The Physical Basis of SocietyD. Appleton, 1916 - 406 من الصفحات |
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النتائج 1-5 من 51
الصفحة 1
... hence these are called Protohydrogen stars . Helium is also present with hints of magnesium and calcium . In the helium - gas stars ( Taurus , Algol ) helium is prominent along with hydrogen , while carbon , oxygen and nitrogen 1.
... hence these are called Protohydrogen stars . Helium is also present with hints of magnesium and calcium . In the helium - gas stars ( Taurus , Algol ) helium is prominent along with hydrogen , while carbon , oxygen and nitrogen 1.
الصفحة 11
... hence a covering of fine particles helps to retain the moisture . For one ton of clover hay some 1560 tons of water are used . Here again the significance of water is indicated . Not merely does it furnish a large particles and this In ...
... hence a covering of fine particles helps to retain the moisture . For one ton of clover hay some 1560 tons of water are used . Here again the significance of water is indicated . Not merely does it furnish a large particles and this In ...
الصفحة 15
... Hence we divide the plants in our gardens into three groups : tender , half - hardy , hardy . The first are peculiarly susceptible to frost ( such as cannas ) ; the second will endure moderate cold and occasionally survive if left in ...
... Hence we divide the plants in our gardens into three groups : tender , half - hardy , hardy . The first are peculiarly susceptible to frost ( such as cannas ) ; the second will endure moderate cold and occasionally survive if left in ...
الصفحة 22
... hence April is colder than November . Snow may blanket the earth and afford pro- tection to seeds , bulbs and roots which would otherwise perish from the cold . This protection is likewise ex- tended to animals , even to man himself ...
... hence April is colder than November . Snow may blanket the earth and afford pro- tection to seeds , bulbs and roots which would otherwise perish from the cold . This protection is likewise ex- tended to animals , even to man himself ...
الصفحة 28
... Hence , every change , as for instance , in the composition of the water of a lake or river will not affect the fauna inhabiting it equally and as a whole , but will act on some individuals ; some will bear the change without being in ...
... Hence , every change , as for instance , in the composition of the water of a lake or river will not affect the fauna inhabiting it equally and as a whole , but will act on some individuals ; some will bear the change without being in ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
acre Africa America appeared Asia average bacteria beetles believe birds body breeding carbon carbon dioxid carnivora cattle cause cent century changes characters chromosomes civilization climate color considered crops cultivated Darwin death destroyed discovered discoveries disease early earth eggs elements elm-leaf beetle environment Europe European evidence evolution existence fact favorable feeble-minded female fish forms germ cells groups growth hence heredity Hessian fly human Ibid important Inasmuch inches increase individuals influence inheritance insects Kallikak Family killed known Lamarck large numbers larvæ less living lower malaria male man's mated natural selection nature normal organisms ovum oxygen parents physical plants and animals population possible produced race reason seeds smallpox social society soil species square mile substances survive temperature theory thought tion trees tropics tuberculosis United women yellow yellow fever