صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




Final Fudgment.

HE a Mighty God, even the Lord hath fpoken, and (a) called the Earth, from the rifing of the Sun, unto the going down thereof.

Out of (b) Sion, the Perfection of BEAUTY, God hath fhined.

Our God fhall come, and fhall not keep filence; a

(a) John v. 28, 29. The Hour is coming, in the which all that are in the Graves fhall hear his VOICE, and fhall come forth; they that restion of LIFE; and they that have done Good, unto the Refurhave done Evil, unto the Refurrec tion of DAMNATION.

(b) Rev. XIX. II. I faw Heaven opened, and behold, a white Horse, and he that fat upon him was called FAITHFUL and TRUE, and in Righteoufnefs he doth judge and make War. Dan. v11. 9, 10. I-beheld till the Thrones were caft down, and the Ancient of Days did fit, whofe Garment was white as Snow, and the Hair of his Head like the pure Wool; his Throne was like the fiery Flame, and his Wheels as burning Fire; a fiery Stream iffued and came forth from before him; thoufand thoufands miniftred unto him, and ten thoufand times ten thousand ftood before him; the JungMENT was fet, and the Books were opened.

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(c) FIRE fhall devour before him, and it fhall be very TEMPESTUOUS round about him.

He fhall call to the (d) HEAVENS from above, and to the (e) EARTH, that he may JUDGE his People. (f) Gather my Saints to gether unto me, thofe that have made a (g) COVENANT with me by Sacrifice.

And the Heavens fhall declare his RIGHTEOUSNESS, for God is JUDGE himself.

Then the Earth (b) SHOOK

(c) Rev. XIX. 12. His Eyes were The Lord Jefus fhall be revealed as a Flame of FIRE. 2 Theff. 1.7,8. from Heaven,-in flaming FIRE; taking Vengeance of them that the Gospel of our Lord Jefus Chrift. know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 2 Pet. III. 10, 11, 12. The Day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the Night; in the which the Heavens fhall pass away with a great Noife, and the Elements fhall melt with fervent Heat; the Earth also, and the Works that are therein, fhall be burnt up. Seeing then that all these things fhall be diffolved, what manner of Perfons ought ye to be, in all holy Converfation and Godliness; looking for, and haftening unto the coming of the Day of God, wherein the Heavens being on Fire, fhall be diffolved, and the

Elements fhall melt with fervent Heat? (d) Matt. xxv. 31. The Son of Man fhall come in his GLORY, and all the holy Angels with him.

(e) Matt.xxv. 32. Before him fhall be gathered all Nations. Rev: xx. 12. I faw the DEAD, small and great, ftand before God.

(f) Matt. xxiv. 31. He fhall fend his Angels, with a great Sound of a Trumpet, and they fhall gather together his Elect from the four Winds, &c. (g) Heb. 1x. 15. He is the Mediator of the New Teftament (or Covenant) that by means of Death, for the Redemption of the Tranfgreffions that were under the first Testament, (or Covenant) they which are called might receive the PROMISE of eternal Inheritance.

h) Habbak 111. 4, 5, 6. God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran; his GLORY covered the Heavens, and the Earth was full of his Praise, and his Brightness was as the Light; he had Horns coming out of his Hand, and there was the hiding of his Power: Before him went the Peftilence, and burning Coals went forth at his Feet. He ftood and measured the Earth; he beheld, and drove asunder the Nations, and the everlasting Mountains were scattered, the perpetual Hills did bow; his Ways are everlasting. ver. 10, &c. The Mountains faw thee, and they trembled; the Overflowing of the Water paffed by, the Deep uttered his Voice, and lift up his Hands on high: The Sun and Moon ftood ftill in their Habitation. At the Light of thine Arrows they went, and at the fhining of thy glittering Spear. Thou didft march through the Land in Indignation, thou didit thresh the Heathen in Anger. Thou wentest forth for the SALVATION of thy People, even for Salvation with thine Anointed; thou woundedft the Head out of the Houfe of the Wicked, by discovering the Foundation unto the Neck. When I heard, my Belly trembled, my Lips quivered at the VOICE; Rottennefs entred into my Bones, and I trembled in my self, that ĺ might reft in the Day of Trouble. Rev. VI. 12, 14, 15, 16. There was a great EARTHQUAKE, and every Mountain and Inland were moved out of their Places : And the Kings of the Earth, &c. said to the Mountains and Rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the Face of him that fitteth on the Throne, and from the Wrath of the Lamb.

b Pfalm xv111. 8, to 15.


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The Lord alfo (m) THUNDERED in the Heavens, and the Highest gave his Voice, Hailftones and Coals of Fire. Yea, he fent out his Arrows and scattered them, he fhot out Lightnings and difcomfited them.

Then the Chanels of Wa-
ters were feen, and the (n)
FOUNDATIONS of the round
World were difcovered, at
thy Rebuke, O Lord, at the
Blaft of the Breath of thy
Fear before him, all the
Earth; fay among the Hea-

¢ Pfalm xcv1.9, CÓ 13,

(i)2 Theff. 11. 8. Whom the Lord fhall CONSUME with the Spirit of his Mouth, and fhall DESTROY with the Brightness of his coming.

