صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Of Flexion: 283. Of Ignoratio
Elenchi: See 'I. E.' Of Irrelevant
Evidence: 288. Of Mal-observa-
tion: 393. Of Mentiens: 103, 182,
183. Of Negative Conclusion, Two
Affirmative Premisses: 224. Of Ne-
gative Premiss, Affirmative Con-
clusion: 224. Of Non-observation :
391, 392. Of One Particular Pr.,
Universal C.: 224. Of Petitio Prin-
cipii: See 'P. P.' Of ‘Post hoc
ergo propter hoc': 377. Of Quaternio
Terminorum : See 'Q. T.' Of Two
Negative Premisses: 224, 233, 234,
258 (ftn.). Of Two Particular Pre-
misses: 224. Of Undistributed
Middle: See 'U. M.' Of Vicious
Circle: 32, 34, 35.

False .: See 'Falsehood...'
Analogy': 358, 362-364. 'F.' or
Erroneous Hypothesis: 334, 336,
338, 339, 432. F. Parenthesis: 285.
Falsehood, Falsity: 7, 93, 94, 99, 103,
104, 122, 141, 145, 306, 310, 393,
449, 454. Ignored by Formal Logic:
7-9, 157, 309, 310. F. in relation to
Hypotheticals: 179, 180. To Time:
100-102. F. of Conclusion: 324,
325. Of Premisses: 214, 292, 295,
324, 325.

Faraday, Michael: 335, 337.
Fatalistic Dilemma: 293.

Favourable Condition: 394. F. Fact,

F. Event, F. Instance: 391.

Feeling: 4, 82-85, 87, 392, 393. Right
F.: 118.

Feeling-immediacy: 85. See 'Imme-
diate Experience.'
Felapton: 226, 227.

Ferio: 226, 235, 237, 242, 247, 248,

Ferison: 226, 227.

Fermat, Pierre de: 333.
Fermentation : 422-429.

Ferrier, James Frederick (Prof.): 77.

Fesapo: 226, 227, 237.

Festino: 226.

'Few': 169. See 'A f.'

Fidelity to Fact: 313-318, 390. F. to
Relevant Fact: 3, 16, 314, 316 (ftn.),
317, 347, 356, 367, 389-391, 395,
420, 449. F. to Thought: 107.
Figurative Terms in Definition : 33.
Figure: See 'Syllogistic F.' Fig. I.:
215, 225, 226, 228-230, 234-237, 240,
242-244, 246-249, 255-260, 324, 325.
Fig. II.: 215, 225, 226, 228, 230,
232-236, 238, 242, 243, 246, 258-
260, 269, 324. Fig. III.: 215, 222,
225-227, 233, 234, 236, 238, 241-
243, 246, 258-260, 324. Fig. IV.:
215, 225-227, 232, 236-238, 246, 255,
256, 324.

Final Cause: 370.

First Cause (or Ultimate C.): 370,

'Fitting' Definition: 32, 33, 36-39.
Fivefold Scheme of Class-relations :
152, 240.

Fixation of Attention by Words: 14.
F. of Meaning by Association: 16,
17 (see 'A.'); by Context: 15, 16,
93, 116-118; by Definition: 16-39,
81, 121, 309 (see 'D.'); by Usage:
15; by Words: 13-16, 23, 93.

Flexion: 283.

Force: 332, 333, 335, 337, 342, 343,
367, 370, 373, 375-377, 408, 409,
452, 459, 460.

Form: 125 (see Distributive F.,'
'Logical F.'). 'F.' in Baconian In-
duction: 313, 414, 415. F. of the
Syllogism: 214, 215.

Formal Apodeictic Hypothetical: 140-
142, 145, 146. F. Argument: 290.
F. Discipline: 304-306. F. Fallacy:
106, 233, 286, 289 (see 'Fallacies...
'Fallacy...'). F. Import of the
Categorical Proposition: 146-161.
F. Inference: 130, 135, 136, 187-
191, 194, 216 (ftn.), 250, 291, 321,
326, 327 (ftn.) (see 'Inference ').
F. Premisses: 326. F. Principle:
145, 146 (see 'Law of Validity,'
'P. of Identity,' 'P. of Non-Contra-
diction'). F. Process: 52. F. Proof:
289. F. Syllogism: 214, 216 (ftn.)
(see 'S.'). F. treatment of Defi-
nition: 214. F. (t. of) Logic: ix,
3 (ftn.), 6-10, 21, 143-306, 309, 310,
321. F. t. of the Logical Propo-
sition: 143-183. F. Validity: 187,
191, 218, 223 (see 'V.').

