Liebig's computation of carbon in Liliaceæ, 27. Limnoria terebrans in harbours, 36. Lingula Zone of Wales, 70. Linnæus' classification of nature, 25. on Primitive Types, 195. Lutraria digging into sand, 36. Lyell, Sir C., shell in fossil tree found on Climate, 152. on the Germs of Life, 187. M. Malvern, antiquity of land, 168. rearing their young, 30. Marine animals, changes with elapsed -invertebral life, successive systems, invertebrata in Lower Palæozoic Strata, table, 78. Marsupialia fossil, 119. Medusidæ, 32. Milne Edwards, his generalization of the Paleozoic Corals, 86. Moa of New Zealand, 118. Modiolæ traced in coral, 36. Mollusca, eye-spots, 10; description Mollusca, shell-covered, 32. Morris, estimate of thickness of strata, Movements in air by animals, 37. Mya digging into sand, 36. N. Narbonne, early human remains at, 48. Natural Selection, 200, 215, 216. the forces of, 5. the laws of, 5. Nautilus (Argonauta), 33. Niagara Falls, computation of time Notonecta, motion of the, 34. Nova Scotia, Sigillaria (fossil tree) 0. Oldhamia found at Bray, 70. Ostrich, the, 24. wing bones, 43. Otter, webbed feet of the, 34. P. Palinurus, flexible tail of, 35. Strata identified by organic remains, 187; thickness of, 52. Swan, webbed feet of the, 34. T. Table of comparison of living species Table of comparison of living genera with fossil, 56. Table of comparison of living Mol- Table of Temperature on the Earth, Teleosaurus, propulsion of the, 35. Terebratula, 23, 32, 92. Teredines destroy ships, 36; in drift- Time, geological scale of, 51. Turtle, paddles of the, 34. U. Uniformitarian hypothesis of the age of the globe's crust, 124. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. New Works and New Editions PUBLISHED BY MACMILLAN AND CO. CAMBRIDGE, AND 23, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C. ONE SHILLING MONTHLY, MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE. EDITED BY DAVID MASSON. VOLUMES I. AND II. ARE NOW READY, Handsomely bound in extra cloth, price 7s. 6d. each. AMONG THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE VOLUMES ARE THE AUTHOR OF "TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL DAYS. " THE REV. F. D. MAURICE. R. MONCKTON MILNES, M.P. THE REV. J. W. BLAKESLEY. HENRY KINGSLEY. F. LUSHINGTON. ALEXANDER SMITH. AURELIO SAFFI. &c. ALFRED TENNYSON. PROFESSOR HUXLEY. G. S. VENABLES. PROFESSOR ANSTED. J. M. LUDLOW. HERBERT COLERIDGE. REV. J. LL. DAVIES. &c. 27.9.60. 2 NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS, POPULAR WORKS FOR THE YOUNG. PRICE FIVE SHILLINGS EACH. Tom Brown's School-Days. By AN OLD Bor. With a new Preface. Seventh Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 58. "Those manly, honest thoughts, expressed in plain words, will, we trust, long find an echo in thousands of English hearts.”—QUARTERLY REVIEW. Our Year. A Child's Book in Prose and Rhyme. By the Author of "John Halifax." With numerous Illustrations by CLARENCE DOBELL. Royal 16mo. cloth, gilt leaves, 5s. "Just the book we could wish to see in the hands of every child. . . . written in such an easy, chatty, kindly manner."-ENGLISH CHURCHMAN. Mr. Kingsley's Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for my Children. New Edition, with Illustrations. Royal 16mo. cloth, gilt leaves, 58. "A welcome and delightful volume, for the stories are prose poems both as to matter and manner."-ECLECTIC REVIEW. Ruth and Her Friends. A Story for Girls. With Frontispiece. Third Edition. Royal 16mo, cloth, gilt leaves, 58. "The tone is so thoroughly healthy, that we augur the happiest results from its wide diffusion."-THE FREEMAN. |