Agnosticism: Sermons Preached in St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens, 1883-4

الغلاف الأمامي
W. Blackwood, 1887 - 308 من الصفحات

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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 13 - Sixth Edition. 6d. Employment of Women in the Public Service. 6d. Some of the Advantages of Easily Accessible Reading and Recreation Rooms and Free Libraries.
الصفحة 247 - Two loves I have of comfort and despair, Which like two spirits do suggest me still : The better angel is a man right fair, The worser spirit a woman colour'd ill. To win me soon to hell, my female evil Tempteth my better angel from my side, And would corrupt my saint to be a devil, Wooing his purity with her foul pride.
الصفحة 15 - NICHOLSON. A Manual of Zoology, for the Use of Students. With a General Introduction on the Principles of Zoology. By HENRY ALLEYNE NICHOLSON, MD, D.Sc., FLS, FGS, Regius Professor of Natural History in the University of Aberdeen.
الصفحة 3 - BLACKIE, Lays and Legends of Ancient Greece. By JOHN STUART BLACKIE, Emeritus Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 5s. The Wisdom of Goethe.
الصفحة 4 - From Agricola's Invasion to the Extinction of the last Jacobite Insurrection. By JOHN HILL BURTON, DCL, Historiographer-Royal for Scotland. New and Enlarged Edition. 8 vols., and Index. Crown 8vo, £3, 3s. History of the British Empire during the Reign of Queen Anne.
الصفحة 9 - Memoir of Sir William Hamilton, Bart., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in the University of Edinburgh. By Professor VEITCH of the University of Glasgow. 8vo, with Portrait, 18s.
الصفحة 4 - Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. BUTE. The Roman Breviary : Reformed by Order of the Holy (Ecumenical Council of Trent; Published by Order of Pope St Pius V.; and Revised by Clement VIII. and Urban VIII.; together with the Offices since granted. Translated out of Latin into English by JOHN, Marquess of Bute, KT In 2 vols, crown 8vo.
الصفحة 7 - FERRIER. Philosophical Works of the late James F. Ferrier, BA Oxon. , Professor of Moral Philosophy and Political Economy, St Andrews. New Edition. Edited by Sir ALEX. GRANT, Bart., DCL, and Professor LUSHINOTON.
الصفحة 20 - The Confessions of a Thug,' &c. &c. Edited by his Daughter. New and cheaper Edition, being the Fourth. Crown 8vo, 6s.
الصفحة 308 - Personality. The Beginning and End of Metaphysics, and a Necessary Assumption in all Positive Philosophy. Fifth Ed., Revised. Cr. 8vo, 3s. Agnosticism. Fourth Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo, 5s. Preaching and Hearing ; and other Sermons. Fourth Edition, Enlarged.

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