those of very strong wing, seldom escape; some, particularly the partridge, become stupified; and the density of the smoke, the rapid velocity of the flames, and the violence of the winds, effectually prevent the flight of most others. If the benevolence and charity of mankind were ever manifested in a more than common degree of feeling for the sufferings of unfortunate people, it was assuredly on this memorable occasion. No sooner did accounts of the calamity arrive in the neighbouring colonies, than clothing and provisions were collected and sent, with the utmost expedition, to ameliorate the distress of the sufferers; and the governor, Sir Howard Douglas, crossed the country, without any delay, to ascertain personally the extent of the calamity. Subscriptions, for the relief of all those subjected to want, were raised, to an amount hitherto unexampled in Great Britain, in the United States, and in all the British Colonies; and the funds placed for distribution under the management of Sir Howard, and a committee appointed for the purpose in the province. Two hundred pounds, which remained in the hands of the committee at Liverpool, was afterwards appropriated in aid of a school at the scene of the calamity. Miramichi may now be said to have completely surmounted the misery and loss occasioned by the ravages of so terrible a visitation. Newcastle has not only arisen from its ashes, but contains as many and much better houses, and as great a population, as formerly. The country laid waste by the insatiate element, is of much less value, it is true, when.compared with its former worth. The majestic timber trees, which acquired their gigantic size by many ages of growth, have been destroyed, and a smaller species, originally common to sterile soils, and scarcely ever fit for the timber of commerce, have sprung up in their room. I have often heard it maintained in England, by people unacquainted with America, that the lands must become much more valuable by being cleared, of the woods by fire, as immense labour and expense in clearing the forest-lands would consequently be saved. No opinion can be more erroneous. Settlers, who understand the value of wilderness lands, always choose those covered with the heaviest trees, of promiscuous kinds; and the strongest objection that can be made to a plot of land is, its having been previously subjected to fire, which kills and hardens the standing trees, and leads to the exhaustion of fertility in the soil, by its producing afterwards two or three tall crops of weeds, which require as much nourishment as the same number of corn crops would. From the nature of those plants, very little. of the sustenance drawn by them from the groundis again returned to it, as they wither, standing, into dry hollow stalks; and their juices, escaping gradually by exhalation, and mixing with the surrounding atmosphere, are carried off by the winds. If the burnt lands, as they are termed, were, immediately after being overrun by fire, brought under cultivation, they would then be of exactly the same value as those cleared in the usual way; but even in this case they are objected to, as the great fires scour over the surface with such rapidity, that the trunks of the large trees are only very partially destroyed, and scarcely ever levelled; while, by losing their sap, they soon become much harder, and more difficult to cut, than green wood; and, by being all charred on the outside, exceedingly disagreeable to work among. The clearing and cultivating of ground on which the trees are all in a fresh growing state is, therefore, preferred to that which has been subjected to fire; which seldom consumes effectually more than the underwood, decayed fragments, and the branches of the large trees. The great business of Miramichi is the timber trade. Scarcely any other branch of trade is attempted; yet vast quantities of fish might be brought in from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, which, with the salmon caught in the river, would form portions of assorted cargoes with lumber for the West Indies. This business has lately been partially prosecuted. In 1824, 141,384 tons of square timber were exported from Miramichi to ports in the United Kingdom, in nearly three hundred ships; and, although a depression occurred in 1826, the trade has since then been extensively followed. About 350 cargoes were shipped in 1832. The cod and herring fisheries are also increasing: assorted cargoes are shipped to the West Indies, and various kinds of prepared lumber exported to Halifax and Newfoundland. The principal articles of provisions, and all others of general consumption, are still imported, to supply the wants of the settlers and lumberers. When the interior country, watered by the branches of this river, becomes tolerably well settled by farmers, the importation of provisions must, from want of demand, necessarily cease. The fixed property, in sawmills on this river and its tributaries, is of important value. The To the southward of Miramichi, New Brunswick extends about seventy-five miles, along the strait of Northumberland, to Cape Tormentine. On this coast are the harbours of Richibuctu, Buctush, Cocaigne, Chediac, and the harbour of Chemogui for small vessels. Several rivers also occur in this district. soil is generally fertile; but the lands are very thinly inhabited, although many thousands of settlers might be located on the vacant lands lying between the sea and the Rivers St. John and Petit Coudiac. * The few roads opened as late as 1827 were then bad beyond the powers of description. Since then the energy of Sir Howard Douglas, with the co-operation of the legislature, have improved them greatly. Richibuctu harbour has a bar across the entrance; but, at high water, ships drawing sixteen feet may pass safely over it. Within the last few years, vast quantities of timber have been exported from this place; and several fine ships have been built here. It has six or seven mercantile establishments, a custom-house, and a government school. Its river, dividing into several streams, flows through an extensive country. It is navigable for several miles; and many of the settlers are Acadian French, who live in a village near the entrance of the harbour. It has a chapel and school. The timber business, hitherto, has been chiefly attended to, as affording the most ready means of living; but agriculture, long considered of minor importance, now also engages the attention of the settlers. The town or rather village called Liverpool, four miles up the river, stands on the north bank. It has a court-house, gaol, and postoffice, and about fifty dwelling-houses. There is a Presbyterian church in the settlement above the town; and on the opposite side of the river, two miles below, there is a ship-yard near the customhouse. * An extensive tract was laid out, in 1826, under Col. Cockburn's direction, with the intention of settling it with emigrants to be sent out by Government. The plan contemplated having been abandoned, this fine portion of the province is still neglected. It is generally called Colonel Cockburn's Cabbage Garden. Buctush is also a bar-harbour, and a port from which timber is exported. Several families of Acadian French are settled at this place. Cocaigne lies to the southward of Buctush. Its entrance is very intricate; but ships of three hundred tons may load within the bar. Several cargoes of timber have been exported from this place, and a few ships have also been built here. It receives a fine river, but the population is yet trifling. Chediac River is shallow at the entrance; and the inhabitants divide their labour between hewing timber and a little farming. Chemogui River has also a shallow entrance; but the lands are under tolerable cultivation, and agriculture and rearing cattle occupy the principal attention of the inhabitants. Between Chemogui and Cape Tormentine there are many extensive and well-cultivated farms. The soil resembles that of Prince Edward Island, immediately opposite; and here the distance across the strait is not quite ten miles. From Miramichi, north to Point Miscou, at the entrance of the Bay de Chaleur, the distance is about seventy miles. The sea-coast, and back lands of this part of the province are very low; and the shore is nearly altogether fringed with sandy ridges, or small islands, producing bent-grass. Within these are la |