Formal Actuality, f. Fact: 138. f.
Argument: 288. f. Assertorial Hy-
pothetical: 140-142, 145, 146. f.
Classification: 57, 58, 64-66, 137.
f. Connotation: 70-72. f. Context:
120. f. Definition: 17-23, 29-31,
34, 71, 214, 309, 316 (ftn.). f. De-
notation: 71. f. Discussion: 313.
f. Division: 42, 316 (ftn.). f. Evi-
dence: 307-309. f. Induction : 316
(ftn.). f. Inference: 306-310. f.
Judgment, f. Proposition: 114, 115,
119. f. Method: 419. f. Process :
308. f. Reference to Reality: 4-7,
9, 114, 119, 140, 307-309. f. Re-
levance: 288. f. Singular Propo-
sition: 114, 115. f. Subject of
Discourse: 119. f. Truth and Fal-
sity: 141.

Formed Content: 125, 126.
Forms of Syllogism: 215-217, 224-227,
236, 237, 242, 243, 247-251, 253-277,
324, 325.

Formula of Division: 40, 72. Of Ex-
tension: 72. Of Identity: 21, 96-
98. Of Intension: 72. Of the Dis-
junctive: 132.

Formulation of Experience: 85. F. of
Hypothesis: 304, 326, 411, 432, 436,
439 (see 'H.'). Of the Law of Ex-
cluded Middle: 99, 100. Of the
Principle of Non-Contradiction: 98.
Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon : 336.
Foundation: See 'Ground.'

Four Terms: See Quaternio Ter-

Fourfold Scheme of Categorical Pro-
positions: 147, 156, 159, 160, 190.
Four-termed Arguments: 250, 251.
Fowler, Thomas (Dr.): 274, 394, 397,

Fragmentary Aspect of Reality: 4, 5,
23, 309. F. Thought: 106.

Fraser: 370 (ftn.).

Free Choice: 127, 140. See 'Free-

Freedom: 4, 105, 120, 127, 140, 369,
459, 462.

Free-will: 105, 452. See 'Freedom.'
Fresison: 226, 227, 237.

Fruitful Analogy: 362. F. Hypo-
thesis: 313, 328, 337-339, 430, 431,
439. F. Postulate: 459.

Fundamental Concept: ix, 462 (see
'Freedom,' 'Reality,' 'Truth,' 'Ul-
timate C.'). F. Forms of Syllogism :
227. F. Problems: 105.

Fundamentum Divisionis (or F. D.):
43-46, 51-56, 73-75, 148.

Galen, Claudius: 236.

Galileo, G. G.: 213, 313, 316, 338, 362.
Garden, H. (the Rev.): 68.
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis: 425.
General Categorical: 131. G. Col-
lective: 162 (ftn.). G. Class, Con-
cept, Idea, Meaning, Name, Term:
19, 57 (ftn.), 72, 75, 80, 81, 88, 127
(see 'Class,' 'Genus'). G. Effect:
383, 384. G. Form of the Hypo-
thetical: 141. G. Law: See 'L.'
G. Maxim, G. Proposition, G. State-
ment: 250, 299-303, 348, 422 (see
'Universal P.'). G. Truth: 351,
376, 450. G. Universal Judgment:
147 (ftn.).

Generality: 45, 52, 77, 88, 133, 385,
455. Šee 'General ...,' 'Generali-

Generalization: 21, 22, 88, 155, 299,
302-304, 326, 339-344, 349-352, 355,
357, 379, 385, 410, 411, 428, 450,
453-456. G. Instances: 351. G. of
Concepts under Concepts: 341. Of
Facts under Concepts: 340, 341.
Of F.'s under Laws: 341-343. Of

Laws under Laws: 343. Of the
Meaning of a Word: 14, 15. G.
Proper: 351, 352 (Note).

