The Physical Basis of SocietyD. Appleton, 1916 - 406 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 54
الصفحة ix
... man : 1 . Distribution and migration ; 2. Occupation ; 3. Phys- ical characteristics ; 4. Physiological effects ; 5. Psy- chical effects . Favorable and unfavorable climates . The rhythm of nature . II . MUTUAL ... Man's position ix.
... man : 1 . Distribution and migration ; 2. Occupation ; 3. Phys- ical characteristics ; 4. Physiological effects ; 5. Psy- chical effects . Favorable and unfavorable climates . The rhythm of nature . II . MUTUAL ... Man's position ix.
الصفحة x
... man's powers in time or space . The bow and arrow . The art of fire - making . Discov- ery and use of metals , coal ... man's health and length of life . The steadily increasing span of life . IV . THE EVOLUTION OF MAN Comparison ...
... man's powers in time or space . The bow and arrow . The art of fire - making . Discov- ery and use of metals , coal ... man's health and length of life . The steadily increasing span of life . IV . THE EVOLUTION OF MAN Comparison ...
الصفحة 12
... man's recognition of the necessity of replacing these food elements . Plant life soon shows any decrease in needed supplies by spind- ling growth , poor color and little fruit . Different plants make different demands upon the soil ...
... man's recognition of the necessity of replacing these food elements . Plant life soon shows any decrease in needed supplies by spind- ling growth , poor color and little fruit . Different plants make different demands upon the soil ...
الصفحة 29
... man is very slow to enter the mountains as places of permanent residence . Hence any group getting located in the mountains is likely to drop out of ... Man's movements on earth have been directed and con- trolled EARTH AND MAN 29.
... man is very slow to enter the mountains as places of permanent residence . Hence any group getting located in the mountains is likely to drop out of ... Man's movements on earth have been directed and con- trolled EARTH AND MAN 29.
الصفحة 30
... man's movements . First the animals for ages making their way through the hills , then uncivilized man in pursuit of game , then the trapper and frontiersman following in their trail ; then probably the army officer discovering a pass ...
... man's movements . First the animals for ages making their way through the hills , then uncivilized man in pursuit of game , then the trapper and frontiersman following in their trail ; then probably the army officer discovering a pass ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
acre Africa America appeared Asia average bacteria beetles believe birds body breeding carbon carbon dioxid carnivora cattle cause cent century changes characters chromosomes civilization climate color considered crops cultivated Darwin death destroyed discovered discoveries disease early earth eggs elements elm-leaf beetle environment Europe European evidence evolution existence fact favorable feeble-minded female fish forms germ cells groups growth hence heredity Hessian fly human Ibid important Inasmuch inches increase individuals influence inheritance insects Kallikak Family killed known Lamarck large numbers larvæ less living lower malaria male man's mated natural selection nature normal organisms ovum oxygen parents physical plants and animals population possible produced race reason seeds smallpox social society soil species square mile substances survive temperature theory thought tion trees tropics tuberculosis United women yellow yellow fever