(k) 1 Theff. 1v. 16. For the Lord himself shall defcend from Heaven, with a Shout, with the Voice of the Archangel, and with the Trump of rife first, then we which are alive God, and the dead in Chrift thall and remain, fhall be caught up together with them in the Clouds to fhall we ever be with the Lord.

meet the Lord in the Air, and so

(Matt. XXVI. 64. Hereafter fhall ye fee the Son of Man fitting on the right Hand of POWER, and coming in the CLOUDS of Heaven. Matt. XXIV. 29, 30. Immediately after the Tribulation of thofe Days, fhall the Sun be darkned, and the Moon fhall not give her Light, and the Stars fhall fall from Heaven, and the Powers of the Heavens shall the Sign of the Son of Man in Heabe fhaken, and then fhall appear

ven; and then fhall all the Tribes

of the Earth mourn, and they fhall fee the Son of Man coming in the CLOUDS of Heaven, with Power and great Glory.

(m) Rev. 1v.5. Out of the Throne proceeded LIGHTNINGS, and Chap. xvI. 18, 21. There were THUNDERINGS, and VOICES; VoICES, and THUNDERS, and LIGHTNINGS. And there fell upon Men a great Hail out of Heaven.

(u) Rev. xvi. 18,20. There was a great EARTHQUAKE, fuch as was not fince Men were upon the Earth, fo mighty an Earthquake and fo great, and every Ifland fled away, and the Mourtains were not found.

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(0) Rev. x1.15. The KINGDOMS of this World, are become the KINGDOMS of our Lord, and of his

Chrift; and he fhall reign for ever

and ever.

(P) Rev. xx. 11, 12, &c. And I faw a great white Throne, and him that fat on it, from whofe Face the Earth and the Heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. And I faw the DEAD small and great ftand before Gud, and the Books were opened, and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the Dead were JUDGED out of those things which were written in the Books, accord

ing to their Works: And the Sea and Death and Hell delivered up the gave up the Dead which were in it, Dead which were in them, and they were JUDGED every Man according to their Works; and Death and Hell were caft into the Lake of Fire; this is the fecond Death: And whofoever was not found written in the Book of Life, was caft into

the Lake of Fire. 2 Cor. v.10. We

must all appear before the JUDGMENT Seat of Chrift, that every one may receive the things done in his Body, according to that which he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Acts xv11. 31. He hath appointed a Day, in the which he will JUDGE the World in Righteoufnefs, by that Man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given Affurance unto all Men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. Ecclef. XII. 14. For God fhail bring every Work into JUDGMENT, with every fecret thing, whether it be Good, or whether it be Evil.

(9) Rev. XVIII. 20. REJOICE over her, thou Heaven, and ye holy Apoitles and Prophets, for God hath avenged you on her. Chap. XIX. 1. I heard a great Voice of much People in Heaven, faying, Allelujah ; SALVATION, and GLORY, and HONOUR, and POWER unto the Lord our God.

(r) Rev xix. 6,7. I heard as it were the Voice of many Waters, faying, Allelujah, for the Lord Ged omnipotent reigneth: Let us be glad, and rejoice, and give Honour to him.

(s) Rev. XIX. 2. For TRUE and RIGHTEOUS are his JUDGMENTS. (t) Matt. xxv. 31, 32, &c. When the Son of Man fhall come in his Glory, and all the holy Angels with him, then fhall he fit upon the Throne of his Glory. And before him fhall be gathered all Nations: And he fhall feparate them one from another, as a Shepherd divideth his Sheep from his Goats. And he fhall fet the Sheep on his right Hand, but the Goats on the left. Then fhall the King fay unto them on his right Hand; Come, ye bleffed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the World; for I was an hungred, and ye gave me Meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink ;

Pfalm. 16, to 23.


tutes, or that thou fhouldft naked, and ye take my Covenant in thy


Seeing thou (u) HATEST INSTRUCTION, and cafteft my Words behind thee.

When thou faweft a Thief, thou confentedft with him, and haft been Partaker with Adulterers.

Thou giveft thy Mouth to Evil, and thy Tongue fram

eth Deceit.

Thou fitteft and fpeakeft against thy Brother, thou flandereft thine own Mother's Son.

These things haft thou done, and I kept (x) SILENCE; thou thoughteft that I was altogether fuch a one as thy felf, but I will reprove thee, and fet them in order before thine (y) EYES.


Now confider this, ye forget God, left I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.

Whofo (z) offereth Praise, GLORIFIETH me; and to him that ordereth his Converfation aright, will I fhew the SALVATION of God.

cloathed me; I was

Prifon, and ye came unto me: In

fick, and ye vifited me; I was in

afmuch as ye have done it unto one of the leaft of these my Brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then fhall he fay unto them on the left into everlafting Fire, prepared for Hand, Depart from me, ye curfed, the Devil and his Angels; for I was Meat; I was thirty, and ye gave an hungred, and ye gave me no me no drink; I was a Stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye cloathed me not; fick, and in Pri

fon, and ye vifited me not: For
inafmuch as ye did it not to one of
the leaft of thefe, ye did it not to
me: And thefe fhall go into ever-
teous into LIFE eternal.
lafting PUNISHMENT,but the Righ-
VII. 22. Many will fay unto me in
that Day, Lord, Lord, have we not
will I profefs unto them, I never
prophefied in thy Name? And then
knew you; Depart from me, ye
that work INIQUITY.

doth Evil, HATETH the LIGHT.
(u) John 111. 25. Every one that

(x) 2 Pet. 111. 9. The Lord is LONG-SUFFERING to us-ward, not willing that any fhould PERISH; but that all fhould come to REPENTANCE.

(y) I Cor. III. 13. Every Man's Work fhall be made MANIFEST, for the Day fhall declare it.

(2) Heb. x111, 15. By him therefore let us offer the Sacrifice of the Fruit of our Lips, giving PRAISE to God continually, that is, THANKS to his Name.

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