Obituary, Professors L. H. Morgan and John W. Draper. 569 Rocks and Soil, Effects of Lightning on. (Illustrated.) 655 Science, A Half-Century of....... 65, 193 Sea-Water, Does it contain Free Carbonic-Acid Gas? 428 Temperature, Influence of, on the Chirp of the Cricket Tiflis, The Archæological Congress at.. Time, A Glimpse through the Corridors of ... Time-keeping in Paris. (Illustrated.). To Eat and to be Eaten.. Towne, Edward C..... Trowbridge, C. A., Letter from. Tyndall, Professor John... 286 268 87 572 479 304 609 109 315 429 137 122 507 650 424 Typography and Eye-sight.... Vegetable Structures, Permanence of.. 861 Venus, Approaching Transit of..... 857 Vision, Experiments in.... 142 Volcanic Products. (Illustrated.). Volcanoes, The Supposed, in Central Asia. Volcanoes: Their Action and Distribution. (Illustrated.) Vortex-Rings, Studies of. (Illustrated.) Ward, Stanley M....... Warner, Dr. Francis.. Whales and their Habits Winslow, Erving.. Winslow, Lieutenant Francis. Woman Question, The, from an Anthropological Point of View World-Problems, The Seven.. Worry Yandell, David W.... Yorktown Centennial, Further Lessons of the..... END OF VOL. XX. PAGK 347 715 43 175 242 584 423 683 29, 145 275 570 433 102 498 268 |