صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

All: See 'Possibly All.' 'All'




Quantity-mark: 48 (ftn.), 152-160,
162, 164, 168, 241-243 (see 'Categorical
Judgment,' 'Collective Meaning,'
'Conjunctive use
tive Meaning '). 'All A's are either
Bor C': 132. 'All Pis S': 130,
160. 'All S is all P': 159 (see
'U. .'). 'All S is-not P': 242.
'All S is P': 130, 160. 'All Sis
some P': 159. 'All (the) S's are
all (the) P's': 149, 153, 158, 182, 198
(see 'U...'). 'All S's are-not
P's': 147, 149, 164. 'All (the) S's
are P's': 147, 149, 153, 159, 162,
166, 239. All 'S's are some P's':
149, 158.

Alphabetical Key: 65, 66.

Alternative Clauses: 112 (see 'Dis-
junctive Judgment'). A. Deter-
minations or Possibilities: 112, 113,
131-138, 236, 262, 271, 274, 292, 293,
324 (see 'Disjunctive
.'). A.
Explanations: 416-418, 422, 452
(see 'Rival Hypotheses ').
Species: : 21 (see Disjunctive Di-
vision '). A. Subjects: 116, 117.
Ambiguity: 14, 16-18, 26, 29, 56, 62,
74, 76, 78, 102, 105, 121, 135, 154,
159, 164, 208, 246, 281, 282, 285,
286, 327 (ftn.), 457 (see 'Non-
Ambiguity'). A. of the Middle
Term: 218.

Ambiguous Structure: 285, 286.
Amphibole: 285, 286.
Ampliative Judgment or Proposition:

Analogical Argument: See 'Analogy.'
'A. Inference': 327.
Analogy (Biological): 60.
Analogy (Logical): 321, 327, 347, 355,
358-364, 369, 424, 425, 428, 430,
431. See "False A."' 'Illegitimate
A.,' 'Sound A.'

Analysis: 29-31, 40, 47, 61, 85, 86,
117, 121, 122, 157, 303, 305, 325,
329, 341, 343, 344, 353, 355, 357,
358, 362, 364, 368, 380, 383, 384,
389, 397-400, 402, 407, 408, 419-
422, 424, 426, 429, 431, 433, 435,
456 (see 'Experimental A.'). A. of
Categorical Proposition: 115-126.
Of Complex Epicheirema: 261. Of
Exponibles: 166. Of Judgment:
122. Of Logical Proposition: 109-
142. Of Sorites: 255-260, 270, 271.
Of Syllogisms: 130-135.
'Analytic Judgment or Proposition:
120-122. A. Method or Inquiry:
See Analysis.' A. Observation :
392, 403.

Analytical Key: 63-66.
Anatomy, 57, 74, 75.

'And in Division: 49, 53. In Ex-
tension-formula: 72, 154, 158.

Animal: 22, 40, 42, 47, 52, 57, 60, 73-75,
88, 89, 152, 314, 359, 360, 374, 401,
402, 418, 425, 451. See 'Zoology.'
Animism: 368.

Answer: 96, 112-114.

Antecedent: 112, 137, 138, 141, 142,
145, 263-274, 320, 325, 369-372,
377-385, 397, 408, 411, 412, 419,
424-427, 453, 458, 461. See 'Ac-
ceptance of the A.,' 'Hypothetical
Anthropology: 46.
Anthropomorphism, 368, 451.
Antinomy: 105.

Any': 149, 150, 158, 159, 164, 168.
Apodeictic Hypothetical: 139-142. Its
connexion with Inference: 145, 146.
Its Opposition: 178, 179.
Apparatus (of Experiment or Obser-
vation): 145, 334, 335. See 'Transit


Apparent Contradiction: 100-106, 282.
A. Exception: 357, 401, 421, 458.
Applicability of Inductive Method:
458-462. See 'In. Postulate.'
Application of Causal Methods: 389,
396, 399-413, 418-426, 454. Of
Hypothesis: 313, 318, 320-322, 327,
419, 424, 425, 428, 430, 431, 433,
436, 438. Of Inductive Method: 422-
444. Of Meanings, Terms, Words:
18, 21 (ftn.), 71, 72, 83, 84, 124, 146,
209 (see 'Indication. '). Of a
Universal to Particulars: 244-247.
Apprehension: See 'Immediate A.'
Approximation: 62, 63, 331.
Archæology: 386.

