صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

God hath done for my foul. But, my dear Gentlemen, I upbraid you not. I defire to bless the God of mercy, who has magnified his mercy above all his name, that he has glorified the exceeding riches of his grace in your salvation, and engaged you to ask the way to Zion with your faces thitherward, saying, Come and let us join ourselves to the Lord, in a perpetual covenant, that shall not be forgotten. I welcome you into the house of faith; I falute you as my brethren in Christ; and pray your fellowship may be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. I am obliged to you for this visit; and only wish I had strength to say to you all that is in my heart; but as I am very weak, and within a very few hours of death, I hope you will forgive me. Permit me, Gentlemen, only to say, Think much of your original guilt, that fatal inheritance tranfmitted to you from the first Adam, of your lost estate by nature, of your utter impotency to retrieve the ruins of the fall, your misery without Christ, the necessity of faith in him, and his mighty power to redeem you. Believe, that he is able and willing to save you; that he is suited to your case, bad as it is; and that it is your duty to receive and embrace him as a Saviour to each of you in particular, fubmitting to his righteoufness, as the fole requifite of your justification before God, and acceptance with him. Each of you receive him into your hearts by faith; and as ye have received him, so walk in him. Live in and upon the Lord Jesus; and never rest till each of you can say for himself, My Beloved is mine, and I am his; Behold, God is my salvation; My Lord, and my God. Express your gratitude to God for his amazing mercy to you, in saving you from fin and guilt, and from the wrath to come, by living to his glory, and devoting your future


future lives to his fervice. Let your faith work by love, and be careful to maintain good works. Abstain from all appearance of evil; let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel; and follow holiness, without which no man shall fee the Lord. Love the gospel, the cause, the name, the ordinances, and people of your exalted Redeemer. The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light, through the gospel. Contend earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints; and bear witness for Chrift, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wife God, be honour and glory, for ever and ever.. Amen!"

After a short pause, he said, " My dear brethren, I am unable to make you a long speech. I remember, that our glorious Redeemer, the night in which he was betrayed, before he went out into the garden with his disciples, fung an hymn. Will you then, my dear and Christian brethren, join with me in finging a hymn to our common God and Saviour; and Mr M- will effay, through grace, to offer up our joint fupplications and thanksgivings to the God of grace, hope, confolation, and glory, recommending us feverally to his care and keeping, as we will meet no more in this world, and this is the last night you will fee my face in the flesh." Accordingly we all joined with great joy and delight, and with an uncommon measure of the divine presence, in finging the following hymn.

Plung'd in a gulf of deep despair,
We wretched finners lay,


Without one cheerful beam of hope,
Or Spark of glimm'ring day.

With pitying eyes the Prince of grace
Beheld our helpless grief;
He faw, and (0 amazing love!)
He ran to our relief.

Down from the Shining seats above
With joyful haste he fled,
Enter'd the grave in mortal flesb,
And dwelt among the dead.

He Spoil'd the pow'rs of darkness thus,
And brake our iron chains ;

Jesus has freed our captive fouls
From everlasting pains.
In vain the baffled prince of hell
His cursed projects tries;
We that were doom'd his endless flaves,
Are rais'd above the skies.

Oh! for this love, let rocks and hills
Their lasting filence break,
And all harmonious human tongues
The Saviour's praises speak.
Yes, we will praise thee, dearest Lord,
Our fouls are all on flame ;
Hofannah round the spacious earth
To thine adored name.

Angels, afsist our mighty joys,
Strike all your harps of gold;
But when you raise your highest notes,
His love can ne'er be told.

Then we, in joyful unanimity, fung the fol

lowing fong of praise to the adorable Trinity.

Bless'd be the Father and his love,
To whose celestial fource we owe

X 2


Rivers of endless joy above,
And rills of comfort here below.

Glory to thee, great Son of God,
From whose dear wounded body rolls
A precious stream of vital blood,
Pardon and life for dying fouls.
We give thee, facred Spirit, praise,
Who, in our hearts of fin and wo,
Makes living springs of grace arife,
And into boundless glory flow.

Thus God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit we adore,
That sea of life and love unknown,
Without a bottom or a shore.

After this Mr M- knelt down, and with great enlargement of foul, readiness, fluency, faith, and confidence, prayed, making an ample confeffion of fin; craving pardon for all our hainous abominations through the blood of Chrift; defiring discoveries of the love and grace of God to be made daily to our fouls; petitioning for grace to live to the divine glory, and resist temptations; recommending us severally to the divine keeping and care; and remembering especially the cafe of the dying youth, that the Lord might sweeten the agonies of death to him, and breathe on his foul amidst the dissolution soon to take place, and receive his soul to glory; and concluding with praise and thanksgiving for the wonderful displays of grace in the salvation of so many criminal rebels and notorious offenders.

After prayer, Mr T-s, with a cheerful aspect, said, "Blessed be our God and Redeemer for fuch an happy and joyful meeting. Who would have imagined seven months ago, that nine or ten young perfons, who were running as


fast as they could to hell, in a course of the most horrid rebellion and treasonable hostility against the Majesty of heaven, and of the most heavendaring blafphemies and abominations, glorying in their shame, and exulting in their ignominy, would now have met, and joined in songs of praise, and the prayer of faith, to the despised and infulted Redeemer? Blessed be his glorious name for this glorious instance of the fovereignty, efficacy, and triumph of the grace of God in the falvation of so many proud finners. None after us need despair of divine mercy, be their sins ever so great, or ever so highly aggravated. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all fin; and where sin has abounded, grace hath much more abounded. We have obtained redemption through the blood of Jefus, even the forgiveness of our fins, according to the riches of his grace. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! O the love of God, it passeth understanding! Being justified by the blood of Christ, we shall be faved from wrath through him. For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more being reconciled, we shall be faved by his life. And not only so, but we alfo joy in God, through our Lord Jefus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. What then remains, my dear and respected Chrißian brethren, but that ye shew yourselves to be the children of God, the members of Christ, and the heirs of heaven, by being holy in all manner of conversation, and glorifying your Redeemer in a course of obedience to his word, his will, his government, his ordinances, and institutions. Be ye therefore, my beloved brethren, stedfast, unmoveable, always abound

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