Giving Sight to the Blind. How the DARKNESS OF SIN is dispelled, and the Soul illuminated by DIVINE GRACE Two blind Men healed at Jericho Ablind Man healed at Bethfaida One born Blind is healed Raifing the Dead. The Widows Son of Nain raised to Life 139 ibid. 140 141 143 144 Chrift raiseth from Death the Daughter of Jairus, and heals a Woman of her bloody Issue JOHN XI. Christ raiseth Lazarus. Many Jews believe. The Chief Priests and Pharisees gather a Council against Christ. Caiaphas prophesieth 146 How the Souls of BELIEVERS are raised from the Death of SIN, to a SPIRITUAL and DIVINE LIFE 147 CHRIST, by divers PARABLES, represents the Spiritual Nature of his Kingdom. Many of which are explained and applied to their just and SPIRITUAL Meaning by our Saviour; and to which many Places in the New Testament refer 151 Christ's Parabolical Sermon to the Multitade by the Seafide, of the Sower, with the Explanation of it ibid. Of the Tares 157 Of the Children playing in the Market-place 159 Parable of the Fig Tree ibid. Of the Feast, and of the Great Supper 160 Of the Loft Sheep. Of the Pieces of Silver. Of the Of the Two Sons that were commanded to go into the Vineyard 173 Of He disputes with the Pharisees about the Traditions of the Elders, and represents the great Wickedness and Deceit that is in the HEARTS of Men He reproves the Pharisees for their Superstition a- bout the Sabbath; at which they are so enraged, that they endeavour to destroy him. He withdraws bimself from them, and beals great Multitudes 194 Chrift's Discourse in the Temple at the Feast of Taber- nacles. Many of the Jews acknowledge him to be the MESSIAH. The Chief Priests send their Officers to take him. Our Saviour promises the Gift of the HOLY GHOST; which so affected the Officers, that they Christ in the Temple teaches the People. The Scribes and Pbarisees bring a Woman taken in Adultery, with a Design to ensnare bim. Being convinced of their own Wickedness, they go out of the Temple 199 He declares himself to be the LIGHT of the World, that he was sent by God the Father, and his Unity with him: Upon which many of the Jews BELIEVE on him. The Jews ask him whether he was greater ibid. He He avows himself to be the MESSIAH, represented by the Prophets under the Emblem of a SHEPHERD; and in this Parable describes the PASTORAL Office, and the Character of false Teachers and Hirelings 204 Christ reproves and refutes the gross Opinion of the Sadducees concerning the Resurrection, and repre- He disputes with the Pharisees concerning Divorce- ment ibid. Christ being asked whether but few should be saved, The great Sin of IMPENITENCY and UNBELIEF, and the severe Judgments denounced against them 219 His Answer to the Scribes and Pharisees upon their demanding what Authority he had The Conversion of Zaccheus, a Publican Christ instructs those that come to him, to persevere in their Duty, and carefully avoid all Delays Of avoiding Offences. Forgiveness of Trespaffes. Of the Power of Faith, and the Efficacy of Prayer 229 232 He > He warneth the People to beware of Covetousness, by the Parable of the rich Man who pul'd down his Barns, and built greater ibid. That we must not be over careful about earthly Things; but seek the Kingdom of God. Give Alms. Be ready to open to our Lord whenever he cometh. Christ's Ministers are to take Care to their Charge, and to expect Persecution. The People must not neglect the Time of Grace, because it is a fearful Thing to die without Reconciliation ibid. Of the Leaven of the Pharisees, which is Hypocrisy ibid. Of the Divine Omniscience 234 To fear God only 235 Of the Providence of God over all his Creatures 238 to confess him 239 Of the Sin against the Holy Ghost 241 Of the Duty of Watchfulness, and looking for Chrift's Second Coming 244 The Disciples being angry at James and John, for the Request made by their Mother, our Saviour forbids their affecting any Superiority 248 The Disciples contending who should be the greatest, Christ teaches them to be MEEK and HUMBLE, by the Example of LITTLE CHILDREN, which is enforced by an Instance of his own profound HUMILITY, in washing his Disciples Feet He Sheweth who is fit to be his Disciple Peter's Confeffion of Chrift 249 254 ibid. Chrift being told that his Mother and Brethren desired to speak with him, he teaches his Disciples, that those that do the Will of God are his Brethren 255 He teaching in the Synagogue, many of his Countrymen are astonished at his great Wisdom, and the mighty Works performed by him; but will not believe bim to be the Meffiab, because of his mean Birth He payeth Tribute 257 258 Our Our Saviour's Discourse to Martha, of the One Thing Mary anoints Christ. The Disciples murmur at ber. Our Saviour tells them, it was in order to his Bu- rial; and foretels his Death and Resurrection 260 Chrift's Transfiguration before three of his Disciples 261 Chrift riding into Jerusalem, is attended by the Mul- titude with HOSANNA'S and Acclamations of Joy. Weeps over Jerufalem, and foretels its Destruction. Drives out of the Temple the Buyers and Sellers, with which the Chief Priests and Scribes were so en- PROPHECIES relating to Future Events. I. The Disciples shewing our Saviour the magnificent Buildings of the Temple, he foretels its Destruction, so as that not one Stone should be left upon another; the Siege of Jerufalem by the Romans; and the Dif- persion of the Jews over all the World II. The Disciples asking Christ when these Things Should come to pass, and what should be the Sign of bis Coming, and of the End of the World; be foretels the Wars, Pestilence, and Famines that Should be in the World; and the great Persecutions III. Christ foretels the Rise of false Christs and false |