'Are,' ' Are not,' 'Are-not': 163, 164.
See 'Copula-mark.'

Arguing in a Circle: 289. See 'Pe-

Argument from Analogy: See 'An-

Arguments reduced to Syllogistic
Form: 230-235.

[blocks in formation]


Aristotelian Evolution: 447.
Logic: viii, 307, 353 (see
totle'). A. Sorites: 255-260, 319.
Aristotle: 79, 233, 316. A. and
Classification: 341. A. and Enu-
meration: 353. A. and the Fourth
Figure: 236. A. and the Postulate


of Mediation: 213, 216. A. and
Scholastic Logic: 307. A. and the
Sorites: 255. A. on Achilles and
the Tortoise: 292. A. on Defini-
tion: 38 (ftn.). On the Indefinite
Term: 49 (ftn.). On Indirect Re-
duction: 324. On Subalternation :
172 (ftn.).

Aristotle's Categories: 31, 32, 47 (ftn.),
78. A.'s Organon: 116, 117. A.'s
Scheme of Predicables: 22, 23, 28, 32.
Arrangement: See 'Spatial grouping,'

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Artificial Classification: 63-66.
Ascertainability: 140, 141, 369.
Assertion: 93, 94, 96, 97, 104, 113,
116, 119, 122-128, 133-139, 141, 142,
149-152, 166, 167, 291.

Assertive character of Propositions:
123, 124.

Assertorial Hypothetical: 139-141. Its
Opposition: 179.

Association: 16, 17, 28, 29, 66, 81,

105, 303, 449, 451.
Assumption: 113, 142, 145, 289, 290-
292, 308, 324, 325, 330, 337, 338,
341, 410, 419, 432, 434-438, 442,
443, 447, 457, 458 (see 'Presupро-
sition'). A. of Science: 368, 452.
Assuredly': 130, 132 (ftn.), 157, 175,



Astronomical .: See 'Astronomy.'
Astronomy: 38, 69, 70, 129, 134, 245,
329-333, 338, 339, 361, 362, 377, 386,
394, 409, 412, 413, 430-438, 452.
See 'Aberration. 'Copernicus,'
Eclipse,' Moon,' ''Planet,' 'Pto-
lemaic A.,' 'Star,' 'Sun,' 'Transit

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Barbara: 215, 226, 230, 237, 241, 247,
250, 256.

Bare Denial: See 'Pure Negation.'
Baroco: 226, 230, 235, 242, 248, 250.
Its Indirect Reduction: 324, 325.
Its Ostensive Reduction: 248-250.
Barren Hypothesis: 313, 337, 338, 424,
430, 432.

Begging the Question: 289. See 'Pe-

Being: 31, 42, 47, 75-77, 79, 86 (ftn.),
122 (ftn.), 131.

Belief: 93, 112, 122, 123.
Bentham, Jeremy: 361.
Bergson, Prof.: 74 (ftn.).
Berkeley, George (Bishop): 370, 393

Bernoulli: 333.
Berry, Arthur: 339 (ftn.).
Biology: 2, 26, 374, 386, 426, 447.
See 'Botany,' 'Zoölogy.'
Bocardo: 226, 227, 234, 243, 248, 250.
Its Indirect Reduction: 324. Its
Ostensive Reduction: 248-250.

Bosanquet, Bernard (Prof.): viii, 15,
107 (ftn.), 119, 358 (ftn.), 420, 421.
Bosanquet (Mrs.): 126 (ftn.). See
Boscovich, Roger R Joseph: 371.
Botany: 28, 43, 51 (ftn.), 59-68,73-
75, 87, 129, 236, 237, 342, 343, 368.

Bowen, F. (Prof.): 196.
Bradley, James (The Rev. Dr.): 339, 413.
Bramantip : 226, 227, 229, 237.
Breach of Method: 281, 295.
Buchner, Prof.: 429.

Cagniard-Latour, Charles (Baron): 424,


Caird, Edward: 63 (ftn.).
Calculus of Relations: 251.
Camenes: 226, 232, 237.

Camestres: 226, 232, 236, 242, 249, 269.

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Can': 127-129.


Atom: 423, 459, 460.
Atomism: 459, 460.

