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" It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures. "
Elementary physiography, adapted to the syllabus of the South Kensington ... - الصفحة 155
بواسطة Andrew Findlater - 1881 - عدد الصفحات: 166
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, المجلد 13

Royal Society of Edinburgh - 1886 - عدد الصفحات: 1098
...man's inventions; hut long before he existed the land was, in fact, regularly ploughed by earth-worms. It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played as important a part in the history of the world as have these lowly organised creaturea"* Now, while...

Proceedings, المجلد 13

Royal Society of Edinburgh - 1886 - عدد الصفحات: 1120
...man's inventions ; but long before he existed the land was, in fact, regularly ploughed by earth-worms. It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played as important a part in the history of the world as have these lowly organised creatures."* Now, while...

Proceedings of the Amsterdam Conference of the Evangelical Alliance: Held in ...

Evangelical Alliance. Conference - 1868 - عدد الصفحات: 788
...religious centres of this country, Geneva, Lausanne, and NeucMtel. What these three little cantons, which have played so important a part in the history of the Eeformation, have in common is, faith : and here, if compared with France, the advantage will certainly...

Lectures on the Psychology of Thought and Action: Comparative and Human

William Dexter Wilson - 1871 - عدد الصفحات: 312
...also easily perverted and misguided, as we see in the various forms of polytheism and idolatry that have played so important a part in the history of the world. If properly guided, exercised and expressed in word and act, they grow in strength and intensity, like...

The Popular Science Monthly, المجلد 27

1885 - عدد الصفحات: 900
...man's inventions ; but long before he existed the land was, in fact, regularly plowed by earth-worms. It may be doubted whether there are many other animals...part in the history of the world as have these lowly organized creatures." * Now, without denying the very important contribution of the earth-worm in this...

Lectures on the Psychology of Thought and Action: Comparative and Human

William Dexter Wilson - 1880 - عدد الصفحات: 412
...also easily perverted and misguided, as we see in the various forms of polytheism and idolatry that have played so important a part in the history of the world. If properly guided, exercised and expressed in word and act, they grow in strength and intensity, like...

The Homilist; or, The pulpit for the people, conducted by D. Thomas. Vol. 1 ...

David Thomas - 1881 - عدد الصفحات: 446
...with which the most famous of modern natural philosophers sums up this monograph are as follows : "• It may be doubted whether there are many other animals...important a part in the history of the world as have theselowly organised creatures." To appreciate the patience, the discernment, and the penetrating genius...

Zoologist: A Monthly Journal of Natural History

1881 - عدد الصفحات: 584
...as that adduced by Mr. Darwin's untiring industry in this extremely interesting volume, it may well be doubted whether there are many other animals which...so important a part in the history of the world as " the poor worm." Studies in the Theory of Descent. By Dr. A. WEISMANN. Translated and edited by RAPHAEL...

Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, المجلد 25

1882 - عدد الصفحات: 816
...unworthy of a man of mind. Mr. Darwin does not hesitate to say (p. 313, and I fully agree with him), ' It may be doubted whether there are many other animals...the world as have these lowly organised creatures.' The influence of the worm in gradually causing the real or apparent sinking of large stones, old pavements,...

The Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Action of Worms, with ...

Charles Darwin - 1882 - عدد الصفحات: 358
...existed the land was in fact regularly ploughed, and still continues to be thus ploughed by earth-worms. It may be doubted whether there are many other animals...the world, as have these lowly organised creatures. Some other animals, however, still more lowly organised, namely corals, have done far more conspicuous...

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