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the Publication till now; if perchance some few may even now be at leisure to peruse them..

I need not acquaint the Reader, that in the whole Controversy concerning the Everblessed Trinity, the principal Point, and that which has been the most largely and warmly debated, is the Divinity of the Son or Second Person. Upon this therefore I have Spent the greater Part of my Discourse, wherein I have carefully answered all Objections; and particularly the Learned will be perhaps not displeased with the Pains I have taken in establishing, what our Greatest Divines do generally either suppose or affert, thơ they have been over Sparing in the Proof of it; 1 mean the Quiescence of the WORD during our Savior's Ministry.

Of what Consequence this Notion is, 'tis impobssile for the most negligent not to perceive. It enables us clearly to account for our Savior's not knowing the Day. of Judgment, which has hitherto been esteemed the great Difficulty: and it gives such a Turn to the whole Dispute, that I can't but wonder, how those Divines, who have been neceffitated to shelter themfelves under it, and have therefore so frequently Suggested and proposed it; should not difcern, or at Least so imperfectly display, that Evidence of it, which the Holy Scriptures afford us. I dare affirm, that whosoever impartially confiders what I have offered (and truly I thought my self obliged to enLarge pretty freely on a Matter of Such Importance, especially when it has been too much neglected by others) will readily embrace a Truth, which is fo manifest

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manifestly useful in the Demonstration of our bleffed Lord's Divinity...

There is one thing, which (in the Opinion of fome Persons) may possibly need an Apology. I have taken the Liberty of maintaining the Preexistence of our Savior's Human Soul; not because I am in the least inclined to favor the Preexistence of other Souls; but because the Holy Scriptures, I humbly conceive, do warrant that Position. I promise my self, that the Reader will candidly weigh what I have advanced concerning that Tenet. I affure him, I have no particular Fondness for it, notwithstanding it has been, and still is, maintained by Great Divines. I can't but think it the most rational Way of interpreting diverse Texts of Scripture: but if any one will shew me, how to interpret those Text's without admitting that Doctrine, I shall readily become his Convert. This I am sure of, the Confubftantial Divinity of our Lord is so plainly taught in Scripture, that I would admit any Hypothesis, provided it were barely possible, rather than deny it: and if those Texts can be explained so, as not to injure that great Truth; the Author of fuck Explica.ion shall find me, not his Adverfary, but truly thankful, for imparting fuch valuable secrets to me.

As I have been follicitous to obviate all Objections ; So have I been designedly brief in the positive Part: concerning which, as I am perfuaded 1 have said enough; so I was unwilling to say more than was indifpenfably necessary. 'Twill not be expected there.


fore, that I should heap up all those Arguments, which have been urged by former Writers; or that 1 should insist upon all those Texts, wherein the Same Doctrin is contained.

This Method I have purposely chosen, that I might not expose the Doctor and my self to infinit Wranglings, which do rather obscure, than confirm, the most important Truths, with respect to the Generality of People; who are rather confounded, than inStructed, by a Multiplicity of Reasonings, guarded against numberless Exceptions, thro the whole Course of which 'tis difficult for those who have not very strong Heads, to see every Consequence clearly, and upon the Whole to form an exact Judgment.

I have therefore proceeded in fuch a Manner, and Selected fuch Topics, as will (I hope, thro God's Assistance) not perplex the meanest, but yet convince, the best Understandings; such as will not embarrass any, but yet fatisfy every Reader.

Briefly, if those Arguments which I have pitched apon, be conclusive; the Cause will not fuffer for want of others to accompany them: and if those Arguments are not conclusive, I must for my self confess, that I know of none which have more Force in


Octob. 23. 1717.


BOOKS Written by the Reverend Dr. Bennet, Vicar of St. Giles's Cripplegate, and Sold by W. Innys at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard.


N Abridgment of the London Cases. The Fifth Edition.
A Confutation of Popery, in Three Parts. The Fourth


Devotions: viz. Confessions, Petitions, Intercessions and Thanksgivings, for every Day in the Week: and also Before, At, and After the Sacrament; with Occasional Prayers for all Persons whatsoever.

A Difcourse of Schifm. The Fourth Edition.

A Defence of the Discourse of Schifm. The Fourth Edition. An Answer to Mr. Shepherd's Confiderations on the Defence of the Discourse of Schifm. The Fourth Edition.

A Confutation of Quakerism. The Second Edition.

A Difcourse of the Necessity of being Baptiz'd with Water, and receiving the Lord's Supper; taken out of the Confutation of Quakerism. Price 3 d. or 20 s. a Ico.

A brief History of the joint Use of precomposed set Forms of Prayer. The Second Edition.

A Discourse of joint Prayer. The Second Edition.

A Paraphrafe with Annotations upon the Book of Commen Prayer, wherein the Text is explain'd, Objections are answer'd, and Advice is humbly offer'd both to the Clergy and the Layety, for promoting true Devotion in the Use of it. The Second Edition.

Charity Schools recommended in a Sermon preach'd at St. James's Church in Colchester, on Sunday March 26. 1710. Published at the Request of the Trustees. The Second Edition. Pr. 1 d. A Letter to Mr. B. Robinson, occasion'd by his Review of the Case of Liturgies and their Imposition.

A second Letter to Mr. B. Robinson on the same Subject. The Rights of the Clergy of the Christian Church. Directions for studying, I. A general System or Body of Divinity. II. The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion. To which is added, St. Jerom's Epistle to Nepotianus. The Second Edition. An Essay on the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion. The Nonjurors Separation from the Public Assemblys of the Church of England examin'd, and prov'd to be Schifmatical upon their own Principles. The Second Edition.

The Cafe of the Reform'd Episcopal Churches in Great Poland and Polish Pruffia consider'd, in a Sermon preach'd on Sunday Νου. 18. 1716. at St. Laurence Jewry, London, in the Morning, and St. Olave's Southwark, in the Afternoon. The Second Edition.

A Spittal Sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. of London, in St. Bridget's Church, on April 24. 1717.

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