صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Philosophy, human, origin of, Punnett, R. C., 215


Phylloxera, 92

Physical characters, determined

by environment, 33

Physical effects of temperature,

32, of earth, 41

Physical environment, change of,


Physical world, influences of, on
man, 28

Physiological effects of tempera-
ture, 35

Plants, benefit of, to man, 53;
chemical elements in, 52;
dangers of careless discrimi-
nation between, 83; flowering,
118; imported, and native of
U. S., 113; leguminous, 13;
mechanical effects produced by,
51; origin of cultivated, 112;
perfected by crossing, 114;
protection of, 53

Ploss, H., 323, 327-328
Pneumonia, 141
Polydactylism, 236
Population, contrasted in vari-
ous states, 29; density of
world's, 28; influences of so-
ciety on, 33
Primates, 184

Primitive man, discoveries of,
186; variation from present
man, 188

Pyorrhea, 129

Rabbit, in Australia and New
Zealand, 91

Race, crossing of: arguments for
and against, 294, 302; conclu-
sions, 301, 302; discussed,
294; in Africa, 298-299; in
Europe, 285, 287, 293; in gen-
eral, 299; Japanese and Eu-
ropeans, 300-301; lowers birth
rate, 296, 297; Mulatto in
Civil War, 297-298

Race, human, classification of:
Blumenbach, 304; on color
basis, 280; distribution, 28;
Giddings, 306-309; Huxley,
305; Johnston, 277-279; Lin-
næus, 303; Mueller, F., 305;
St. Hilaire, 305
Race, meaning of term, 278
Race differences: of body, 281-
282; color, 279-280; cubic
contents, 289-290; facial an-
gles, 289; hair, shape and
distribution, 281; resistance
to disease, 290-291; skull,
282; stature, 281

Race superiority or inferiority:
Ammon's claim for the Ger-
mans, 284-285; claims of
superiority of long heads,

285-286; conclusion, 291-293; | Seasons, influence of, on social
lack of final evidence, 300

Radical, the, 370

Radium, discovery of, 3, 141;

properties, 4

phenomena, 38
Segregation, of "unfit," 267

Selection, artificial, natural, sex-

ual, 178; evidences for, 180

Rainfall, 18; influence on plant | Semper, K., 28

growth, 19

Rays, alpha, 4; beta, 4; gamma, 5
Red clover, 60

Reformatory, inmates of the,


Regression, law of, 228
Reibmayr, A., 271, 347, 384
Reich, E., 383-384
Reid, G. A., 344-345
Religious fanaticism, influence

on society, 346
Reproduction: cell division, 194;
cell specialization, 192; germ
and body cells, contrast, 195;
growth, 192; rate of, 70; sex
differences, 196; stationary
total, 71

Research, methods of, 148, 191
Rhythm of nature, 47
Ripley, W. Z., 280, 283, 285,


Semple, E. T., 31, 32, 102, 103
Sex, determination of, 207
Sex, human, differences: advent
physical maturity, 323; ath-
letic records, 318; beginnings
of, 312; blood composition,
321; bodily proportions, 318-
319, 323; brain weights, 320-
321; differences do not indi-
cate superiority, 329; growth
of boys and girls, 316-317;
influence on daily life, 326;
influence of menstruation, 323-
326; males and females in U.
S., 314; psychic phenomena,
326; resistance to shock, 322;
secondary sexual characters,
315; sex ratios, 313; stature,
weight, 317-318; two theories
as to rôle of women, 329-330;
variability, 327-328

Rockefeller Institute for Medical Sex-linked characters, 209

[blocks in formation]

Syphilis, 26, 129, 142

on, 339; permanency of, 387; | Synthetic chemistry, 110
progress of, through surgical
skill and medical knowledge,
343; religion and, 339; Spen-
cer's idea of, 378

Society tests: choice of right
virtues and right crimes, 387;
elimination of unfit, 389;
power of readjusting institu-
tions and programs to meet
changing conditions of life,
390; protection afforded, 388;
training of children, 389
Sociology, danger of applying
biological laws, 381; a science,

Soils, characteristics and classi-
fication, 11; meaning

farmer, 13

Sparrow, European house, 90

Spectroscope, 14
Spencer, H., 378
Spermatozoon, 192


Spontaneous generation, 151
Standards, conflict of different,


Stars, classification, 1; helium-
gas, 1; metallic, 2; proto-
hydrogen, 1; protometallic, 2
Statistical methods, 228
Steam engine, 108
Steel, 107

Sterilization, 267

Stockard, C. R., 221-223
Struggle for existence, 65

Subnormal man, 241

Suicide, increase of, in civilized

lands, 348

Sun, 13

Superman, nature of, 262

Supernormal man, 241

Surface, M. A., 80

Swine, 122

Switzerland, population

square mile, 29


Telescope, invention of, 1
Temperature, annual march of,
in continental and marine cli-
mates, 16; character of vegeta-
tion determined by, 15; dis-
tribution of life determined
by, 23; importance of proper,
to conditions of life, 7; in the
interior of U. S., 16; influence
on reproduction, 24; of human
body, 8; of ocean, 16; yearly
cycle, 45

Tertiary age, 184

Thomas, W. I., 318, 319, 322,
323, 328, 329

Thomson, J. A., 56, 60, 61, 63,

180, 181, 199, 382

Toad, 82

Training of parents, and off-
spring, effect on, 218

Traits, inherited, 254
Trees, value of, to man, 117
Tropics, influence of, on white

men, 33; plants in, 15

Tsetse fly, 21
Tuberculosis, 27, 138, 141
Typhoid, 138
Typhus, 139

Unit-characters, 200, 206

United States, reduction in corn
crop, 19

Use and disuse theory, 168, 217

Vaccinations, 132
Vegetation, character of, deter-
mined by temperature, 15

Wales, birth, death and marriage
rates, 332; population fer
square mile, 29

Wallace, A. R., 171

Synapsis, or conjugation of War, effect of, on society, 345

chromosomes, 196

Ward, L. F., 273, 378

Water, amount in air, 20; as aid | Wild life, abundance of, in un-

to plant growth, 11; impor-
tance of, to life, 7; pure, com-
position of, 7; a solvent, 8;
source of oxygen, 25

Wealth, importance of, to civil-
ization, 360; surplus, produc-
tion of, 101

Weather conditions, comparison
of, between New York and
Denver, 37

Weeds, 75

Weeks, D. F., 253, 254
Weismann, A., 203, 215
Wheat, yield of, 19
Wheel, invention of, 99
Whetham, W. C. D., 261

White, A. D., 154-163, 165, 172-

175, 186-187

populated countries, 66

Williams, J. W., 130

Winds, effects of, on animals and
man, 23; influence of, on cli-
mate, 17

Women, changed industrial con-
340; progress and

genius in, 274

Woodruff, C. W., 34

Woods, F. A., 258-262, 271, 272,


World-making, process of, 2

Yellow fever, 24, 135, 136

Zones, transcontinental life, 23


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