Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, المجلد 13The Society, 1886 Obituary notices are included in many of the volumes. |
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Amphitretus angles animal apparatus appears Ardlui arms Ben Nevis benzoylecgonin bifilar blastopore blue body bottom buccal membrane cells Cirroteuthis colour corona curve density depth dorsal edge electromotive force équations estuary experiments extends fathoms fibres Firth galvanometer give given groove hair head heat hectocotylus High water Hoyle hydrometer inches Inchgarvie Inchkeith inner knot layer length light liquid low water lymph mantle-opening margin mbugu means miles observations obtained outer oviduct ovum oxide oxygen paper papillæ Plate pressure Professor radius ring river round salinity salt samples seen side siphon solution species specimen spermatoblasts spermatocytes spermatogenesis spermatogonium spermatozoa Station suckers surface taken temperature theorem thermometer tide tion training walls tube Uganda umbrella unifilar urushic acid vaccine vapour ventral Waganda whole wool yellow zinc zinc iodide
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 137 - It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures.
الصفحة 144 - ... always taking place. Not only to cover their depredations, but to dispose of the earth excavated from the underground galleries, the termites are constantly transporting the deeper and exhausted soils to the surface. Thus there is, so to speak, a constant circulation of earth in the tropics, a ploughing and harrowing, not furrow by furrow and clod by clod, but pellet by pellet and grain by grain. Some idea of the extent to which the underlying earth of the tropical forests is thus brought to...
الصفحة 496 - ... that for the ordinary necessities of lighthouse illumination, mineral oil is the most suitable and economical illuminant, and that for salient headlands, important landfalls, and places where a very powerful light is required, electricity offers the greatest advantages.
الصفحة 142 - ... although this naturally varies with the soil, is usually a reddish brown. The quantity of earth and mud plastered over a single tree is often enormous ; and when one thinks that it is not only an isolated specimen here and there that is frescoed in this way, but often the whole of the trees of a forest, some idea will be formed of the magnitude of the operations of these insects and the extent of their influence upon the soil which they are thus ceaselessly transporting from underneath the ground....
الصفحة 146 - And in spite of the natural glue which cements the pellets of earth together, the structure, as a whole, after a little exposure, becomes extremely friable, and crumbles to pieces at a touch. When the earth-tubes crumble into dust in the summer season the debris is scattered over the country by the wind, and in this way tends to increase and refresh the soil. During the rains, again, it is washed into the rivulets and borne away to fertilise with new alluvium the distant valleys, or carried downward...
الصفحة 27 - The theory proposed is, that the solution of a salt in water is a consequence of the attraction of the molecules of water for a molecule of salt, exceeding the attraction of the molecules of salt for one another. It follows, then, that, as the number of dissolved salt molecules increases, the attraction of the dissimilar molecules is more and more balanced by the attraction of the similar molecules: when these two forces are in equilibrium, saturation takes place.
الصفحة 142 - ... finished the main excavation. When a fallen trunk lying upon the ground is the object of attack, the outer cylinder is frequently left quite intact, and it is only when one tries to drag it off to his camp-fire that he finds to his disgust that he is dealing with a mere hollow tube a few lines in thickness filled up with mud. But the works above ground represent only a part of the labours of these slow-moving but most industrious of creatures.
الصفحة 513 - ... angles, while the point of intersection makes one whole revolution ; that is, the rate of angular motion of the generating line is one-half of that of the point of intersection. The idea of making such a model was derived from the " onesided surfaces" exhibited by Professor Tait, formed by gumming together the ends of a strip of paper, after giving it half a turn about its axis. Such a strip has only one side and only one edge, or, perhaps more accurately, its two sides are continuous, and its...
الصفحة 901 - Prof. Joseph Le Conte in the instance of the Florida reefs. He then pointed out that since corals will not grow on muddy shores or in water upon the bottom of which sediment is collected, the favourable conditions can only be obtained at some distance from the shore, where a barrier-reef would ultimately be formed limited on one side by the muddiness and on the other by the depth of the -water.
الصفحة 785 - ... were presented as follows : — To Mr. John Aitken (Darroch), the Keith Prize for 1883-85, for his paper on the formation of small clear spaces in dusty air, and for previous papers on atmospheric phenomena; to Edward Sang, LL.