Beaver, fossils of, 56 42, 147 of orchids by, 147 Belt's frog, 135 Bird of Paradise, epigamic color- Birds, epigamic coloration in, 141 Cervus dicrocerus, 94 Cinnabar moth, caterpillar of, 135 Clover, fertilisation of by bees, 42, 147 Cochin fowl, 34 Cockroach, development of, 105 Colours of animals and plants, 116 Columba livia, 29 palæontology, 91 Conger-eel, number of eggs laid Copepoda, degeneration in, 161 of, 88, 90 adventitious colouring in, 132 "Cross- and self-fertilisation in Plants, 217 Crossing of pigeons by Darwin, 30 fossils of, 61, 65 variation in, 44 Birds and reptiles, relation be- tween, 180 Bison, fossils of, 56 Blastula stage in Amphioxus, 112 Brachyura, affinities of, 89 Buffon, 5 Buff-tip moth, protective resem- blance in, 129 caterpillar of, 136 Burnet moth, caterpillar of, 136 Butterflies, epigamic coloration in, 141 mimicry in, 137 protective colouring in, 127 warning colours of, 134 CABBAGE, varieties of, 46 Calamites, 57 Camelus, geographical distribu- tion of, 71 Canaries, change of colour in, 121 Catastrophism, doctrine of, 10 Cave animals, change of colour in, 120 degeneration in, 161 Cave bear, fossils of, 56 Cephalopoda, development of eye in, 107, 110 Ceratodus, 167, 177 Crustacea, fossils of, 60 of, 56 Cuckoo, mimicry in, 140 Dactylopterus, 169 134, 137 Darwin, Charles, 20 family history of, 201 method of work, 223 personal characteristics, 224 Darwin, Erasmus, 202 Deer, antlers of, 93 colour of, 124 Degeneration, 159 Descent of man, 193 "Descent of man," 215 Emperor moth, epigamic colora- Environment, action of on colour, 119 influence of, 49 Eohippus, 67, 69 Epigamic coloration, 122, 141 Ermine, colour of, 124 Eurypterus, 57 Evolution, doctrine of, 19 history of, 1-24 Exocatus, 169 Design and forethought, evidence "Expression of the Emotions," 215 Hippopotamus, fossils of, 56 feet of, compared with man, 67 Hutton, 15 76, 194, 202, 215, 223 Hymenopus bicornis, 132 between past and present ani- Megalopa stage of crab, 90 Lion, aggressive resemblance in, Mephitis mephitica, 134 mals, 154 Megatherium, 207 Linnæus, 2 Menobranchus, 168 131 Merycotherium, 74 fossils of, 56 Mesohippus, 67, 69 Mimicry, conditions of, 140 examples of, 137 Miohippus, 67 "Missing Links," 152 Mollusca, evolution of eyes in, 107 Lobster, affinities of, 88 Loligo, eye of, 107, 110 Lophius piscatorius, 131 MACRURAN ancestry of crabs, 89 Magpie moth, caterpillar of, 135 Malapterurus, 170 fossils of, 60 Monad, 112 Malthus, essay on population, 196, Monotremata, 183; eggs of, 185 210, 212 Mammalia, 182 eggs of, 185 Morula stage in Amphioxus, 112 Mosasaurus, 57 Mule, 153 234 219 Prawn, development of, 81 Primary period, 57 Procervulus, 94 Primula, dimorphic forms of, 217 PALEONTOLOGY, 53 Palæozoic period, 57 Paludina, fossil forms of, 67 Parasites, degeneration in, 83, 84, Proechidna, 184 Pandorina, 113 Papilio merope, 139 96, 160 Paris controversy, 14 Protective resemblances, 122, 123, 130 |