Generic F. D.: See 'Unity of F. D.'
G. Idea: See 'Genus.' G. Mark :
18-22. G. Universal Judgment:
147-148 (ftn.).


Genetic Definition: 29, 30, 34. G.
Explanation: 461. G. Movement :
ix. G. Order: 60, 61, 65. G. (or
Developmental) Sciences: 58, 62
(see 'Science').
Genuine Exception: 421. See 'E.'
Genus (Biological): See Animal,'
'Classification,' Plant.' G. (Log-
ical): 17-22, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33,
35-40, 57, 61, 68, 79, 82, 89, 95,
120, 121, 127, 136, 159, 245 (see
'Division,' 'Summum G.'). Its
Definition: 30, 35.

Geocentric Theory: 329, 330, 338.
Geology: 51 (ftn.), 80, 314, 337, 374,


Geometrical Method: 409.

Geometry: 20, 25, 26, 29, 33, 34, 36,
40, 41, 52, 54-56, 87-89, 120, 127,
131, 137, 138, 152, 169, 170, 197,
245, 246, 274, 284, 306, 321-323,
329, 331, 349, 362, 369, 409, 447,
450, 454.

Gilbart, John William: 67, 231, 288.
Given: 145. See
Acceptance of

Goal of Induction: 365-444. G. of
Observation: 389.
Goclenian Sorites: 255-260.
Goclenius, Rudolphus: 255.
Grades in Division: See 'Continued

Granted: See 'Acceptance of State-

Grammar: 13,93. See 'Grammatical.'
Grammatical Form: 382, 383. G.
Structure: 116, 285, 286. G. Sub-
ject: 116.

Gravitation, Gravity: 29, 141, 245,
246, 318, 332-334, 337, 342, 343, 371,
373-377, 387, 405, 408, 409, 432-
434, 436, 452, 456, 459.

Ground: 127-130, 168, 269, 291, 303,
321, 323, 327, 349, 363, 364,
370 (ftn.), 387, 410, 450, 456. G.
of Elimination: 416-418. Of Ex-
planation or Induction: 453, 456-
459. Of the Joint Method: 417.
Of the M. of Agreement: 414, 417.
Of the M. of Concomitant Varia-
tions: 417, 418. Of the M. of Dif-
ference: 414-417. Of the M. of
Residues: 417, 418. Of Verifica-
tion: 418.

Group: 154, 158, 162. See 'Class,'
'Continued Division.'

Growth: 460 (see 'Development '). G.
of Meanings: 14-17.
Guess: 313, 327 (ftn.), 361. See

Guiding Conception, G. Idea, G. Prin-
ciple: 329, 340, 420, 448, 458.

Ha: 178, 179.

Hamilton, Sir William: 159, 160.
Hamiltonian Scheme of Categorical

Propositions: 159-161.

Hansen: 428.
H.: 178, 179.

Heat: 334, 374, 380, 388, 393, 394,
396, 405, 407, 414, 415, 440, 457.
Hegel, G. W. F.: 2, 6, 14, 31, 75, 76,
96, 97, 107.

Hegelian School: ix.
Heliocentric Theory: 330, 331, 338.
Helmholz, Hermann L. F. von: 426.
'Here': 82, 84, 100, 101.
Herschel, Sir John F. W.: 386.
Heterogeneous Effect, Heteropathic
E.: 375.

Heuristic function of Analysis: 361.
Of Elimination : 422. H. Method:

397. H. Supposition : 327.

H1: 178, 179.

Highest Genus: See ‘Summum G.'
Historical Method: 410.

History: 119, 410, 438.

Ho: 178, 179.

Höffding, Harald: 452.
Hoffmann: 426.


Homogeneous Definition: 33, 34. Η.
Effect: 375, 376.

Homology: 60.

Horns of a Dilemma: 274, 292, 293.
'How': 342, 356, 357, 368, 369.
Huygens, Christian: 333.
Hydrostatics: 436.

