42.165 Pearson Neriah Pearson was bornthe 1 of January 1778 Betty Tearsom vas born born th The Children of the tons Los as 2nd May 1898. Col. may 11-18 I. The following as the Ch 6. Thomas Pearson the 5th of March 1622 Sporiah Pearnt sa hoon The Rh of June 102 by T dived appril 22 being For 1427 of of & a Consumption uss Ann Seusson Was born Dec. 31826-on Sund Sarah Pearson Wast Jank 30th 1829 Es lixabeth Jeanso de Wait August 8th 1831 1 THE WORKS OF JAMES ARMINIUS, D. D. FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LEYDEN. Translated from the Latin. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, BRANDT'S LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, WITH CONSIDERABLE AUGMENTATIONS; NUMEROUS EXTRACTS FROM HIS PRIVATE LETTERS; A COPIOUS AND AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF THE SYNOD OF DORT AND ITS PROCEEDINGS; AND SEVERAL INTERESTING NOTICES OF THE PROGRESS OF HIS THEOLOGICAL OPINIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND ON THE CONTINENT. BY JAMES NICHOLS, Author of "Calvinism and Arminianism Compared in their IN THREE VOLUMES, VOLUME II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, AND GREEN. 1828. : |