| British Association for the Advancement of Science - 1859 - عدد الصفحات: 750
...round ; the other changes sign, and varies in the value of its coefficient with the annual movement of the sun from one side of the equator to the other. the mean amount of diurnal cbange is »il, when taken over the whole year ; but that on any particular... | |
| 1859 - عدد الصفحات: 450
...round; the other changes sign, and varies in the value of its coefficient with the annual movement of the sun from one side of the equator to the other. That, consequently, for a station on the magnetic equator (so defined), the mean amount of diurnal... | |
| Royal Society (Great Britain) - 1859 - عدد الصفحات: 772
...round ; the other changes sign, and varies in the value of its coefficient with the annual movement of the sun from one side of the equator to the other. That, consequently, for a station on the magnetic equator (so defined), the mean amount of diurnal... | |
| 1859 - عدد الصفحات: 478
...ronnd; the other ehanges sigu, and varies in the value of its eoeffieient with the aunual movement of the sun from one side of the equator to the other. That, eonsequently, for a station on the maguetie equator (so defined), the mean amonnt of dinrnal... | |
| Sir William Snow Harris - 1872 - عدد الصفحات: 512
...round ; the other changes sign and varies in the value of its coefficient with the annual movement of the sun from one side of the equator to the other ; that consequently for a station on the magnetic equator so defined, the mean amount of diurnal change... | |
| sir William Snow Harris - 1872 - عدد الصفحات: 474
...round ; the other changes sign and varies in the Value of its coefficient with the annual movement of the sun from one side of the equator to the other ; that consequently for a station on the magnetic equator so defined, the mean amount of diurnal change... | |
| Chambers W. and R., ltd - 1874 - عدد الصفحات: 848
...phenomenon has its cause in the daily march of the sun round the globe. The annual variation follows the march of the sun from one side of the equator...colder southern regions, thus diminishing the pressure. The presence of a greater proportion of vapour acts in the same direction, owing to vapour having less... | |
| William Henry Rosser - 1876 - عدد الصفحات: 176
...and low pressure, so are the prevailing winds, and hence the climate of every part of the globe. With the march of the sun from one side of the equator to the other, these belts (and with them the whole atmosphere) make annually one general oscillation — northwards... | |
| William Henry Rosser - 1876 - عدد الصفحات: 196
...and low pressure, so are the prevailing winds, and hence the climate of every part of the globe. With the march of the sun from one side of the equator to the other, these belts (and with them the whole atmosphere) make annually one general oscillation — northwards... | |
| 1882 - عدد الصفحات: 688
...parallelism of the earth, which causes the changes of the seasons, alternately transferring the heat of the sun from one side of the equator to the other — necessitating change — relieving monotony. V. The slight oscillation of the earth, whereby its... | |
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