The Physical Basis of SocietyD. Appleton, 1916 - 406 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 15
الصفحة 12
... acre contained , on an average , potential plant food as follows : nitrogen , 3,217 pounds ; phosphoric acid , 3,936 pounds and potash , 17,597 pounds ; a total of 24,750 pounds or more than 12 tons . Since these elements are taken out ...
... acre contained , on an average , potential plant food as follows : nitrogen , 3,217 pounds ; phosphoric acid , 3,936 pounds and potash , 17,597 pounds ; a total of 24,750 pounds or more than 12 tons . Since these elements are taken out ...
الصفحة 19
... acre 12.4 bu . per acre 6 Under dry farming conditions it has been calculated that 1 acre inch water will produce 22 bu . wheat 10 acre inch water will produce 25 bu . wheat 15 acre inch water will produce 371⁄2 bu . wheat 20 acre ...
... acre 12.4 bu . per acre 6 Under dry farming conditions it has been calculated that 1 acre inch water will produce 22 bu . wheat 10 acre inch water will produce 25 bu . wheat 15 acre inch water will produce 371⁄2 bu . wheat 20 acre ...
الصفحة 20
... Acre , or 6 Tons to Mile 11 Chelsea Kew Carbon 39 . 42.5 Hydrocarbons 12.3 4.8 Organic bases 2 . Sulphuric acid ( SO ) 4.3 4 . Hydrochloric acid ( HCL ) 1.4 0.8 Ammonia 1.4 1.1 Minerals ( silica - iron ) 33.8 41.5 Water ( est . ) 5.8 ...
... Acre , or 6 Tons to Mile 11 Chelsea Kew Carbon 39 . 42.5 Hydrocarbons 12.3 4.8 Organic bases 2 . Sulphuric acid ( SO ) 4.3 4 . Hydrochloric acid ( HCL ) 1.4 0.8 Ammonia 1.4 1.1 Minerals ( silica - iron ) 33.8 41.5 Water ( est . ) 5.8 ...
الصفحة 45
... acre feet of fertile soil and builds new land for future men . That this process may involve serious loss to exist- ing society is also evident . Now all these changes , whether the yearly cycle of temperature , or the greater ...
... acre feet of fertile soil and builds new land for future men . That this process may involve serious loss to exist- ing society is also evident . Now all these changes , whether the yearly cycle of temperature , or the greater ...
الصفحة 51
... Elm at Cam- bridge , Massachusetts , was studied by Professor Pierce of Harvard . He reported that the tree bore some 7,000 , - 000 leaves having a surface area of 200,000 square feet or about five acres . It being estimated that one 51.
... Elm at Cam- bridge , Massachusetts , was studied by Professor Pierce of Harvard . He reported that the tree bore some 7,000 , - 000 leaves having a surface area of 200,000 square feet or about five acres . It being estimated that one 51.
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
acre Africa America appeared Asia average bacteria beetles believe birds body breeding carbon carbon dioxid carnivora cattle cause cent century changes characters chromosomes civilization climate color considered crops cultivated Darwin death destroyed discovered discoveries disease early earth eggs elements elm-leaf beetle environment Europe European evidence evolution existence fact favorable feeble-minded female fish forms germ cells groups growth hence heredity Hessian fly human Ibid important Inasmuch inches increase individuals influence inheritance insects Kallikak Family killed known Lamarck large numbers larvæ less living lower malaria male man's mated natural selection nature normal organisms ovum oxygen parents physical plants and animals population possible produced race reason seeds smallpox social society soil species square mile substances survive temperature theory thought tion trees tropics tuberculosis United women yellow yellow fever