Attribute: 22, 25, 26, 40, 43, 65, 70,

75, 81, 86, 147, 159, 161, 299, 340,
341, 348. See 'Character,' 'Con-
notation,' 'Indeterminate Ele-
ments...,' 'Property,' 'Quality.'
Attributive view of Import: 147 (ftn.).
Augmentative Judgment or Proposi-
tion: 120-122.
Avebury, Lord: 392.

Average: 352, 422, 434. A. Error: 413.
Axiom: 251, 306, 322, 386, 450.
Axiomatic Ideas or Propositions: 329
(ftn.), 330. A. Premisses: 318, 322.

Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam: 116,
117, 313, 351, 391, 414-418.
Baconian Method: viii, 313-317, 414-

Bain, Alexander (Prof.): 372, 396.
Balfour, the Rt. Hon. Arthur J.: 81.
Ball, Sir Robert: 374, 375, 430 (ftn.),
435 (ftn.), 436, 439.

Canons of Causal Methods: 395-397,
402, 404, 405, 407, 411, 412, 415,
417-420. Of Causation: 415. Of
Elimination: 416-418.

Capability: See 'Capacity.'
Capacity: 128, 129, 131 (see 'Potenti-
ality'). C. for Work: 387-389 (see

Cartesian Vortex Theory: 332, 333,

Catalogue: 63, 65, 69.
Catchpool, Edmund: 374.
Categorical Assertion, Judgment, Pro-
position, Statement: viii, 111-126,
131-133, 136-139, 239. Its Formal
Import: 146-161. Its Reduction to
strict Logical Form: 161-171. Its
Relation to the Hypothetical: 138,
139, 141, 268 (ftn.). C. Basis of
Classification: 30, 42, 46, 54, 56-74,
76-79, 88, 89, 95, 136, 137, 244, 245,
341, 368, 369. C. distinguished from
Real Division: 56-57 (ftn.). C. by
Series: 61 (ftn.). C. of Fallacies:
281. Of Logical Principles: 281.
Class-inclusion: 20-21 (ftn.), 159 (ftn.),

Disjunction: 113, 114, 131, 133, 136.
'C. Equivalents' of Hypotheticals :
138, 139, 268 (ftn.). C. Form: 138,
139, 141, 268 (ftn.). C. Form of
Sorites: 255-260, 319. C. Inference,
C. Syllogism: 111-261, 269, 323.
C. Meaning: 139, 268 (ftn.).

Category: ix, 31, 32, 47 (ftn.), 63 (ftn.),
75-78, 459, 462.

Causal Antecedent: 370 (ftn.), 380,
381, 383, 424-427 (see 'A.'). C.
Chain: 378, 381, 382. C. Con-
nexion: 357-361, 364, 368, 371, 377-
384, 397-407, 414-420, 428, 452. С.
Consequence, C. Sequence: 377, 381,
382, 384, 455 (see 'Causation,' 'Con-
sequence'). C. Elaboration: 419-
421. C. Elimination: 419 (see 'E').
C. Explanation, C. Inquiry, C. In-
vestigation: 333, 342, 365-462 (see
'E'). C. Hypothesis: (see 'H.').
C. Interaction: 459. C. Interest:
401. C. Law: 138, 303, 341, 342,
357, 367-389, 403, 407-409, 412, 427,
450, 451, 455. C. Method: (see
'M. of C. Explanation ').
Methods: (see 'Inductive M's').
C. Nexus: 361. C. Process [or
Action]: (see 'Causation'). C. Re-
lation: 341, 379, 384-389, 406, 416-
418, 449. C. Tendency: 454 (ftn.).
(see 'T.'). C. Theory: 378. С.
Uniformity: 458. See 'U.'

Causality: 369. See 'Causal ...,'
'Causation,' 'Cause.'

Causation: 309, 341, 367-389, 398, 399,
403-409, 415, 417, 419, 422, 427-458,
462. See 'Canons of C.,' 'Causal...,'
'Law of C.'

Cause: 35, 333, 337, 342, 367-389,
395-426, 430, 449, 453, 454 (ftn.).
C. as the Sum Total of the Condi-
tions: 370-378.

Celarent: 226, 237, 242, 247, 249, 256,

Central Definition: See 'D. by Type.'
Certainty: 75, 134, 139, 155, 157, 158,
381-383, 394, 397, 456.

