The Well-Spring of Life opened in Chrift: Or, An A SERMON Preached on FEBRUARY 24, 1768, TOA SOCIETY of the CHILDREN of GoD at On REV. XXII. 17. To which is prefixed, A CERTIFICATE of the AUTHOR'S Call to the Work of the Printed by M. LEW13, at No. 1. in Pater-nofter-Row: And fold by WILLIAM OTRIDGE, Bookfeller, directly oppofite to the North Price Six-pence. To my dear and worthy PASTOR the Reverend Dr. GIFFORD. Honoured and Reverend SIR, P ERMIT me with fubmiffion to make my moft grateful acknowledgments to you, as "being the inftrument, under God, of bringing fo "unworthy a creature forth to public usefulness to "the dear children of God. It was the fame God "who I trust called me to the work, that put it "into your heart to encourage me in it; and I doubt not but that he will carry me through it: "To him be all the glory. I can call my being "brought forth to this work, by your inftrumentali"ty, no other than a refurrection; for indeed I "prophefied before in fackcloth, under every dif"couragement. But now, through grace, I am "enabled to fee that the word is bleffed to the "fouls of many of the dear children of God. O that I may be kept humble and thankful, as you "have already warned me! I hope you will bear me "on your heart before the throne of grace, while I am, Honoured and Reverend Sir, June 18, 1768. Your obedient, dutiful Servant, In the bonds of the gospel, JOHN LLOY D." ADVERTISEMENT to the READER. AS I to give the world an account of the deal Wings of the Lord with me, in bringing of me forth to this great work, it might fill an ample volume. May it fuffice if, according to the defire of my friends, I give you the following, which is a Certificate of the Church to which I did belong. "To whomfoever this may concern. "THIS is to certify, That we, a church of Chrift, meet"ing in Little Ayliffe-Street, Goodman's-Fields, London, "the Rev. Mr. Dowers, paftor of the faid church, who bap"tized our brother, John Lloyd, upon his profeffion of faith "in Jefus Chrift, and was received into full communion with us in the year 1764. But for fome time he has experienced "a gift of God beftowed upon him; he therefore requefted "his gift to be tried by the church, that fo he might be fent "forth in a regular gofpel-way. The church therefore agreed έσ upon it, and tried his gift for fix months, that we might be "the better capable of forming a judgment of his talent, and "whether he was a qualified perfon. Having maturely weigh"ed these things, we on April 20, 1767; we, the church, "did give him a proper call to the miniftry. And, as this is "the cafe, we humbly caft him upon the Lord's good provi"dence, and heartily with the Lord may open a door for him "to be useful to the fouls of many. As to his moral character, "it is undeniable and blameless. We therefore, in the name "of the church, with him God fpeed in the name of the Lord. "And to the truth hereof we have fet our hands. JOHN WARD, Deacon. |