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proofs-Negative not necessarily or predominatingly modern,
Kant, Darwin-The ancient negative, the Greeks, Pythagoreans,
Ionics, Eleatics, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Democritus, (Bacon),
Anaxagoras, Socrates, Sophists, Diagoras, Aristotle, Aristoxenus,
Dicaearchus, Strato, (Hume, Cudworth), Aristophanes, etc.-
Rome-Modern Europe, France, Hume and the seventeen
atheists-Epochs of atheism-David Hume, his influence-To
many a passion and a prejudice-Brougham, Buckle-Style!-
Taste!-Blair-Hume's taste, Pope, Shakespeare, John Home
-Othello-The French to Hume-Mr. Pope! - Some bygone
litterateurs - Personality and character of Hume - Jokes,
stories, Kant, Aristotle-The Scotch-The Epigoniad-America
-Germany - Generosity, affection, friendship, hospitality -
Smollett-Burke but Hume, honest, genuine, and even re-
ligious and pious,
The Dialogues concerning Natural Religion-Long consideration and
repeated revision of them-Their publication, Hume's anxiety
for, his friends' difficulties with-Style, Cicero-Words and
things, Quintilian-Styles, old and new-The earlier works-
The Treatise-The Enquiry, Rosenkranz-Hume's provision-
Locke, Berkeley-Ideas-Connection in them-Applied to the
question of a Deity-Of a Particular Providence-Extension of
the cause inferred, to be proportioned only to that of the given
effect-Applied to the cause of the world-Natural theology to
Hume-Chrysippus in Plutarch-Greek-The order of argu-
mentation-The ontological-Matter the necessary existence-
The cosmological answers that-Infinite contingencies insufficient
for one necessity-The teleological-Analogy inapplicable-
Hume's own example,
The teleological argument-Two moments-First, the alleged ne-
cessity of thought-It has itself no end-So matter enough-
Thought itself only a part, limited, imperfect, and in want of
explanation-Thought as thought common to us all, Grote,
Hume, Erigena, Heraclitus-The sole necessity-Second, the
analogy-The supreme cause not situated as other causes
Other principles, vegetation, generation-The world an animal
-The Empedoclean expedient-The effect only warrants great
power, not Almighty power-Evil-Free opinion-Hume's
friends Epicurus's dilemma Superstition results - Four
suggestions-No pain-Special volitions-Greater strength-
Extremes banished from the world-Creation on general prin-
ciples-Erasmus Darwin-Mr. Froude, Carlyle-Finitude as
such, externality as such-Antithesis-Charles V.-Abdal-
rahman III. Septimius Severus - Johnson - Per contra-
Wordsworth, Gibbon, Hume-Work, Carlyle-The trades-
Comparison-Self-contradiction - Identity - Hegel - "As re-
gards Protoplasm "- The Hindoos-Burton on cause-Sir John
Herschel - Brown, Dugald Stewart - Spinoza - Erdmann-
Notions and things, Erigena-Rabelais-Form and matter-
Hume in conclusion,
Transition, Hume to Kant-Effect of Kant on natural theology
-The centre of Kant's thought-Hume led to this-Causal
necessity-That necessity objective-Still in matters of fact-
Relations of ideas-Hume on one side, Kant on the other, of the
dilemma-Hume quite as Reid, on natural necessity-But what
the explanation to intellectual insight-Synthetic addition-
Analytic implication-Change-Kant's explanation is, There
are à priori syntheses native to the mind-The whole Kantian
machinery in a sentence-Time and space-The twelve cate-
gories and the three ideas-A toy house-A peculiar magic
lantern - A psychology - A metaphysic - Analysis of the
syllogism for the ideas-Simple apprehension missed-An idea
-The ideal-The teleological proof,
KANT AND THE PROOFS (concluded).
The cosmological proof-Contingency-Ab alio esse and esse a se-
The special contingency an actual fact in experience-This
Kant would put out of sight - Jehovah - Two elements in
the argument, experience and ideas-The generality of the
experience - Also of the idea - Contingency is a particular
empirical fact-Ens realissimum-Only the ontological argument
in disguise-Logical inference But just generally the all-
necessary being of such a world - Hume anticipated Kant-
Why force analogy-Why transcend nature-No experience of
such cause, which must not exceed the effect-Hume's early
memoranda-The "nest" - All Kant dependent on his own
constant sense of school-distinctions-His entire world-The
system being true, what is true? -The ontological argument-
No thinking a thing will bring it to be-What it all comes to,
the single threefold wave-Hegel - Middle Age view from
Augustine to Tauler-Meister Eckhart-Misunderstanding of
mere understanding - The wickedest then a possible divine
reservoir-Adam Smith and the chest of drawers-Absurd for
Kant to make reason proper the "transcendent shine"-The
Twelfth Night cake, but the ehrliche Kant,
The three degrees, positive, comparative, superlative in negation of
the proofs, or Hume, Kant, Darwin-The Life and Letters of
Charles Darwin, chapter viii. of the first volume-Darwin one
of the best of men-Design-Uniformity and law-Darwin's
own words - He himself always gentle - But resolute to
win-Concessiveness-Religious sentiment-Disbelief-Jokes-
Natural selection being, materialism is true, and ideas are only
derivative - The theory - A species what - Sterility - What
suggested natural selection to Darwin-Bakewell's achievements
as a breeder-Darwin will substitute nature for Bakewell, to the
production, not of new breeds, but, absolutely, of new species-
His lever to this, change by natural accident and chance: such
necessarily proving either advantageous, disadvantageous, or
indifferent-Advantage securing in the struggle for life survival
of the fittest, disadvantage entailing death and destruction,
indifference being out of count-The woodpecker, the misletoe
-But mere variation the very fulcrum-Variation must be, and
consequences to the organism must be: hence the whole-But
never design, only a mechanical pullulation of differences by
chance that simply prove advantageous or disadvantageous, etc.