Cesare: 226.


Cessante causa...,' etc.: 382.

Chain of Causation: 378, 381, 382. С.
of Divisions: 44. C. of Reasoning:
255, 260, 261 (see 'Epicheirema,'

Chalmers, Thomas (Dr.): 454 (ftn.).
Chandler: 438, 443.

Character, Characteristic Attribute: 43,
57-64, 68, 70, 74, 75, 83, 87, 236, 341,
359, 360, 364, 371, 383, 385, 386,
424. See 'Common A.,' 'Pro-

Characteristic: See 'Character.' С.
Property: 26, 27, 37, 165.

[blocks in formation]

Circles: See 'Diagrams.'
Circular Reasoning: 289. See 'Pe-

Circulus in Definiendo: 32, 34-36, 38,
77, 83, 84. C. in Proponendo : 103,
121 (see 'Tautology').
Circumstance: 394-398, 402, 403, 414-
416, 418, 426, 454.

Clarke, R. F. (Father): 33, 102, 261,
282, 290.

Class, Class-term, etc.: 18-24, 32, 33,
39, 42, 43, 52, 54, 55, 70-72, 80,
88, 89, 131, 148-155, 159-162, 166,
219, 220, 239-242, 327, 340, 341, 348,
351, 352, 356-359, 368, 454. See
'Classification,' 'Nomenclature,'

Class-concept: 22. See 'Class.'
Class-designation: 18, 43.
Class-distinction: 357.

Class-extension: 151. See 'E.,' 'Ex-

Class-generalization: 352 (Note). See
'G. proper.'

Classing: 18, 19, 42, 43, 57, 58, 60,
64, 66, 340.

Class-mark: 352. See 'Definition-


Class-relations: 152, 153.

Clause: 112, 138, 216. See 'Alter-
native C.'s,' 'Antecedent,' 'Con-

Clearness: 66, 112, 121.
Clerk-Maxwell, James (Dr.): 335, 386.
Closed Conclusion : 309.

Co-absence of Cause and Effect: 400,
Co-alternative: 422. See 'A....'
Co-division: 43, 44 (ftn.), 53, 55, 56.
Co-effect: 369, 406.

Coexistence: 342, 357, 368, 369, 419
(ftn.), 454 (ftn.).
Coexisting Fact: 405.
Coextensiveness: 149, 151, 153, 455.
Cognate Membra Dividentia: 52.


Coherence of Natural Phenomena: 443
(see Systematic Conception .').
C. of Thought: 7, 8, 98, 106 (see
'Consistency,' 'T. and Identity,'
Coherency: 343.

Coincidence: 146, 147, 149, 150, 152,
153, 158, 159, 161, 240, 391. C. of
Antecedents or Consequents in Di-
lemma: 272, 273.

Coincidence-import: 159 (ftn.).
Coincident Explanations: 443.
Collateral Condition: 372, 375. See

Collection of Facts: 313-315.
Collective Aggregate: 460. C. Con-
ception: 349. C. Expression or
Term: 162, 163. C. Meaning: 154,
158, 160, 162, 163, 171, 239, 241,
283, 284. C. Statement or Propo-
sition: 154.

Colligation: 347, 349-351.
Collocation: 372, 454.

Command: 93, 94. See 'Imperative.'
Commensurate Terms: 55.

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Common Attribute, Mark, Property,
etc.: 18-21, 38, 57, 61, 62, 65, 236,
340, 350, 356, 358, 359, 361, 383 (see
Agreement,' 'Resemblance'). C.
Circumstance or Element: 395-398,
415. C. Nature: 22, 24, 81, 85,
114, 115, 121, 123, 131. C. Sense :
4, 5, 9, 97, 347. C. Term: 213, 217,
222 (see 'Middle T.').

