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" Hebrides, the north of Norway, and Spitzbergen. But this is accounted for by the general flow of the surfacewater towards the poles, forming part of the vertical oceanic circulation ; a flow which receives an eastward deflection as it proceeds northwards,... "
Elementary physiography, adapted to the syllabus of the South Kensington ... - الصفحة 99
بواسطة Andrew Findlater - 1881 - عدد الصفحات: 166
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Chambers' Encyclopaedia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People ...

1874 - عدد الصفحات: 868
...deflection as it proceeds northwards, in the way above explained. This general set of the surface-water ia further promoted by the prevalence of south-westerly...north-eastern portion of the Atlantic. In this way, although tho Gulf Stream may have loat its original impetus, a large portion of the superheated water which...

Chambers's encyclopædia, المجلد 5

Chambers W. and R., ltd - 1874 - عدد الصفحات: 870
...deflection as it proceeds northwards, in the way above explained. This general set of the surace-water is further promoted by the prevalence of south-westerly...surface of the north-eastern portion of the Atlantic. In ;his way, although the Gulf Stream may have lost ts original impetus, a large portion of the superleated...

Chambers's information for the people, ed. by W. and R ..., المجلد 1;المجلد 41

Chambers W. and R., ltd - 1874 - عدد الصفحات: 848
...; a flow which receives a westward deflection as it proceeds northwards in the way above explained. This general set of the surface-water is further promoted by the prevalence of south-westerly winds or return-trades, which maintain a pretty constant north-east drift over the whole surface of the north-eastern...

Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for ..., المجلد 5

1876 - عدد الصفحات: 864
...a flow which receives an eastward deflection as it proceeds northwards, in the way above explained. This general set of the surface-water is further promoted...surface of the north-eastern portion of the Atlantic. In ¡his way, although the Gulf Stream may have lost ts original impetus, a large portion of the superheated...

Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for ..., المجلد 5

1876 - عدد الصفحات: 864
...deflection as it proceeds northwards, in the iray above explained. This general set of the sur.'асе-water is further promoted by the prevalence of south-westerly...surface of the north-eastern portion of the Atlantic. In ;his way, although the Gulf Stream may have lost ts original impetus, a large portion of the superleated...

Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People ...

1878 - عدد الصفحات: 868
...deflection as it proceeds northwards, in the way above explained. This general set of the sur'ace-water is further promoted by the prevalence of south-westerly...pretty constant north-east drift over the whole surface >f the north-eastern portion of the Atlantic. la ;his way, although the Gulf Stream may have lost _ts...

Library of Universal Knowledge: Being a Reprint Entire of the Last ..., المجلد 7

1880 - عدد الصفحات: 842
...UK; prevalence of soutli-westorty \viiuls, which maintain a pretty constant north-oast drift over Hie whole surface of the north-eastern portion of the Atlantic. In this way, although the Gulf Stream niuy have lost its original impetus, a large portion of ihe Miper-heaied water which it bring-* int)...

Chambers's Encyclopædia: GOO to LAB

1886 - عدد الصفحات: 870
...deflection as it proceeds northwards, in the way above explained. This general set of the surace-water is further promoted by the prevalence of south-westerly...In this way, although the Gulf Stream may have lost ts original impetus, a large portion of the supericated water which it brings into the centre of the...

The International Cyclopedia: A Compendium of Human Knowledge, المجلد 7

1890 - عدد الصفحات: 986
...a flow which receives an eastward deflection as it proceeds northwards, in the way above explained. This general set of the surface-water is further promoted...south-westerly winds, which maintain a pretty constant ne drift over the whole surface of the north-eastern portion of the Atlantic. In this way, although...

The Columbian Cyclopedia, المجلد 14

1897 - عدد الصفحات: 846
...a flow which receives an eastward deflection as it proceeds northward, in the way above explained. This general set of the surface-water is further promoted by the prevalence of sw winds, which maintain a nearly constant ne drift over the whole surface of the nB portion of the...

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