৩ Divine Hymns. PSALM I. By Sir J. DENHAM. B LESS'D is the Man, who never treads 2. But makes God's Law his whole Delight, Where living Streams enrich their Banks. Their Branches swell'd with quick'ning Juice, 4. Thus fares not the ungodly Man; 6. The just Man's Ways to God are known, PSALM VIII. 1. LORD, thy Excellence is known Thou sitt'st upon thy glorious Throne, 2. Babes newly born, who draw the Breast, 3. When to thy glorious Works on high 4. T Alas! what's Man, I then reflect, 5. Next Angels, in his glorious State; 6. All Things which else thou didst create, 7, 8. Their Wealth for Tribute, as his own, First Part of PSALM XVIII. 1. O GOD, my Strength and Fortitude, Of Force I must love Thee : Thou art my Castle and Defence : 2. My God, my Rock, in whom I trust, 3. When I fing Laud unto the Lord, 4. The Pangs of Death did compass me, 5. The fly and fubtle Snares of Hell And for my Life there was prepar'd 6. I, thus beset with Pain and Grief, 7. Such is his Pow'r, that in his Wrath 8. And from his Nostrils went a Smoke, 9. The Lord descended from above, : Part THE fpacious Firmament on high, II. Soon as the Ev'ning Shades prevail, III. What though, in folemn Silence, all PSALM |