Masts do. 393 Fisher do. 151 Vessels, 201; tons, 53,163; men, 2,360. pieces 2 Handspikes pieces 1,384 Staves and heading, Pipe and puncheon pieces 2,000 heading pieces 4,000 Vessels, 21; tons, 1,848; men, 159. Pine timber pieces 643 Deals Deal ends Staves Lathwood Cod-fish Salmon bbls. 31 Total, inwards;-ships, 1111; tons, 267,641; men, 13,776. Total, outwards;-ships, 1101; tons, 275,775; men, 12,586. Of the latter, were built this year, registering 3,386 tons, and 20 of the vessels entered chiefly schooners belonging to the province in Canada. |