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النشر الإلكتروني

most passionate moods, he secretly wished the might not comply with his importunate defires, as that would have infallibly ruined her; that he bleffed God, who had enabled her courageoufly to refift all his attempts; that confcience smiting him for what he had done, perceiving the grief his treatment occafioned to her, and finding he had a real love to her, he had proposed to make her his wife; that her refusal increased his opinion of her good fenfe and merit; and though his love to her continued most excessive, yet reason suggested to him the propriety of fubmitting to a delay of completing his happiness, till he was comfortably fettled. " And now," continued he,

"the long-wished-for time arrived, when, by the goodness of God, I became poffefsed of the moft lovely and virtuous woman as my lawful wife, and in her embraces have felt all the pleafures of the connubial state. I hope we shall continue to esteem and love one another most tenderly till the time appointed by God for our feparation shall come, which, with fubmiflion to his holy will, I wish may be at a late period; as I hope long to enjoy my amiable Mally, in whom I discover new beauties every day. A short time after this the accompanied her husband to his country-feat, and was received by all his friends and acquaintance with every mark of the most cordial affection and regard. Every

I had afterwards occafion to be intimately ac quainted with this lady, who is the most extraordinary perfon, for piety, judgment, and good sense, of any of her fex that I have known. I used to visit her frequently. She furnished me with materials for the third part of these Memoirs, in a series of anecdotes that will not be found inferiour to any related in these volumes. Happy is the man that findeth such a wife, for he is blessed of the Lord.

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body loves Mally, and some ladies of even noble rank have not thought it unbecoming their high station to visit this sensible woman, who is a real ornament to her sex.She continues to correspond with me, and entertains me with a recital of all her adventures, which afford great pleasure both to my dear Henry and me. I must inform you, that she hath already born two pretty children, who are the darlings of this agreeable couple. Her husband's love to her rather increases than diminishes; and it is his custom to make her a valuable present at every birth. Happy those who are so equally and affectionately matched. It will be worth your while, Sir, in your travels, to visit this incomparable woman, who, for sense and piety, as well as a graceful appearance, is inferiour to none of the most accomplished ladies in this country.

"Thus, Sir, I have fatisfied your curiofity, by giving a particular account of my own life, and that of the servant-maid who expressed so much regard to me. I am happy in a husband and children, and am poffefsed of every bleffing I can defire. My former studies are not without use even in my married state, as my dear Henry and his Fanny sometimes spend whole days in review. ing the beauties of a classical author, and examining the fubtilties and niceties of the arts and sciences that delighted us in our younger years. But our principal time has hitherto been, as I hope it ever will be, devoted to the business of religion, that having begun in the Spirit, we may not end in the flesh. We have a very large library, furnished with the best books in most languages, which afford us a noble entertainment; but the facred scriptures, approved expositions of them, with books in divinity and devotion, have the préference. And I must inform you, that as we

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were, for a number of years previous to our happy marriage, engaged in a mutual correfpondence by letters, so, for our improvement in knowledge and writing, we maintain the fame correfpondence still; which is chiefly confined to the resolution of cases of confcience, remarks on passages of scripture, illustrations of the fundamental doctrines of the gospel, and meditations on a variety of subjects. We generally each of us write an effay once a week on some subject, in the form of a letter to one another; which, after a full examination, I collect into a book, in the order they are written. We resolve to continue the practice, as it tends to our pleasure and profit. We are not much troubled with visitants, except our own relations, who are generally people of the fame disposition with ourselves. Thus our time passeth pleasantly away, in studies that tend to our spiritual improvement, and in preparation for the future state. Now, Sir, I will be obliged to you for an account of your friend till his death, and of your own adventures fince that period."


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In answer, I told this excellent lady, that I was greatly obliged to her for her entertaining narrative, and highly approved her manner of life, which would afford her and her happy husband much more rational pleasure and fatisfaction, than one spent in a perpetual circle of diversion, races, routs, vifits, and affemblies. I then gave her a particular account of my friend's behaviour from the time she saw him to his blessed death; and having the memoirs in my pocket, I read to her all his fpeeches, even that she had heard, his letters, dying behaviour, and the interview I had with his friends. The lady and her husband expressed the utmost pleasure at the narrative, faid they were highly edified by it, and pressed me to




publish it, as what might be very useful for promoting the interests of religion and virtue in this licentious age. As to my own adventures, I told her, they were by no means important; that, being of a weak constitution, it was my custom to travel in the fine season, and visit the noted towns. in the kingdom, where I had become acquainted with many good people of different denominations, with whom I corresponded, and picked up several remarkable anecdotes, which I would make a proper ufe of.

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Extracts from the epistolary correspondence of the female student, and her lover. Henry's account of the happy fate of a young country girl, that had been debauched and abandoned by her betrayer.


THis amiable łady, after tea, told me, that, with the permiffion of her husband, she would indulge me with a reading of the literary correspondence the held with him at the univerfity. "As," says the, "we both preserved our letters very carefully, I collected them, after our marriage, and copied them into a book, and we sometimes entertain ourselves with the perusal of them. Perhaps they will divert you, and you will find in them a few interesting anecdotes and hiftories, not unworthy of your notice, which you are welcome to add to your collection." This excellent family having fupped early, and worship being ended, I took leave of the gentleman and lady for that night, and retired to the apartment allotted to me, being curious to peruse the large volume given me. I read it till two in the morning; and having rifen about five, I had glanced the whole of it before breakfast. I. found



found in this volume of letters the warmest effufions of love and friendship, the fublimest strains of devotion, a string of excellent advices relating to the conduct of life and government of the paffions, sensible and judicious observations on the conduct of Providence, and several very very entertaining anecdotes. I shall first of all give a few extracts from the letters, and then select some of the most striking anecdotes; with which I shall conclude this second part of these memoirs.

The epithets Henry and Fanny give one another in these letters, indicate the great love they bore to one another; and the tranfcribing them might afford entertainment to some readers; but I must pass them.

Henry's first letter to Fanny after her arrival at the university, begins thus: "My honey, my love, I have been seized with a deep melancholy fince you left me; which disables me from profecuting my studies with that ardour I would incline. When I was blessed with your charming company, study was an agreeable amusement; but now it is become unpleasant. If I am so dull for the want of my dearest jewel for a few days only, how shall I bear your absence for two years and a half? Oh! that you would shorten the time, abridge the period you have fixed to your absence, and bless a loving husband with the company and conversation of his dear wife. I can have no other comfort during so killing an abfence, but in the exercises of religion. O, that my heart were weaned from you for a time, that I might bestow it upon the Chief among ten thousand, who hath written his love to my Fanny and me in characters of blood! O, to love him with all my heart! O, to have my affections centered upon him entirely, as the fole object of my highest love and most elevated affection!"



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