CHRIST fheweth who is fit to be bis Difciple. Luke AND there went great Multitudes with him : and xiv. 25. turned and faid unto them, 26. If any Man come to me, and hate not his Father, and Mother, and Wife, and Children, and Brethren, and Sifters, yea, and his own Life alfo, he cannot be my Difciple. 27. And whofoever doth not bear his Crofs, and come after me, cannot be my Difciple. 28. For which of you intending to build a Tower, fitteth not down firft, and counteth the Coft, whether he have fufficient to finish it? 29. Left haply after he hath laid the Foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it, begin to mock him, 30. Saying, This Man began to build, and was not able to finish. 31. Or what King going to make War against another King, fitteth not down firft, and confulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? 32. Or elfe while the other is yet a great way off, he fendeth an Ambaffage, and defireth Conditions of Peace. 33. So likewife whofoever he be of you, that forfaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my DISCIPLE. : 34. Salt is good but if the Salt have lost his Savour, wherewith fhall it be feafoned? 35. It is neither fit for the Land, nor yet for the Dunghil; but Men caft it out. He that hath Ears to hear, let him hear. *** Peter's Confeffion of CHRIST. Matt. xvi. 13. Mark viii. 27. Luke ix. 18. [Mr.JAND Jefus went out, and his Difciples, into the Towns of Cafarea Philippi; [L.] and it came to pafs as he was alone praying, his Difciples were with him. [Mr.] And by the Way he asked his Difciples, faying unto them, Whom do Men, [Z.] the People, fay [M.] that I the Son of Man am? And they [Z] anfwering, faid, [M] Some fay that thou art John the Baptift, fome Elias, and other Jeremias, [Mr.] and others one of the PROPHETS; [L.] that one of the old Prophets is rifen again. He faid unto them, But whom fay ye that I am? [M.] And Simon Peter anfwered, [Mr.] and faith unto him, [L] The CHRIST of GOD; for [M] Thou art CHRIST, the Son of the LIVING GOD. And Jesus anfwered and faid unto him, Bleffed art thou Simon Barjona; for Flesh and Blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven. And I fay also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church: and the Gates of Hell fhall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven: and whatfoever thou fhalt bind on Earth, fhall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever thou fhalt loofe on Earth, fhall be loofed in Heaven. Then charged he his Difciples, [L.] and he ftraitly charged them and commanded them, to tell no Man that Thing [Mr.] of him, [M] that he was Jefus the Chrift. CHRIST being told that his Mother and Brethren defired to speak with him, he teaches his Difciples, that thofe that do the Will of God are his Brethren. Matt. xii. 46. Mark iii. 31. Luke viii. 19. came to [M]AND he ND while he yet talked to the People, behold, his Mother and his Brethren [L.] came to him, and [M.] ftood without, defiring to fpeak with him; [L.] and could not come at him for the Prefs, [Mr.] and ftanding without fent unto him, calling him. [M.] Then one faid unto him, Behold, thy Mother and thy Brethren stand without, defiring to fpeak with thee. But he answered and faid to them that told him, Who is my Mother? and who are my Brethren? [Mr.] And he looked round about on on them which fat about him. [M] And he stretched forth his Hands towards his Difciples, and faid, Behold my MOTHER and my BRETHREN. For (a) whofoever fhall Do the WILL of my FATHER which is in Heaven, the fame is my Brother, [Mr.] and my Sifter, and Mother. [L.] My MoTHER and my BRETHREN are thefe, which HEAR the WORD of GOD, and DO IT. ADOPTION, whereby we cry, 16. The Spirit itfelf beareth CHILDREN of GOD. (a) Mal. iii. 16. Then they that FEARED the Lord fpake often one to another, and the Lord hear kned and heard it, and a Book of Remembrance was written before him, for them that feared the Lord, and that THOUGHTт upon his NAME. 17. And they fhall be mine, faith the Lord of Hofts, in that Day when I make up my JEWELS, and his own Son that ferveth him. I will fpare them, as a Man fpareth Rom. viii. 14. For as many as are led by the SPIRIT of GOD, they are the Sons of GOD. 15. For ye have not received the Spirit of BONDAGE again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of ABBA, FATHER. witnefs with our Spirit, that we are the 17. And if Children, then HEIRS; Heirs of GOD, and joint Heirs with Chrift: if fo be that we fuffer with him, that we may be alfo glorified together. 18. For I reckon that the SUFFERINGS of this prefent Time, ar not worthy to be compared with the GLORY which shall be revealed in us. Gal. iv. 4. But when the Fulness of the Time was come, GOD fent forth his Son, made of a Woman, made under the LAW, 5. To redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the ADOPTION OF SONS. 6. And because ye are SoNs, Gon hath fent forth the SPIRIT of his Son into your Hearts, crying, ABBA, FATHER. 7. Wherefore thou art no more a Servant, but a Son; and if a Son, then an Heir of Gon through Chrift. Ephef. 1. 