THE Rule and Exercises OF Holy Living In which are Described The MEANS and INSTRUMENTS Together with PRAYERS CONTAINING The whole Duty of a Christian. And the Parts of Devotion fitted to all Occasions, By FER. TAYLOR, D. D. Chaplain The Nineteenth Edition. LONDON, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for John Meredith, in 2 The Right Honourable AND TRULY NOBLE, RICHARD, Ld. Vaughan, EARL of CARBERY, Knight of the Honourable ORDER of the BATH. My Lord, Have lived to see Religion painted upon Banners, and thrust out of Churches, and the Temple turned into a Tabernacle, and that Tabernacle made ambulatory, and covered with skins of beasts and torn Curtains, and God to be worshipped not as he is the Father of our Lord Fefus, (an afflicted Prince, the King of Sufferings) nor as the God of Peace (which two appellatives God new ly took upon him in the New Teftament, and glories in for ever:) but he is owned now rather as the Lord of Hofts, which Title he was pleased to lay aside when the Kingdom of the Gofpel was preached by the Prince of Peace. But when Religion puts on Armour, and God is A 3 not |