we shall find one standing about as high as the rest on our ideal scale. That the minor physical differences, particularly color, may invite great differences of social treatment in a mixed society is not to be overlooked but that is another story. Whenever we consider any great nation of which we have any considerable amount of information it seems clear that the race in control is far from being of common descent regardless of popular tradition. That Egypt, Greece, and Rome were composed of many elements is evident and there has hardly been a greater fiction in history than the so-called Jewish race. It is equally well known that modern Europe, as well as America, shows a similar mixture. Under the leadership of the German Anthropological Society an examination was made of some 10,000,000 school children in Europe as to color of hair, eyes and skin. Of these 6,758,827 were from Germany; 2,304,501 from Austria, 608,698 from Belgium and 405,609 from Switzerland. Of these, not counting Belgium, 25 per cent were fair-haired, 15 per cent were brown-haired and about 60 per cent mixed. Germany showed 31 per cent fairhaired, 14 per cent brown and about 55 per cent mixed. In Scotland 1,100 Highlanders, who might have been expected to be brown inasmuch as they were Celts, showed 45 per cent fair-haired, 30 per cent brown and 25 per cent mixed. One thousand two hundred and fifty Viennese gave 32 per cent fair, 23 per cent brown and 45 per cent mixed. One has only to read Ripley's "Races of Europe " to see what tremendous mixtures there are on that Continent, or to consult the reports of the Commissioner of Immigration for similar facts relating to the United States. Admitting then the scarcity of what may be called 66 pure races " of mankind and admitting further the fact of constant crossing, can we get any evidence as to whether such race intermixture is good or bad? Here again we are confronted with the difficulty of distinguishing evidence based on fact from that resulting from prejudice. Human opinion on this subject swings between the two extremes of objecting to all race crossing on one side to the advocacy of intermarriage on the other. A little thought will show that the marriage of two persons of markedly different races is likely to produce difficult social questions regardless of the physical traits of the offspring. It would seem then that the violent opponents of race-blending, while basing their arguments on its alleged bad results, physically speaking, really have the social confusion in mind while those advocating such crossing make the opposite mistake. The latter see little reason to fear bad physical results and shut their eyes to the social questions. ... So we may glean from a work purporting to be scientific the following sentences. "Nature prevents the development of the mongrel; in the few cases in which nature has for the time being successfully been outraged and a mongrel produced, nature degrades that mongrel mercilessly and in time stamps it out. Nature suffers no mongrel to live. The intermarriage of people of one color with people of another color always leads to deterioration." This writer's antipathy to race crossing is carried so far that it classes the people of German and English stock as incompatible. "It is clear that the two people had developed into two distinct races, and the development of fifteen hundred years cannot be undone in America any more than anywhere else. It follows that they can no longer cross promiscuously with impunity. Promis cuous crossing of the two races will lead to the deterioration of both, and as they are the best two races that the world has, the degeneration of even a few of them is an inestimable loss to the world." 12 America, therefore, is doomed to an early decay because of the influx of many peoples. Curiously enough in the entire volume no evidence based on physical facts is offered, but the author depends solely upon evidence from social customs, etc. Now inferiority must have a physical basis. If it is so clear and all-pervasive it must be possible to discover some of it. ... ... There are, however, those who hold the opposite viewpoint. "It is known that a race injures itself by inbreeding and that it improves itself by crossing The crossings are then indispensable for augmenting the vigor of a race. Crossings have such incontestable utility that they should be encouraged as much as possible. In our own day a number of societies, civilized as well as barbarous, strive to prevent crossings. They but cause the greatest of all evils - the degeneration of the race." 13 If, however, we turn aside from the rhetorical arguments and seek to find the physical facts which would justify us in deciding this question we shall be surprised to find how little tangible evidence there is and how hard it is to interpret what we find. Lapouge is one of the few who have sought to collect the facts, and, let us not forget, he is a great protagonist of the theory of the inherent superiority of the dolichocephalic blondes. He believes his studies warrant him in claiming that race-crossing results in the production of all sorts of disharmony in the body. We have such asym 12 SCHULTZ, A. P. Race or Mongrel, pp. 14 and 298. 13 NOVICOW, J. Quoted by Lapouge: Les Selections Sociales, p. 158. • .. metrical phenomena as the varying tone of color between the two eyes; the differences in color of the hair on the right and the left side of face and head, the dissymmetry of the nose, the combination of round heads and oval faces or of round faces and long heads found among many of the European groups. He holds that similar disharmonies exist in the internal organs and specially emphasizes the asymmetry of the uterus as of great importance because of its effect on reproduction. "Reversion is the rule when the two types are not very different; otherwise it becomes the exception, and the extinction of crosses of widely separated breeds results from their infertility. Ordinary crosses have, in general, a greater tendency to reversion than to sterility, but, in the great majority of cases, they are less fecund than the primitive stocks, and that infecundity comes through the crossing." 14 This asymmetry of the uterus he believes results most frequently in the crosses of the long-headed European type with the round-headed Alpine race. This he considers one of the most potent causes of the decline of population in France where he believes that in general 10 per cent of the women are sterile. This sterility rises in the districts of the greatest intermixture to perhaps 25 per cent and falls in some of the secluded and purely Alpine regions to 3 per cent. Probably there goes along with this a production of defective germ cells. The hybrid also has a lowered vitality and greater mental instability. "The superiority of the Yankee, the English, Dutch, Scandinavian over the French, Italian, Spaniard, South-American is not solely the result of their superiority of race, but also of the purity of blood. The first are of the European race and are practically pure, the others have less of the European race blood and their inferiority corresponds to the degree of race mixture." 15 The French departments showing the highest birthrate are those in which the percentage of long heads is greatest; those showing the lowest, the reverse. All that can be said of most of the disharmonies cited by Lapouge is that they are departures from an esthetic standard preferred by him. His statement with reference to the asymmetry of the uterus is very significant if true. The only difficulty is that other observers do not seem to substantiate his position and that it is rendered very doubtful by certain historical facts shortly to be mentioned. 14 LAPOUGE, G. V. Les Selections Sociales, p. 170. Another source of information is the physical record of the Negroes and mulattoes who enlisted in the Union army at the time of the Civil War. Weight of Brain of White and Colored Soldiers It seems difficult to draw any conclusions as to inferiority or superiority of the mulatto from this table based as it is on only a very few cases, yet some have not hesitated to claim that it shows his marked intellectual superiority. Dr. Gould found among the soldiers the following differ ences: 15 LAPOUGE, G. V. о. с., р. 184. 16 HUNT, S. B. The Negro as a Soldier, Anthropological Review, vii, p. 1869. |