutus, non socer a genero ; fratrum quoque gratia rara est.
الصفحة xxxviii - Scenes like these Have almost lived before me, when I gazed Upon their fair resemblance traced by him, Who sung the banished man of Ardebeil ; Or to the eye of Fancy held by her, Who among women left no equal mind When from this world she passed ; and I could weep To think that she is to the grave gone down ! Where a note names Mary Wollstonecraft, the allusion being to her Letters from Norway.
الصفحة 29 - Certe populi quos despicit Arctos Felices errore suo ! quos ille timorum Maximus haud urget lethi metus ; inde ruendi In ferrum mens prona viris, animaeque capaces Mortis, et ignavum rediturae parcere vitae.
الصفحة 223 - They employed pretty nearly the same characters for all these different purposes, but they varied the order and combination of the letters ; they wrote them either from right to left, or from top to bottom, or in form of a circle, or contrary to the course of the sun, &c.
الصفحة 29 - This fanatic hope derived additional force from the ignominy affixed to every kind of death but...
الصفحة 64 - ... the ash tree : this water keeps up the beauty of its foliage, and after having refreshed its leaves, falls back again to the earth, -where it forms the dew of which the bees make their honey.
الصفحة 25 - ... the sons of Bor, or the gods, were taking a walk, they found two pieces of wood floating upon the water; these they took, and out of them made a man and a woman. The eldest of the gods gave them life and souls; the second motion and knowledge; the third the gift of speech, hearing and sight, to which he added beauty and raiment. From this man and this woman, named Ask and Embla, is descended the race of men who are permitted to inhabit the earth.
الصفحة 54 - He requires less sleep than a bird, and sees by night, as well as by day, a hundred miles around him. So acute is his ear that no sound escapes him, for he can even hear the grass growing on the earth, and the wool on a sheep's back.
الصفحة xiii - No barbarous people were so addicted to writing, as appears from the innumerable quantity of Runic inscriptions scattered all over the north ; no barbarous people ever held letters in higher reverence, ascribing the invention of them to their chief deity, and attributing to the letters themselves supernatural virtues. Nor is there the least room to believe that any of their doctrines were locked up or concealed from any part of the community. On the contrary, their mythology is for ever displayed...