ing in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. And may the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jefus. Amen! " Now, my brethren, retire to your rooms, and pray for yourselves and one another, and for me, that your God and my God may be with me in the hour of death, and grant me a blefssed and comfortable passage through that deep river, which each of you will cross in God's own time." Whereupon one of the gentlemen said, "Blefsed be God who hath called us by his grace, and revealed his Son in us; and blessed be his name for such a joyful instance of the communion of faints, and fuch an outpouring of the Spirit as I hope all of us have sweetly experienced on our fouls on this occasion. If communion with God, even in this valley of tears, be so sweet and ravishing; how delightful and transporting must it be in the upper sanctuary, to which you, dear Sir, are fast approaching, and to which we pray an abundant entrance may be administered to you, through Jesus Christ our Lord? Amen!" My dear friend then took each of them by the hand, wishing them farewell till they should meet in glory. Upon which they all departed, blessing and praifing God for his grace and mercy to them. Mr-, the young gentleman who spoke first when they came in, earnestly defired he might be permitted to return and fit up with Mr T-s, as he defired above all things to be present at his death. To which my friend consented, and then lay down on his bed, (having been held up all the time by me and another of the gentlemen), in order to meditate and pray. ! The The gentleman returned near nine in the evening. After he had fat down, Mr T-s, who had been quiet ever fince he went out, spoke to us as follows. " I have been meditating on the wonderful plan of salvation through the death of Christ, the glories of redeeming love and grace, and I have been lost in wonder, love, and praife. I have also been thinking on the glory and felicity of that happy world, which I have a near prospect of; and I long to be in that blessed region, with my adorable Redeemer, that I may proftrate myself at his throne, own myself the greatest finner among the ranfomed race, and ascribe all the glory of my falvation to my incarnate and exalted Lord. " Now, my dear friends, as my cough is quite gone, and I am quite easy in body, feeling no pain or trouble whatever, I will fall afleep exactly at ten, and fleep soundly till five in the morning of the Lord's day, when I shall awake, and will remove from my clay-tabernacle exactly at fix, I hope, ravished with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I therefore defire you will fing an hymn, and Mr-will pray; and then I shall take leave of you for this last night of my life. We accordingly, favoured by the divine prefence, fung the following hymn. : My thoughts furmount these lower Skies; There I behold, with sweet delight, : : His promise stands for ever firm, Light are the pains that nature brings; I would not be a stranger still : con Mr was prevailed on to pray, and was remarkably affisted in every part of the duty, and we were all greatly refreshed with the presence of God, and the manifestations of his bleffed face. My friend fell asleep exactly at ten, and had a very pleasant countenance all the night. Mr M went to bed for a while; and Mr and I continued awake, sometimes reading, and sometimes meditating. Mr M- waked at four, and rose. We then waited impatiently for five, when our worthy and beloved friend awaked, as he had foretold. He called us, and said, "Now, Gentlemen, mortality comes to an end. I shall sleep no more, hunger nor thirst, eat nor drink any more. My time is come, and the last sands in my glass are running. I must now bid adieu to all created comforts; to you, my dear friends, whose services and labours of love to me, I pray, may be rewarded of my gracious Lord, who will not let a cup of water given to one of his disciples pass unrewarded; to the blessed Bible, and all the good books, from which I received instruction and improvement; and to every visible object. I pray God, my dear friends, to be with you, where where-ever you are, and preferve you from all evil to his heavenly kingdom and glory; that he may shower down his best blessings on my honoured parents, my dear brothers and sisters, and my lovely cousin, and comfort them under my death; that he may enable them to live to his glory, that at last they may all die in the Lord; that the Lord may watch over my other companions, and enable them to perfevere in cleaving to Christ and his commandments; and that the glorious gospel of his grace may be propagated through the world, and all nations may yield fubjection to the Prince of the kings of the earth. - I have had a very pleasant night, having flept foundly, without the least pain or uneasiness, and at this moment nothing ails me. I have passed the night in a succession of agreeable dreams, the one half of which I have not time, nor dare I tell you. Suffice it to say, that I thought I died without figh or groan, or a wry face, full of the love of Christ, my adorable Redeemer, whose blessed and glorious face I shall see in a very little; that the angels received my unembodied spirit, and wafted me, wrapt up in love and wonder, to the mansions of love and glory, the blessed Paradise of God, which exceeded all imagination or description, and that I was presented as a trophy of victorious grace to the Lamb that fits upon the throne, and joined immediately in the fongs of the redeemed. But human language cannot con vey an idea of what I thought I saw and heard; neither dare I be more particular. Be exhorted, my friends, to seek salvation by the free grace of God in Jesus Christ, and to live by faith upon him, and you will be admitted to all the glory and felicity of the other world. As my time here is very short, let us, my dear friends, fing one one hymn more, and Mr. Nu will pray that the There is a house not made with hands, Shortly this prison of my clay 'Tis he, by his almighty grace, We walk by faith of joys to come, : After praise, I, as defired, was, I hope, enabled, by the afsistance of divine grace, to pour out my foul in prayer to the throne of grace suitable to such a moving and affecting occafion. In every part of this duty we were all sensibly filled with the Holy Spirit, and never enjoyed so much of the divine prefence before. When prayer was ended, the dying youth fat up |