Comparison: 18-20, 29-33, 37-39, 57,
75, 340, 341, 350, 353, 355, 408-
410, 414, 422, 431, 436, 438, 442.
Compatibility: 8, 133, 156. See 'Inc.'
Complementary Terms: 48.
Complete Act of Judgment: 122. C.
Definition: 39. C. Division: 44 (see
'Continued D.'). C. Elimination :
416, 417. C. Enumeration : 43, 356,
357, 397. C. Explanation: 368-
370, 395, 459, 461. C. Induction,
C. Causal Inquiry: 326, 327 (ftn.),
341, 361, 398, 411 (see 'Ind.').
C. Inductive Method: 397. C.
Method of Analysis: 422. C. Pro-
cess of Observation: 393. C. Proof:


Complex Categorical Syllogism: 255-
261. C. Conception: 209. C. Con-
structive Dilemma: 272-277. С.
Destructive Dilemma: 272, 273. C.
Epicheirema: 261.

Composition (Fallacy): 283, 284. С.
of Causes: 375-377. Of Forces:
376. Of Laws: 409.

Compound Hypothetical Syllogism :
271 (see 'Dilemma'). C. Proposi-
tion: 132, 153, 158, 160, 274; its
Contradictory: 182, 262.

Comprehensiveness: 157, 385.
Compulsion: 127. See 'Necessity.'
Comte, I. Auguste M.F.X.: 449.
Conceivability: 72, 130, 449, 450.
Concept, Conception, etc.: ix, 22, 24,
25, 29, 31, 34, 40-43, 49, 50, 57 (ftn.),
62, 63, 71-85, 88, 89, 95, 96, 97, 112,
116, 121, 125-127, 329, 335, 340, 341,
349, 353, 449, 459-462 (see 'Abstract
C.,' 'Fundamental C.,' 'General
C.,' 'Idea,' 'Individual C.,' 'Logical
C.,' 'Singular C.,' 'Subject-c.'). C.
in relation to Logical Interest: 78.

Conception of Fact: 448, 449.
Conceptual Being: 77. C. Definition :
24, 25, 93. C. Determinacy: 80.
C. Ordering of Fact, C. System, etc. :
43, 73, 78-80, 82, 88, 89, 95 (see
'Classification,' 'Division,' 'Por-
phyry's Tree').
Conceptualistic Definition : 24, 25.
Conclusion: 8, 105, 129, 137, 145, 194,
208, 213-238, 242, 243, 246-249,
255-263, 268, 270, 273, 275, 282,
289-291, 300-306, 309, 319-328, 337,
349, 355, 359-364, 389, 391, 400, 404,
408, 409, 416-418, 438, 443, 444,
454, 457, 458.

Conclusive Explanation: 449.
Concomitance: 165, 342, 397, 414, 415,
423, 424.
Concomitant Variations: 405-407, 417,

Concrete Conceptualism: 24, 25. С.
Context: 85. C. Experience: 453.
C. form of Scientific Method: 410.
C. (Deductive) Method: 409, 410,
419, 420. C. Object: 85, 86, 340.
C. Science: 136. C. Terms: 85-89.
C. Thought: 6.

Concurrence of Antecedents or Causes:
375-383. C. of Conditions: 394.
Condition: 130, 246, 305, 306, 309, 319,
334, 336, 344, 360-363, 369-381,
394-404, 407, 411-413, 419-421, 425,
428, 436, 439, 448-451, 457, 458.
Conditional Uniformities: 377, 378.
C. Validity: 141, 142.
Conduct. See 'Morality.'
Configuration: 460.
Conic Sections (or Analytical Geo-
metry): 29, 52, 362.

Conjecture: 130, 327, 348, 351, 357,
359, 392, 393, 399, 415, 431, 462.
Conjunctive Division: 49, 53. С.
interpretation of Extension : 72,
154, 284. C. use of 'All' and
'Some': 154.

Connexion: See 'Causal C.,' 'Rela-
tion,' 'Necessary C.' C. of Possi-
bilities: 138-141, 180.

Conno-denotation: 21 (ftn.), 146. See

Conno-denotative Terms: 73, 89.
Connotation: 70-85, 89, 147, 165, 170,
245 (see Connotative...'). C. as
formal or real: 70, 71. Its relation
to Denotation: 71-73. To Exten-
sion: 71, 72.

Connotative Name or Term: 73, 74,

Consciousness: 77, 97, 155, 381, 383,
452, 460, 461 (see 'Immediate Ap-
prehension,' 'Psychical...,' 'Psy-
chology'). C. of a Limit: 79.

