of Money, that take, and give unto them for me and thee. 4. For he is the Minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is Evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the Sword in vain : for he is the MINISTER of Gon, 2 Revenger to execute Wrath upon him that doth EVIL. 6. For, for this Caufe pay you TRIBUTE alfo: for they are God's Minifters, attending continually upon this very Thing. 1 Tim. ii. 1. I exhort therefore, that first of all, Supplications, Prayers, Interceffions, and giving of Thanks, be made for all Men: 2. For KINGS, and for all that are in Authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life, in all Godliness and Honesty. Titus iii. 1. Put them in mind to be subject to Principalities and Powers, to obey MAGISTRATES, to be ready to every good Work. 1 Pet. ii. 13. SUBMIT your selves to every Ordinance of Man, for the Lord's fake: whether it be to the KING as fupreme; 14. Or unto GOVERNOURS, as unto them that are sent by him, for the Punishment of EVIL-DOERS, and for the Praise of them that do well. Our Saviour's Discourse to Martha, of the one Thing needful. JOW it pass, as they went, that he entred into a certain Village: and a certain Woman named Martha received him into her House. 39. And she had a Sifter called Mary, which alfo fat at Jefus Feet, and heard his K 1 Cor. PRIZE? so run, that ye may OB- 25. And every Man that STRIVETH for the Mastery, is temperate in all things: Now they do it to obtain a corruptible Crown, but we an incorruptible. 26. I therefore so run, not as un certainly: so fight I, not as one that Word. 40. But Martha wascumbred about much serving, and came to him, and faid, Lord, doft thou not care that my Sifter hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me. 41. And Jesus answered and faid unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many Things: 42. But beateth the Air: 27. But I keep under my BODY, and bring it into SUBJECTION. Phil. iv. 6. Be CAREFUL for no thing: but in everything by Prayer, and Supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your Requests be made known unto Gon. 2 Tim. ii. 4. No Man that warreth INTANGLETH himself with the Affairs of this Life; that he may please him who hath chofen him to be a Soldier. 15. Study to shew thy self approved unto Gon. Titus iii. 8. This is a faithful Say. L12 ing, 42. But ONE THING is NEEDFUL. And Mary hath chosen that GOOD PART, which shall not be taken away from her. ing, and these Things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in Gon, might be CAREFUL to maintain GOOD WORKS: these Things are good and profitable unto Men. 1 Pet. v. 7. CASTING all your Care upon him, for he careth for you. ******)***** **(********* Mary anoints CHRIST. The Disciples murmur at her. Our Saviour tells them, it was in order to his Burial; and foretels his Death and Refurrec tion. Matt. xxvi. 6. Mark xiv. 3. John xii. 1. [F] THEN Jesus, fix Days before the Paffover, came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the Dead. There they made him a Supper, and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that fat at the Table with him. [M.] Now when Jesus was in Bethany, [Mr.] in the House of Simon the Leper, as he fat at Meat there came a Woman, [F.] Mary, [Mr.] having (a) Cant. viii. 6. Set me as a Seal upon thine Heart, as a Seal upon thine Arm: for Love is STRONG as Death, Jealoufy is cruel as the Grave: the Coals thereof are Coals of Fire, which hath a moit vehement Flame: an Alabaster Box. [F.] Then (a) she took a Pound [M.] of very precious Ointment [7] of Spikenard, very costly, [M.] came unto him, [F] and anointed the Feet of Jefus, and wiped his Feet with her Hair; [Mr.] and she brake the Box, and poured it on his Head, [M.] as he fat at Meat: [7] and the House was filled with the Odour of the Ointment. Then faith one of his Disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's Son, which should betray him, Why was not this Qint 7. Many WATERS cannot quench LOVE, neither can the FLOODS drown it: If a Man would give all LOVE, it would utterly be contemned. the Substance of his House for See pag. 214. and the References thereto. ment ment fold for three hundred Pence, and given to the Poor? [M.) But when his Disciples saw it, they had Indignation [Mr.] within themselves, and faid, Why was this Wafte of the Ointment made? [M.] For this Ointment might have been fold for much, [Mr.] for more than three hundred Pence, and have been given to the Poor: and they murmured against her. [7.] This he (Judas) faid, not that he cared for the POOR, but because he was a Thief, and had the Bag, and bare what was put therein. [M.] When Jesus understood it, [7.) then faid Jefus, Let her alone; [M.] and he faid unto them, Why trouble ye the Woman? [Mr.] Let her alone, [M.] for she hath wrought a good Work upon me. For ye have the Poor always with you, [Mr.) and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always. She hath done what she could; [M.) for in that she poured this Ointment on my Body, she did it for my Burial; [7] against the Day of my Burying hath she kept this; (Mr.) she is come aforehand, to anoint my Body to the Burying. Verily I fay unto you, Wherefoever this GOSPEL shall be preached throughout the whole World, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of, for a Memorial of her. [7] Much People of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not for Jesus fake only, but that they might fee Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the Dead. But the Chief Priests consulted, that they might put Lazarus also to Death: because that by reason of him, many of the Jews went away, and BELIEVED on Jesus. Fashion of his Countenance him from the excellent GLORY, This is my BELOVED SON, in whom was altered, and his Raiment I am well pleased. was white and glistring. 