The Physical Basis of SocietyD. Appleton, 1916 - 406 من الصفحات |
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النتائج 1-5 من 66
الصفحة 24
... species cannot pass ; it defines broad , transcontinental barriers within which they cannot exist , be the other conditions never so favorable , because of infertility . " 14 Many plants of warmer regions will grow in colder regions but ...
... species cannot pass ; it defines broad , transcontinental barriers within which they cannot exist , be the other conditions never so favorable , because of infertility . " 14 Many plants of warmer regions will grow in colder regions but ...
الصفحة 27
... species will show different habits in different environments . " Animals living in the same places , and apparently under the same external conditions of exist- ence , nevertheless behave in quite different ways under 16 SHELFORD ...
... species will show different habits in different environments . " Animals living in the same places , and apparently under the same external conditions of exist- ence , nevertheless behave in quite different ways under 16 SHELFORD ...
الصفحة 54
... species of bacteria , but if other varieties are present we may have " blue milk , " " ropy- milk , " " red - milk , " or " bitter - milk . " By using certain bacteria and yeast we produce the sour milks known as 1 LIPMAN , J. G. ...
... species of bacteria , but if other varieties are present we may have " blue milk , " " ropy- milk , " " red - milk , " or " bitter - milk . " By using certain bacteria and yeast we produce the sour milks known as 1 LIPMAN , J. G. ...
الصفحة 60
... species would perish . Thomson in happy fashion enlarges one of Darwin's illustrations : " Plants and animals remote in the scale of nature are bound together by a web of complex relations . . . . I have also found that the visits of ...
... species would perish . Thomson in happy fashion enlarges one of Darwin's illustrations : " Plants and animals remote in the scale of nature are bound together by a web of complex relations . . . . I have also found that the visits of ...
الصفحة 62
... species . The Amazon ant " exists only by the capture of slaves and in that connection develops the most brilliant warrior talent that we know in the entire animal kingdom . Its mandibles are modified to be solely weapons for killing ...
... species . The Amazon ant " exists only by the capture of slaves and in that connection develops the most brilliant warrior talent that we know in the entire animal kingdom . Its mandibles are modified to be solely weapons for killing ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
acre Africa America appeared Asia average bacteria beetles believe birds body breeding carbon carbon dioxid carnivora cattle cause cent century changes characters chromosomes civilization climate color considered crops cultivated Darwin death destroyed discovered discoveries disease early earth eggs elements elm-leaf beetle environment Europe European evidence evolution existence fact favorable feeble-minded female fish forms germ cells groups growth hence heredity Hessian fly human Ibid important Inasmuch inches increase individuals influence inheritance insects Kallikak Family killed known Lamarck large numbers larvæ less living lower malaria male man's mated natural selection nature normal organisms ovum oxygen parents physical plants and animals population possible produced race reason seeds smallpox social society soil species square mile substances survive temperature theory thought tion trees tropics tuberculosis United women yellow yellow fever