The Physical Basis of SocietyD. Appleton, 1916 - 406 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 35
الصفحة 21
... Africa the sleeping sickness is carried by the tsetse fly inhabiting the banks of streams and ponds . Malaria disappears in the Middle West when the marshes are drained and the land cultivated . Indeed , the disappearance of the great ...
... Africa the sleeping sickness is carried by the tsetse fly inhabiting the banks of streams and ponds . Malaria disappears in the Middle West when the marshes are drained and the land cultivated . Indeed , the disappearance of the great ...
الصفحة 28
... Africa 11,760,689 135,987,000 11.6 North America 8,631,657 127,993,000 14.8 South America 7,184,021 51,193,000 7.1 Australasia 3,317,762 7,572,000 2.3 Total ( excluding Polar regions ) .. 51,725,335 1,748,975,000 33.8 The frigid zones ...
... Africa 11,760,689 135,987,000 11.6 North America 8,631,657 127,993,000 14.8 South America 7,184,021 51,193,000 7.1 Australasia 3,317,762 7,572,000 2.3 Total ( excluding Polar regions ) .. 51,725,335 1,748,975,000 33.8 The frigid zones ...
الصفحة 31
... Africa has nothing to compare with the Amazon or the Missouri . The Yangtse and Hoangho are the source of China's prosperity as was the Nile of ancient Egypt . Islands in favorable climes are densely populated . Java has a density of ...
... Africa has nothing to compare with the Amazon or the Missouri . The Yangtse and Hoangho are the source of China's prosperity as was the Nile of ancient Egypt . Islands in favorable climes are densely populated . Java has a density of ...
الصفحة 32
... African Negro . In Polar regions man must even today be a fisher and hunter , living on meat alone , unless he keep in touch with other people , when he may be a miner . On the whole the temperate zones have been most favorable to him ...
... African Negro . In Polar regions man must even today be a fisher and hunter , living on meat alone , unless he keep in touch with other people , when he may be a miner . On the whole the temperate zones have been most favorable to him ...
الصفحة 47
... Africa because of the constant hunt- ing the buffalo feeds only at night . Even the daily changes are significant . Sleep results apparently from a drugging of the system by the carbon . dioxid and other elements produced by everyday ...
... Africa because of the constant hunt- ing the buffalo feeds only at night . Even the daily changes are significant . Sleep results apparently from a drugging of the system by the carbon . dioxid and other elements produced by everyday ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
acre Africa America appeared Asia average bacteria beetles believe birds body breeding carbon carbon dioxid carnivora cattle cause cent century changes characters chromosomes civilization climate color considered crops cultivated Darwin death destroyed discovered discoveries disease early earth eggs elements elm-leaf beetle environment Europe European evidence evolution existence fact favorable feeble-minded female fish forms germ cells groups growth hence heredity Hessian fly human Ibid important Inasmuch inches increase individuals influence inheritance insects Kallikak Family killed known Lamarck large numbers larvæ less living lower malaria male man's mated natural selection nature normal organisms ovum oxygen parents physical plants and animals population possible produced race reason seeds smallpox social society soil species square mile substances survive temperature theory thought tion trees tropics tuberculosis United women yellow yellow fever