صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

guay, and the isles nearest to the county. Populac tion 17,820. 0282 cousinqol -L'ACADIE comprehends the seigniories of Lacolle and De Lery, and the township of Sherrington, also the lands nearest to the county. Population 11,790.

BEAUHARNOIS-comprises the seigniory of Beauharnois, and the townships of Hemmingford, Hinchinbrook, and Godmanchester, and the Indian lands thereof, to St. Regis, on the boundary of the province. Population/15,430.7 Phá d

VAUDREUIL- comprises the seigniories of Vaudreuil, Rigaud, Soulanges, and New Longueuil, and the township of Newton. Population 14,110.

OTTAWA-comprises the seigniory of La Petite Nation, and the townships of Lochaber and augmentations, Buckingham, Templeton, Hull, Eardly, Onslow, and all the townships on the north of the Ottawa. Population 4850.

TWO MOUNTAINS - comprises the seigniories of Rivière du Chêne, Lake of the Two Mountains and augmentation, Argenteuil, the townships of Chatham, Grenville, and Wentworth, Hamington, Arundel, and Howard, the parishes of St. Eustache, St. Benôit, Ste. Scholastique, Lake of the Two Mountains, and Isle Bizarre. Population 19,740.9t is bes

TERREBONNE - comprehends the seigniories of Isle Jesus, Terrebonne and augmentation, Des Plaines, Blainville, part of Mille Isles and augmentation, and the township of Abercrombie. Population 17,970.000 to viodontb 4 Par edir

LACHENAIE - comprehends the parishes of Lachenaie, Mascouche, and St. Roch, and townships of Kilkenny and Wexford. Population 16,127.

L'ASSOMPTION - comprehends the parishes of St. Sulpice, comprising Isle Bouchard, Repentigny, L'Assomption, and St. Jacques, and townships of Rawdon and Chertsey. Population 11,125.

MONTREAL - comprehending the seigniory of Montreal. Population 42,760.

BERTHIER - comprises the seigniories of Berthier and augmentation, Du Sable or York, part of Masquinongé, Fief Chicot, Lanoraye, Dautray and augmentations, Lavaltrie and augmentation, Daillebout and De Ramsay, part of Lanaudière, and the townships of Brandon, Kildare, and the islands of St. Ignace and Du Pas. Population 19,220.1

ST. MAURICE - comprises the seigniories of St. Marguerite, St. Maurice, Point du Lac, Gatineau, Yamachiche, Rivière du Loup, Grand Pré, Fief St. Jean and its augmentation, Masquinongé, Carufel, and part of Lanaudière. Population 16,170.

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CHAMPLAIN - comprises the seigniories of St. Anne and augmentation, St. Marie, Batiscan, Champlain, Cap de la Madeleine, and all the islands nearest the said county. Population 8160.

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PORTNEUF - Comprises the seigniories of Guadarville, Fossambault, Augustin, Guillaume Bonhomme, Pointe aux Trembles, Bourg-Louis, Belair and augmentation, Dauteuil, Jacques Cartier, Portneuf, Perthuis, Deschambault, Lachevrotière, La Tesserie, Francheville, Grondines and augmentation. Popu lation 17,200.

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QUEBEC - comprises the seigniories of Beauport, Notre Dame des Anges, Dorsainville, Lépinay, Fief St. Ignace, Fief Hubert, Sillery, and St. Gabriel, the townships of Stoneham and Tewkesbury, and the parishes of Beauport, Charlesbourg, St. Ambroise,

Jeune Lorette, part of Ancienne Lorette, St. Foi, and of Quebec. Population 32,640.

MONTMORENCY - comprehending the parishes of St. Féréol, St. Joachim, St. Anne, Chateau Richer, and L'Ange Gardien. Population 4210.

SAGUENAY - Comprises part of the seigniory of Beaupré, Gouffre, Eboulements, Murray Bay, and Mount Murray, and the township of Settington. Population 9225.

ORLEANS - comprehending the whole of the island of that name. Population 4870.


The first Provincial Parliament, elected agreeably to the new scale of representation, assembled in December, 1830.

The office of the Governor of Canada is both civil and military, and he is Captain-General of all British America. There is also a lieutenant-governor, who, in the absence of the governor-general, succeeds to the administration, and, in the absence of both, the President of the Executive Council, which represents the Privy Council in England, administers the go


The Legislative Council, representing the Lords, and the House of Assembly, now consisting of eighty-four members, representing the Commons, form the Provincial Parliament of Canada. Bills passed by both Houses become laws when assented to by the governor or his representative. Some bills require to be sent to his Majesty for the royal allowance. Acts of the Provincial Parliament, which repeal or annul such laws and customs as were formerly established respecting tithes, or laws respecting the appropriation of land for the support of Protestant clergymen; the right of the clergy to recover dues to ecclesiastics; the constituting and endowing of parsonages and rectories; the right of presentation to the same ; and the establishment and discipline of the Church of England, are to be laid before the Imperial Parliament, before receiving the royal allowance. The Provincial Parliament has the exclusive right of raising a revenue for the expenses and exigencies of the colony....

The members of the Legislative Council must be natural-born subjects; or they must be naturalised according to act of Parliament. Their appointment is for life, unless they be at one time five years absent from the province. The members of the House of Assembly for the counties, are elected by those who possess landed property of the clear yearly value of forty shillings; and for the towns, by five-pound freeholders, or 10l. annual-rent payers: clergymen are not eligible: men of all religions, by the constitution, are tolerated to sit. About thirty years ago, Mr. Hart, a Jew, was elected to represent Three Rivers; but the House of Assembly expelled him on account of his religion, agreeably to the opinion of the crown lawyers, and not, as is supposed, through the bigotry of the Catholic members, as often stated. He was reelected, and again expelled, in accordance with the opinion given during the previous Parliament by the first crown lawyers and the judges of the province, who were then members of the House of Assembly.

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In the Supreme Court of King's Bench, all civil matters over 10l. sterling, except those of admiralty jurisdiction, and all criminal offences, are adjudicatedondon 19 مار

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The province is divided into the superior districts of Quebec, Montreal, and Three Rivers, and the inferior districts of Gaspe and St. Francis. In the Court of King's Bench at Quebec, and also at Montreal, a chief justice and three puisne judges preside. 1. In the court at Three Rivers the several judges of the court of King's Bench for the districts of Quebec and Montreal preside, and take precedence according to the date of their respective commissions. The judge of the district also sits in this court; but on hearing criminal matters, the chief justice of the province or the chief justice of Montreal must preside. Inferior courts, in which a judge of the King's Bench presides, are also held in each of the districts, for deciding causes not exceeding 10l.

The provincial court for Gaspè has, however, cognisance of all matters not exceeding 100l.; appeals from its decision may be made to the court at Quebec.

The provincial court for the district of St. Francis

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