2500 Reduction of Stars, British Asso ciation Catalogue Anomalous Tides, Frith of Forth 120 00 Hourly Meteorological Observa tions at Kingussie and Inverness 77 12 8 Meteorological Observations at Plymouth Whewell's Meteorological Ane 5500 mometer at Plymouth ......... 1000 500 15 17 6 s. d. Influence of Light on Plants..... 10 00 Fossil Fishes of the London Clay 100 00 Subterraneous Temperature in Ireland Coloured Drawings of Railway Computation of the Gaussian 5000 Maintaining the Establishment at Investigation of Fossil Fishes of Kew Observatory .. 146 16 7 6000 the Lower Tertiary Strata 10000 Registering the Shocks of Earth Researches in Asphyxia............ 6 16 2 10 00 quakes ................1842 23 11 10 Structure of Fossil Shells .. 2000 Vitality of Seeds ............1844 2 15 10 ........1845 7 12 3 Radiata and Mollusca of the Marine Zoology of Cornwall...... 10 0 0 Marine Zoology of Britain 10 00 ...... Geographical Distributions of Exotic Anoplura 1844 25 00 Expenses attending Anemometers 11 7 6 Marine Zoology of Devon and Anemometers' Repairs 236 Cornwall .. 1000 Atmospheric Waves .... 333 1000 Captive Balloons ............1844 8 19 3 Experiments on the Vitality of Varieties of the Human Race Seeds 903 Experiments on the Vitality of Statistics of Sickness and Mor Seeds ........1842 873 tality in York .... 1200 £685 16 0 Strength of Materials 100 0 0 Completing Experiments on the Forms of Ships .. ... Inquiries into Asphyxia 1000 Computation of the Gaussian Investigations on Constants for 1839 5000 the Internal Constitution of Metals Constant Indicator and Morin's Physiological Action of Medicines 20 0 0 Marine Zoology of Cornwall 1000 ... Atmospheric Waves 693 £981 12 8 Vitality of Seeds 477 1845. Maintaining the Establishment at Publication of the British Associa tion Catalogue of Stars ......... 351 14 6 Meteorological Observations at Kew Observatory ..... 107 8 6 £208 5 4 Inverness Magnetic and Meteorological Co Maintaining the Establishment at operation Kew Observatory 171 15 11 Meteorological Instruments at Atmospheric Waves 3 10 9 Edinburgh 18 11 9 Vitality of Seeds 9 15 0 Reduction of Anemometrical Ob Completion of Catalogues of Stars 7000 On Colouring Matters 500 Electrical Experiments at Kew On Growth of Plants............... 1500 Observatory £275 1 8 Electrical Observations at Kew ...... Stars ........................1844 211 15 0 Transit of Earthquake Waves... 5000 Earthquake Movements Dredging on the East Coast of Scotland............ Ethnological Queries Maintaining the Establishment at Kew Observatory (including balance of former grant) Investigations on Flax Registration of Periodical Phæ nomena British Annelida Vitality of Seeds Conduction of Heat 1855. Maintaining the Establishment at Kew Observatory ... 330 15 4 1000 Vitality of Seeds £380 19 7 ......... Dredging near Belfast of Heat by Motion in Fluids... Report on the Natural Products imported into Scotland......... Observations 574 1000 Life-Boats 500 ......... .. 500 £507 15 4 1858. Maintaining the Establishment at 1100 500 550 18 13 2 ....... 1000 10 0 0 523 420 25 00 2000 425 00 1000 10 0 0 £618 18 2 Extracts from Resolutions of the General Committee. Committees and individuals, to whom grants of money for scientific purposes have been entrusted, are required to present to each following meeting of the Association a Report of the progress which has been made; with a statement of the sums which have been expended, and the balance which remains disposable on each grant. Grants of pecuniary aid for scientific purposes from the funds of the Association expire at the ensuing meeting, unless it shall appear by a Report that the Recommendations have been acted on, or a continuation of them be ordered by the General Committee. In each Committee, the Member first named is the person entitled to call on the Treasurer, John Taylor, Esq., 6 Queen Street Place, Upper Thames Street, London, for such portion of the sum granted as may from time to time be required. In grants of money to Committees, the Association does not contemplate the payment of personal expenses to the Members. In all cases where additional grants of money are made for the continuation of Researches at the cost of the Association, the sum named shall be deemed to include, as a part of the amount, the specified balance which may remain unpaid on the former grant for the same object. General Meetings. On Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 8 P.M., in the Town Hall, The Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, D.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. L. & E., V.P.R.I.A., resigned the office of President to Richard Owen, M.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Corr. Memb. Inst. of France, who took the Chair and delivered an Address, for which see page xlix. On Thursday Evening, Sept. 23, a Conversazione took place in the Town Hall. On Friday Evening, Sept. 24, at 8 P.M., in the Town Hall, John Phillips, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Pres. Geol. Soc. of London, delivered a Discourse on the Ironstones of Yorkshire. On Monday Evening, Sept. 27, at 8 P.M., The President of the Meeting, Professor Owen, delivered a Discourse on the Fossil Mammalia of Australia. On Tuesday Evening, Sept. 28, at 84 P.M., a Conversazione took place in the Town Hall. On Wednesday, Sept. 29, at 3 P.M., the concluding General Meeting took place in the Town Hall, when the Proceedings of the General Committee, and the Grants of Money for scientific purposes, were explained to the Members. The Meeting was then adjourned to Aberdeen * The Meeting is appointed to take place on Wednesday, the 14th of September, 1859. |