-Conditions-Mr. Huxley-Effect of the announcements of
Sir Joseph Hooker and Sir Charles Lyell-Mr. Darwin insists
on his originality-His difficulties in winning his way-Even
those who agree with him, as Lyell, Hooker, and others, he
demurs to their expressions: they fail to understand-Mr.
Darwin's own qualms-"What makes a tuft of feathers come
on a cock's head, or moss on a moss-rose?"-That the question
--Still spontaneous variation both universal and constant,
DARWIN AND DESIGN (continued).
The theory-Individual variation-Darwin early looked for natural
explanation of design-Creation, its senses-Antisthenes, Cole-
brooke, Cudworth-Creative ideas-Anaxagoras - Aristotle-
Mr. Clair Grece and Darwin-For design Mr. Darwin offers a
mechanical pullulation of individual difference through chance,
but with consequent results that as advantageous or dis-
advantageous seem concerted-The Fathers-Nature the pheno-
menon of the noumenon, a boundless externality of contingency
that still is a life-Nature, the object will only be when it
reaches the subject-That object be, or subject be, both must
be-Even the crassest material particle is already both
elementarily - As it were, even inorganic matter possesses
instincts-Aristotle, design and necessity - Internalization-
Time space, motion, matter - The world - Contingency-A
perspective of pictures-The Vestiges and evolution-Darwin
deprecates genealogies, but returns to them-The mud-fish-
Initial proteine-There are so many mouths to eat it up now
-Darwin recants his pentateuchal concession to creation-
Depends on "fanciers and breeders" - The infinitudes of
transition just taken by Mr. Darwin in a step-Hypothesis-
Illustration at random-Difference would go on to difference,
not return to the identity-Mr. Lewes and Dr. Erasmus-The
grandfather's filament-Seals-The bear and the whale-Dr.
Erasmus on the imagination, on weeping, on fear, on the
tadpole's tail, on the rationale of strabismus,
Dr. Erasmus Darwin-Student scribbles on Zoonomia - Family
differences, attraction and repulsion - The Darwins in this
respect-Dr. Erasmus of his sons, Mr. Charles and Dr. R. W.-
Dr. R. W. as to his sons-Charles on his grandfather, father,
brother-Mr. Erasmus on his brother's book-On the à priori
-On facts-Darwin's one method-Darwin and Hooker on
facts - Family politics - Family religion - Family habits-
Family theories-Mr. Darwin's endowments-His Journal-
The Zoonomia-Theories of Dr. Erasmus-Paley-Instinct-
An idea to Dr. E. - Dugald Stewart - Picture-thinking-
Dr. E.'s method-Darwin's doubts - His brave spirit-The
theory to his friends-Now-Almost every propos of the grand-
son has its germ in the grandfather (Krause) - Yet the position
of the latter-Byron on-Mr. Lewes also-The greater Newton,
original Darwinism now to be revived-Dr. E. admirable on
design-Charles on cats made by God to play with mice!-
Dr. E. on atheism-The apology-But will conclude with a
single point followed thoroughly out the Galapagos-Darwin
held to be impregnably fortified there-The Galapagos thrown
up to opponents at every turn-But we are not naturalists!-
Dr. E. rehabilitates us - Description of the Galapagos from
the Journal - The islands, their size, number, position,
geographical and relative-Depth of water and distance between
-Climate, currents, wind-Geology, botany, zoology-Vol-
canoes, dull sickly vegetation, hills, craters, lava, pits, heat,
salt-pools, water-Tortoises, lizards, birds-Quite a region to
suggest theory,
DARWIN AND DESIGN-(conclusion).
The action-South American types, left here to themselves, change
into new species from accumulation of their own individual
spontaneous differences-The birds-Differences in the times
and modes of arrival between land and sea birds-Carte and
tierce-Contradiction-Parried by a word-An advocate's proof
-The printer and Mr. Darwin's woulds-The sea-gull-The
finches-Sir William Jardine-The process to Darwin-What
was to him "a new birth "- Where the determinative advant-
age for these different beaks-The individual central islands not
incommunicably separate-French birds at Dover-Isolation-
Ex-contrario-Individual difference the single secret, that is
the "law" which has been "discovered" of "natural selection"
-Apply influence of external conditions to the Galapagos-
Kant-The Galapagos rat and mouse-New beings but yet the
old names-If difference goes always on only to difference
without return to identity, why are there not infinitely more
species?-Bowen-Darwin only empedoclean-Parsons-Lyell
-Monsters (giants and dwarfs) sterile-Frederick's grenadiers,