3. Bleiled be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Chrift, who hath bleffed us with all fpiritual Bleifings in heavenly Places in Chrift: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN us in him, before the Foundation of the World, that we fhould be HOLY, and without Blame before him in Love: 5. Having predeftinated us unto the ADOPTION OF CHILDREN by Jefus Chrift to himself, according to the good Pleafure of his Will. 1 John iii. 1. Behold, what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we thould be called the SONS of God: therefore the World knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 2. Beloved, now are we the Sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we fhall be: but we know that when he fhall appear, we shall be LIKE him, for we fhall SEE HIM as HE IS. 3. And every Man that hath this Hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure. 4. Whofoever committeth SIN, tranfgreffeth also the Law: for Sis is the Tranfgreffion of the LAW 5. And ye know that he was manifefted to take away our SINS; and in him is no SIN. 6. Whofoever ABIDETH in him, finneth not: whofuever finneth, bath not feen him, neither KNOWN him. 7. Little 7. Little Children, let no Man deceive you : He that doth Righteousnefs, is righteous, even as he is righteous: 8. He that committeth Sin is of the Devil; for the Devil finneth from the Beginning. 9. Whofoever is born of God, doth not commit Sin; for his Seed remaineth in him: and he cannot Sin, because he is born of God. 10. In this the Children of God are manifeft, and the Children of the Devil whofoever doth not Rightcoufnefs, is not of GOD; neither he that loveth not his Brother. CHRIST teaching in the Synagogue, many of his Countrymen are aftonished at his great Wisdom, and the mighty Works performed by him; but will not believe him to be the Meffiah, because of his mean Birth. Matt. xviii. 54. [Mr.] AND Mark vi. 1. (a) Ifai. liii. 3. He was DESPISED and REJECTED of Men, a Man ND he went out from thence, and came into his own Country, and his Difciples follow him. [M.] And when he was come into his own Country, [Mr.] and when the Sabbath-day was come, he began to teach [M] them in their Synagogue: [Mr.] And many hearing him, were aftonifhed, faying, From whence hath this Man thefe Things? [M.] this Wifdom, and these mighty Works? [Mr.] And what Wifdom is this which is given unto him, that even fuch mighty Works are wrought by his Hands? (a) Is not this the Carpenter? [M] the Carpenter's Son? [Mr.] the Son of Mary, the Brother of James and Fofes, and of Juda, and Simon? [M] And his Sifters, are they not all [Mr.] here with us? [M] Whence then hath this Man all thefe Things? [Mr.] And they were offended at him. But Jefus faid unto them, A Prophet is not with of Sorrows, and acquainted with Grief. Phil. ii. 5. Let this Mind be in you, which was alfo in Chrift Fefus; 6. Who being in the FORM of God, thought it not Robbery to be EQUAL with God: 7. But made himself of no REPUTATION, and took upon him the Form of a Servant, and was made in the Likeness of Men. 8. And being found in fashion as a Man, he HUMBLED himfelt, and became obedient unto Death, even the Death of the Crof. 9. Wherefore God alfo hath LI HIGH. without Honour but in his HIGHLY EXALTED him, and given him a Name, which is above every Name: own Country, and among his own Kindred, and in his own Houfe. And he could there do no mighty Work, fave that he laid his Hands upon a few fick Folk, and healed them. [M.] And he did not many mighty Works 10. That at the Name of Jes every Knee fhould Bow, of Things and Things under the Earth; in Heaven, and Things in Earth, 11. And that every Tongue should CONFESS, that Jefu Chrift is Lord, to the GLORY of God the Father, there, becaufe of their UNBELIEF; [Mr.] and he marvelled because of their UNBELIEF. ** Matt. CHRIST payeth Tribute. AND when they xvii. 24.4 were come to Capernaum, they that received Tribute-Money, came to Peter, and faid, Doth not your Mafter pay Tribute? 25. He faith, Yes. And when he was come into the Houfe, Fefus prevented him, faying, What thinkeft thou, Simon? of whom do the Kings of the Earth take Cuftom or TRIBUTE ? of their own Children, or of Strangers? 26. Peter faith unto him, Of Strangers. Jefus faith unto him, Then are the Children free. 27. Notwithstanding, left we should OFFEND them, go thou to the Sea, and caft an Hook, and take up the Fifh that first cometh up: and when thou haft opened his Mouth, thou fhalt find a Piece of BY Prov. Y me KINGS reign, and viii. 15. PRINCES decree Jultice. 16. By me PRINCES rule, and Nobles, even all the Judges of the faithfully JUDGETH the Poor, his /Throne fhall be eftablished for ever. 26. Many feek the Ruler's Favour, but every Man's JUDGMENT cometh from the Lord. 2 Sam. xxiii. 3. The God of lfrael faid, the Rock of Ifrael fpake to me, He that ruleth over Men must be Just, ruling in the Fear of God. Ifai. xxxiii. 15. He that walketh righteoutly, and fpeaketh uprightly, he that despiseth the GAIN of Oppreffions, that shaketh his Hands from holding of Bribes, that flop peth his Ears from hearing of BLOOD, and fhutteth his Eyes from feeing EVIL: 16. He fhall dwell on high: his Place of Defence fhall be the Mu given him, his Waters fhall be fure. NITIONS Of Rocks, Bread shall be Rom. xiii. 3. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the POWER? Do that which is good, and thou fhalt have Praife of the fame. 4. For |