Consequence: 136, 304, 319, 325, 328,
335-337, 377-383, 435, 436, 440,

Consequent: 112, 137, 138, 141, 142,
145, 264, 265, 269-274, 320, 325, 337,
369, 370, 378-385, 397, 439. See
'Acceptance of the C.,' 'Rejection
of the C..' 'Hypothetical Judgment.'
Conservation of Energy: 333, 385-389.
C. of Mass: 385.

Consistency: 1-9, 16, 98, 99, 102, 103,
106, 112, 145, 157, 172, 180, 214,
282, 286, 448, 457. Distinguished
from Material Compatibility: 8.
From Validity: 8. C. in Hypo-
thesis: 318.

Consistency-Logic: 1.
Consistency-principle: 99. See 'P. of
(Logical) C.,' 'P. of Non-Contra-

Consistent Statement: 145. See 'Con-

Constancy of Energy: 386, 387.
Constant Cause: 399. C. Effect: 398.
Construction: 26, 29, 65, 246, 321,
322, 328, 390, 402, 421.
Constructive Dilemma: 271-277. C.
Hypothetical Syllogism: 263, 264.
Content: 23, 24, 27, 28, 78, 118, 120,
125, 126, 358.

Context: 15-17, 85, 106, 116-120, 282,
394. See formal C.,' 'Logical
C.,' 'Real C.,' ' Ultimate C.'

Contingence: 379, 454. See 'Possi-

Continued Division: 41-52, 72-80.

Continuity: 106, 124 (see 'Coherence,'


Unity'). C. of Cause and Effect:
381 (see Immediacy in Causal Con-
nexion'). C. in Division: 44-46.
Contradiction (or Contradictory Oppo-
sition): 48, 94, 98-107, 122 (ftn.),
124, 128, 130, 150, 164, 172-174,
188, 208, 264, 324, 325, 448, 450.
See 'Apparent C.,' 'Non-C.,' 'Self-

Contradictory Statements or Propo-
sitions: 98-106, 128, 130, 264-266,
268, 291, 324, 325. 'C. Terms': 48.
Contraposition : 189, 197, 198. 'C. of
Hypotheticals': 265, 266.

Contrapositive (Converse): 197-202,

206, 248, 249, 400.
Contrariety (or Contrary Opposition):
128, 172, 176.

Contrary Propositions: 128, 130,
268, 291 (see 'Contrariety'). 'C.
Terms': 48.

Control of Conditions: 371-373, 394,
401, 402, 404. C., or Limitation,
through Relevance to Purpose: See

Conventional: See 'formal.' C. Clas-
sification: 64-66. C. Meaning: 16.
C. Signs or Symbols: 25, 93, 115
(see 'Sign,' 'Words').
Convergence of Evidence: 443.
Converse: 193-201, 206, 229, 232, 237,
249 (see 'Weak C.'). C. Fallacy of
Accident: 284, 285.

Conversion: 189, 193-198, 200, 202,
260, 265, 324, 325. C. by Limitation
or per accidens: 194, 197, 248, 249.
C. by Negation: 197 (see 'Contra-
position,' on, Contrapositive'). 'C. of
Hypotheticals': 265. C. of O: 54.
Convertend: 193-195, 201. See 'Con-

Conviction: 123, 377.

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Co-operating Causes: 375, 376.
Co-ordinate Possibilities : 136 (see
Disjunctive...'). C. Species (or
Co-species): 32, 33, 39, 75, 136 (see

Copernicus, Copernican System: 316,
330, 331, 362.

Co-presence of Cause and Effect: 400,

Copula: 124-126, 251.
Copula-mark: 124 (ftn.), 126, 163, 168,
250, 251.

Corpuscular Theory of Light: 336, 338,

Correct Thinking: See 'Right T.'
Correction of Observations: 413.
Correlate: 159.

Correlated Differences: 58, 59. С.

Properties: 368,369.

Correlation: 344, 368.

Correlative Terms: 30, 35.

Corroborative Instance: 403.



Negative I.,' 'Positive I.'
Co-species: See 'Co-ordinate S.'
Countable Objects: 146.
Counteraction: 371, 374-377, 381, 399,
404, 454.

Counter-dilemma: 275-277, 293, 294.
Counter-extreme: 123.
Counting: See 'Enumeration.'
Creighton, James Edwin (Prof.): 313,

Criteria of Legitimate Hypothesis:
328. Of Validity in Dilemma:

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