صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

lawfully begotten, an annuity of fifty pounds Sterling left me, and my heirs and administrators for ever, by the last-will and teftament of W-m T-s, Efq; my father's brother, payable out of his real estate; remainder to my dearly beloved fifter Sophia, and my brothers and fisters according to their respective ages. And this I leave to my dearly beloved Miss Charlotte C-m, as a testimony of the love and affection I have long borne toward her, and the high sense I have of her piety, chastity, and virtue; and defire she will accept of this small legacy, in token of the pure and virtuous love she has long had for me as her destined husband, and out of regard to the memory of one, who, though unworthy of her love, yet, in his greatest madness, and most profligate rambles, could never forget her, and loved with an unblemished affection to the end of his days."

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After my friend had finished his letters and will, he addressed me as follows. My dear Mr N-u, I bless the God of my life and of all my mercies, who has spared my life, notwithstanding all my horrid provocations, so long till I have had time to pay my last duty to those who have a just title to be informed of the concerns of my foul, and to fettle my temporal affairs in a way very agreeable to my own inclinations. Though formerly I assumed the mask of an hypocrite to hide my detestable lewdness, that it might not reach the ears of my pious and revered parents, or bring upon me the epithet of a rake; yet I have not now concealed from my friends the obscenity and sensuality of my past life. I have plainly related the worst of myself, as a warning to my brothers and fisters not to split upon the fatal rock on which I fuffered a miferable shipwreck. As I durst not conceal my vileness, neither was I


at liberty to bury the glorious displays of fovereign grace to the most notorious offender that perhaps ever lived. Blessed be the God of falvation, that he hath visited and redeemed me, and not fuffered me to die in raving madness, and in all the distracting horrors of fearful defpair, as I have read in the account of the lives of the two Spiras, who, I think, were less tranfgreffors than me. Bleffed be God I was from eternity registered among the elect, and written among the living in Jerufalem; that when I had destroyed myself, and was feemingly ruined for ever, beyond hope of relief, grace stept in, and faid, Deliver his foul from going down to the pit; for I have found a ransom; that the Spirit of the Lord breathed on my dry bones, and I was raised from the grave of spiritual death, in virtue of the fame great power that raised the Lord Jesus from the dead; that the Spirit of life entered into me, and I rose up and praised the marvellous mercy and wonderful falvation of my adorable Redeemer; that he has been with me under my long and languishing illness, comforting me with the confolations of his Spirit which are not few, and making me lead rather a life in heaveu, than one spent in a conflict with the devil, and the remainders of corruption in my own heart. I am amply recompensed for the fix weeks of hell that I passed in horrible agonies of confcience, and fearful forebodings of the wrath to come. I live under the smiles of heaven; and the manifestations of the love and grace of my adorable Saviour continue to refresh my soul, and excite in me the most ardent defires to be with him in all the ecstatic raptures of everlasting bliss. I have done with the world, and all its enjoyments. My hope is in God, and his bleffed word. I wait now in the joyful expectation of being released from mortality,


mortality, and of afcending to the Lord my God. I have the valley and shadow of death to pass through, and to cross the Jordan that separates the land above from this world of fin and misery; but God, my covenanted God, will be with me in the dark valley, and will waft me over the raging billows of the fea of death. I shall have the ftaff of faith in my hand, my sole dependence shall be on the immaculate righteousness of Meffiah the Prince, and my landing shall be in the region where glory blooms in perpetual verdure, and happiness is ever fragrant.

There on a green and flow'ry mount,
My weary foul shall fit,
And with transporting joys recount
The labours of my feet.


No vain discourse shall fill my tongue,
Nor trifles vex my ear;
Infinite grace shall fill my song,
And God rejoice to hear.

Eternal glories to the King

That brought me safely through:
My tongue Jhall never cease to fing,
And endless praise renew.

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Another letter written by Mr T-s. A prayer faid by him on his death-bed, which the author overheard; with his affectionate address to him.

NExt morning after writing the letters inferted in the preceding chapter, my friend addreffed me thus. "Dear Mr N-u, I perceive myself to be every day weaker, which indicates that the time of my departure is at hand. I am strongly impreffed imprefssed with the belief that I shall drop mortality in the morning of Sunday se'ennight [this was a Saturday], and observe the remainder of that facred day in the court of the exalted Redeemer, who was dead, but is now alive, and liveth for evermore, and hath the keys of hell and of death. I must therefore work diligently while time continueth; and improve every day Providence allows me, for promoting my best interests, and those of others, to whom I have any prospect of being useful. I have wrote a letter to my next brother; and I think it will not be improper also to write one to my dear fifter Sophia. This girl is about the fame age with my amiable cousin Charlotte; the is poffeffled of every valuable accomplishment both of body and of mind; is of a sweet disposition, and makes a graceful appearance. She very much resembles me, and has always borne a very great affection to me. She is the confident of her coufin Charlotte, and they are useful and affectionate companions to one another. I have good reason to think from what I observed myself, from what I learn from her own letters, and the accounts tranfmitted to me from Charlotte, that she has from her childhood known the holy scriptures, and that the faith which dwelt in her religious progenitors, also dwells in her. You will find a small bundle of her letters to me, with my anfwers, in my fcrutoire, which you may read after my decease. From these you will form an idea of the good sense and piety of this dear girl. She has had feveral suitors among the gentlemen of our country, none of whom were despisable; but her coufin C-b T-s, Esq; now an eminent merchant in, early gained her affections; and she will shortly be married to him, with the consent of her parents. The marriage has been poftponed,

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poned, in expectation of my return. As the is therefore on the eve of marriage with that worthy young gentleman, in whom I hope she will be very happy, I don't think it will be lost labour to suggest a few advices to her relative to the intended change of her condition." He accordingly wrote her the following letter.

To Miss T-s.

My dear SISTER,

Our name fignifies wisdom. O may you be
wise unto salvation. You ought never to
think of this name without reflecting on the per-
sonal Wisdom of God, the Lord Jefus Christ,
who lay in the bosom of the Father from eternity,
was a member and privy to all the glorious tranf-
actions of the counsel of peace, consented to
come into our world, affume human nature, ful-
fil all righteousness, and finish his obedience on
the cross, thereby to procure eternal redemption
for all whom he represented, as Second Adam, in
the covenant of grace. This he did, and exhi-
bited displays of the wisdom, love, and grace of
God, that will be matter of praise and admira-
tion to men and angels, in the house not made
with hands, eternal in the heavens. O let Sophia
begin to wonder at this surprising scene, as a pre-
lude to her joining with the ransomed race in the
fong of the Lamb. If you don't wonder now,
you will howl hereafter. But I hope you are e-
spoused as a chafte virgin to Christ, and have
learned to fing the fongs of Zion in this strange land.

I have already, in several letters, all of which you will fee, given a particular account of my debauched life for fome years paft, the merciful restraint laid upon my furious career to hell, and of my thorough converfion to God; so that it is unneceffary


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