COAST OF THE BAY OF FUNDY. - PASSAMAQUODDY BAY, AND 1 ISLANDS. - GRAND MANAN. - CAMPOBELLO. - DEER ISLAND. - AMERICAN FRONTIER. - EASTPORT AND ROBINSTOWN. TOWN OF ST. ANDREW. - ST. STEPHEN'S. - RIVERS ST. CROIX AND SCHOODIE. - DIGDAQUASH. - MAGAQUADAVIC. - L'ETANG - LE PREAUX. - MUSQUASH. - QUACO. CHEPODY. - PETIT COUDIAC. GREAT MEMRAMCOOK. WESTMORELAND. ROADS. - INTERIOR SETTLEMENTS, ETC. THE bay of Passamaquoddy separates the sea-coast of New Brunswick from that of the state of Maine. This magnificent and beautiful inlet is studded with numerous islands, some of which are richly wooded, and afford soil of fair quality, and most of them have convenient advantages for fishing. Grand Manan, which lies at the entrance of the bay of Fundy, is about thirty-five miles from Brier Island, on the coast of Nova Scotia, and from eight to nine miles from the shores of Maine. Its length is about fourteen miles, and its breath six or seven. It is chiefly covered with trees, growing on a soil of tolerable fertility, 4000 to 5000 acres of which are under fair cultivation. A great portion of the remaining surface is occupied by heaths, and seven small lakes or ponds. The population, about 800, consists principally of families whose parents or themselves removed from the United States, and whose habits and manners resemble very much those of the inhabitants of the neighbouring state of Maine. They have often been considered as particularly au fait at scheming and over-reaching; but I think the reputation of the multitude has been too severely charged with all the villainy of some daring adventurers. The situation of the island certainly offers all that could be desired, either for a school or rendezvous for smugglers; and the late American tariff offers temptations to evade revenue laws, and to despise the vigilance of revenue cruisers, of which they take the full benefit. It forms a parish, and has an Episcopal church. Ship-building, fishing, and agriculture, as well as interchanging commodities, either by open or illicit means, are each followed by the inhabitants, in their turn. The dangerous ledges and rocks that abound round Grand Manan, particularly on the south and south-east; its perpendicular rocky cliffs, in some places 600 feet high; its position, at the entrance of the bay of Fundy, with the violence of the tides, and the fogs which prevail, when the winds blow from the Atlantic, render this island at all seasons the dread of mariners. A lighthouse, as projected by the late Mr. Lockwood, surveyor-general of the province, on Gannet Rock, and an efficient light on Brier Island, in place of the beggarly one now on it, are objects that should seriously engage the consideration of the respective legislatures of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.* On Quoddy-head, the Americans have a * On my passage to New Brunswick, in 1828, we approached the Bay of Fundy, on a remarkably fine evening in September. At sunset, we saw the high lands of Mount Desert to the west. The wind was fair, yet the master, an experienced and very able seaman, seemed unusually anxious and watchful in shaping his course, so as to be at a safe distance from the ledges of Manan and those good lighthouse, which renders the passage between it and Grand Manan comparatively safe. Campobello Island, which is about ten miles long, lies within the Bay of Passamaquoddy; and a narrow deep channel separates it from Maine, in the United States. Its harbour is safe, and conveniently situated, and by many considered far superior to St. Andrew's for a free port, more particularly for transshipping gypsum, or plaster of Paris, from British to American vessels. No place can possibly be better calculated for smuggling; and many of the inhabitants here, and on the opposite coast, may be considered sufficiently vigilant and daring in carrying on a successful illicit trade, to rival even the far-famed "Dirk Hatteraick." There are many other islands within this bay, of which Deer Island is the largest; some of which are cultivated, and nearly all have convenient places for fishing establishments. In no part of America, north of New York, can vessels, during the severity of winter, proceed without being obstructed by ice, so far from the ocean, as up Passamaquoddy Bay and the River St. Croix. This is important, particularly to vessels which, load with timber during winter for the West Indies. of Brier Island. The tide, however, baffled all his attention and reckoning; and when we thought we had passed both, we were suddenly alarmed by land appearing close a-head, and to leeward of us, which proved to be the coast of Nova Scotia, between Cape St. Mary's and Cape Forchu; and on sounding, we found ourselves passing over a ledge in three fathoms water. Had it been foggy, we should soon have been on the rocks. The light-house on Brier Island has lately been greatly improved. On a point of low land at the mouth of the St. Croix, and in front of a hilly ridge, stands the town of St. Andrew. Its houses are respectable in size and appearance; and it has two principal streets, which are crossed by several others; a population of about three thousand; an Episcopal church; and a handsome Scotch kirk, built at the expense of a resident merchant, Mr. Scott, and gratuitously presented by him to the members of the Church of Scotland. It has also its government school, courthouse, jail, printing establishment, weekly newspaper, commercial bank, savings' bank, emigrant and agricultural society, Bible society, &c. The site of the town is pretty, and the prospect from it, embracing the spacious Bay of Passamaquoddy, and a distant view of the islands, the coast of Maine, and the lands to the eastward, is truly grand and picturesque; yet, in more than one respect, objections to its situation are very apparent. The harbour is by no means a good one for large vessels, which can only enter it at full tide, while they have to lie aground within it nearly twelve hours out of twenty-four, and a bar and ledge render its entrance dangerous to strangers. The principal article of export, lumber, has also to be rafted at great expense to it down from the Rivers St. Croix and Schoodic, and from Magaquadavic. It is, however, a thriving place, and carries forward a brisk trade in exporting square timber, deals, and staves. Ship-building has also been a source of adventurous rather than profitable enterprise, in which the inhabitants of St. Andrew and its neighbourhood have for some time been extensively engaged. Proceeding twelve miles further up the St. Croix, near that part of the river called the ledge, its navi gation for large vessels is interrupted; but here they can load near St. Stephen's in safety, and this appears, in many respects, the very place where the principal town on the river should be built. A few miles above St. Stephen's, the St. Croix divides into two main branches; that leading to the westward, called the River Schoodic, penetrates the state of Maine, and receives the waters of an extensive chain of lakes. The other, or the St. Croix, stretching far to the north and north-west, receives also the waters of several streams and lakes; and flows through a fertile country covered with lofty forests, but its navigation is often interrupted by rapids and cataracts. There are numerous saw-mills on these rivers, and the annual average quantity of lumber sawed by the whole is estimated at twenty-two millions of feet. On the Digdaquash, a few miles east of St. Andrew, there are also several saw-mills. The river Magaquadavic, or, as it is usually pronounced, Macadavick, falls into the bay about ten miles east of St. Andrew, and carries down the waters it receives from numerous streams and lakes, along a course of more than sixty miles through the province. Its resources are great, having extensive fertile lands and excellent timber on its banks. Its navigation is, however, interrupted near its mouth by high falls; and numerous cataracts and rapids occur in its course; but still a vast quantity of timber is rafted down to the harbour. There are several other settlements along the coast, between Passamaquoddy and St. John, among which L'Etang, Beaver Harbour, Le Preaux, and Musquash, are the principal, and at each of which shipbuilding, hewing timber, fishing, and a little agricul |