30. And behold, there talk ed with him two Men, which were Mofes and Elias. 31. Who appeared in Glory, and spake of his Decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. 32. But Peter, and they that were with him, were heavy with Sleep: and when they were awake, they faw his Glory, and the two Men that ftood with him. 33. And it came to pass as they departed from him, Peter faid unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three Tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Mofes, and one for Elias: not knowing what he faid. 34. While he thus spake, there came a Cloud, and overshadowed them : and they feared as they entred into the Cloud. 35. And there came a Voice out of the Cloud, saying, This is my BELOVED SON, HEAR him. 18. And this Voice which came from Heaven, we heard, when we were with him in the holy Mount. Ifai. ix. 6. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the Government shall be upon his called, Wonderful, Counfellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Shoulder and his Name shall be 7. Of the Increase of his Government and Peace, there shall be no End, upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it, with Judgment and with Justice, from henceforth even for ever. Zech. xiv. 7. But it shall be one Day which shall be known to the Lord, not Day, nor Night: but it shall come to pass that at Even time it shall be LIGHT. 9. And the Lord shall be KING over all the Earth: In that Day shall there be ONE LORD, and his NAME ONE. 2 Cor. iii. 7. But if the Miniftration of Death written and engraven in Stones, was GLORIOUS, fo that the Children of Ifrael could not stedfastly behold the Face of Mofes, for GLORY of his Countenance, which GLORY was to be DONE AWAY; 8. How shall not the Ministration of the SPIRIT be rather GLORIOUS ? 9. For if the Ministration of CONDEMNATION be Glory, much more doth the Ministration of Righteousness EXCEED in GLORY. 10. For even that which was made glorious, had no Glory in this Matt. xvii.7. Mark ix. 8. respect, by reason of the GLORY Luke ix. 36. [M.] And when the Difciples heard it, they fell on their Faces, and were fore afraid. [L.] And when the Voice was paft, Jesus was found alone. [M.] And JeJus that excelleth. 11. For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is GLORIOUS. Chap. iv. 6. For Gon who commanded the LIGHT to shine out of DARKNESS, hath shined in our Hearts, to give the LIGHT of the Knowledge of the GLORY of God, in the Face of Jesus Chrift. Col. i. 12. Giving Thanks unto the fus came and touched them, the Father, which hath made us and faid, Arife, and be not afraid. And when they had lift up their Eyes; [Mr.] and suddenly when they had looked round about, they faw no Man any more, save fefus only with themselves. meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the SAINTS in LIGHT. 13. Who hath delivered us from the Power of DARKNESS, and hath tranflated us into the KINGDOM of Son : 14. In whom we have Redemp. tion through his BLOOD, even the Forgiveness of SINS. 15. Who is the IMAGE of the INVISIBLE GOD, the First-born of every Creature: 16. For by him were all Things CREATED, that are in Heaven, and that are in Earth, visible and invifible, whether they be Thrones, or Dominions, or Principalities, or ed by him, and for him. Powers: ALL THINGS were creat [M.] And as they came down from the Mountain, Jefus charged them [Mr.] that they should tell no Man what Things they had seen, till the Son of Man were risen from the DEAD; [M.] saying, Tell the VISION to no Man, until the Son of MAN be RISEN again from the DEAD. [Z.] And they kept it close, [Mir.] and they kept that Saying with themselves, queftioning one with another, what the RISING from the Chap. vi. 13. I give thee charge DEAD should mean, [L.] and told no Man in those Days any of those Things which they had feen. [M.] And his Disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the Scribes that Elias must first come? And Jefus answered and faid unto them, Elias truly shall first come; [Mr.] Elias verily cometh first, [M.] and shall restore all Things; [Mr.] and how it is written of the Son of MAN that he must sUFFER many Things, and be fet at nought, [M.] But I say unto you, that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they lifted, [Mr.] as it is 17. And he is before all Things, and by him ALL THINGS CONSIST. 1 Tim. iii. 16. And without Controversy, great is the Mystery of GODLINESS: GOD was manifeft in the FLESH, justified in the SPIRIT, seen of ANGELS, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the World, received up into GLORY. in the Sight of God, who quickneth all Things, and before Chrift Feftus, who before Pontitus Pilate witnessed a good Confeffion; 14. That thou keep this Commandment without Spot, unrebuke able, until the Appearing of our Lord Jesus Chrift; 15. Which in his Times he shall thew, who is the BLESSED And ONLY POTENTATE, the KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS; 16. Who only hath IMMORTALI TY, dwelling in the LIGHT, which no Man can approach unto, whom no Man hath feen, nor can fee: to whom be HONOUR and POWER everlafting. Amen. Heb. i. 1. Gon, who at sundry Times, and in divers Manners, spake in time paft unto the Fathers by the Prophets, writ 2. Hath in these laft Days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed Heir of ALL THINGS, by whom. alfo he made the Worlds. 3. Who being the BRIGHTNESS of his GLORY, and the exprefs IMAGE |