Hypothesis: 99, 136, 204, 304, 313-
315,317, 321, 326-339, 348, 351,
352, 355, 356, 361, 367, 395, 396,
400, 403, 410, 411, 417, 419-443,

447-453, 456, 459 (see 'Develop,

ment of H.,' 'Modification of H.,'
'Rival H.es,' 'Verification'). H.
of Causal Law: 455, 456. H. of
Gravitation: See 'G.'

Hypothetical Assumption: 443. H.
Explanation: See 'Hypothesis.' H.
Inference, H. Syllogism: 263-271,
323-325, 385 (see 'Dilemma'). H.
Judgment, H. Proposition, etc.:
vii, 111-114, 133, 136-142, 370 (ftn.)
(see 'Dilemma'). Its Opposition:
178-180. Its relation to Inference :
145, 146. To the Categorical: 138,
139, 141, 268 (ftn.). To the Dis-
junctive: 113, 114, 138. H. Method:
410, 411, 420. H. Sorites: 270, 271,
319, 320, 325. H. status of Reality

and Truth in Formal Logic: 6-9.
H. treatment of Truth and Falsity :
145, 146.

'I': 82-84. 'I can,' 'I cannot,' 'I
must,' 'I ought,' 'I will': 127. I
Proposition: 147-152, 155, 157, 159,
160, 162, 163, 169-172, 282. Its
Conversion : 194, 195. Its Dia-
gram: 151. Its relation to 0:156
(see 'Subcontrariety').

Idea: 94, 393, 394 (see Class,' 'Con-
cept,' 'Guiding I.,' 'Ideas,' 'In-
ductive I.,' 'Principle,' 'Regulative
I.,' 'Supreme I.,' 'Working I.').
I. and Fact: 6, 9, 313, 314, 317,
318 (ftn.), 339, 343, 393.

Ideal: 62, 63, 84, 127, 419, 420, 462
(see Inductive I.,' 'Logical I.,'
'Unideterminism'). I. Construc-
tion: 26, 29, 61, 87, 88, 321, 322. L.
of Consistency: See 'C.' I. of Ex-
planation: 448.
Idealism: ix, 6, 24, 25, 77, 107.

Idealization of Experience or of Fact:
6, 340, 419.

Ideas: See Meanings.' I. as more or
less elementary: 34. I. expressed
in Language: 16-18, 23-25, 32.
Fixed by Words: 13-16, 93. Not
true or false: 94. Suggested by
Words: 71. Their Association: 28,
29. Their Indefiniteness: 16.

Identification: 64, 69, 70, 97, 149,
158, 161, 218. I. of S and P: 122.
Identity: 16, 21, 60, 95-98, 104, 106,
122-124, 126, 145, 146, 149, 150,
152, 187, 188, 194, 219, 220, 223,
250, 290, 304, 325, 327 (see 'Agree-
ment,' 'Essential I.,' 'Material I.,'
'Principle of I.'). I. as determining
Import: 146. I. in Difference:
96-98, 121-124, 128. I. of Cause
and Effect: 382. Of Reasoning:
349. Of the Universe: 385.

Identity-import: 148,159 (ftn.), 239, 245.
Identity-principle: 124, 223. See 'P.
of I.'

Identity-relation between Sand P: 126,
146, 219, 220.

'If' in Hypotheticals: 145 (see 'HI
Judgment'). 'If Pis true, then Qis
true': 141, 145. 'If P, then Q': 141.
If-clause: 112. See 'Antecedent.'
Ignava Ratio: 293.

Ignorance: 77, 79, 129, 157, 158, 385, 413.
Ignoratio Elenchi: 289, 291, 292.
Ignotum per ignotius: 34.
Illegitimate (or Unsound) Analogy:

359, 360, 363, 364. I. Explanation:
457. I. Hypothesis: 338 (see 'Bar-
ren H.'). I. Inference: 141. See

Illicit Process: 219, 229 (ftn.). I. (P.
of the) Major: 219, 225, 237, 238,
257, 258, 269. (Of the) Minor : 219,
225, 226. I. Proof: See 'Fallacies

of I. P.'

Illusion of Contradiction: 105, 106
(see 'Apparent C.'). I. of Identity:

Illustrations: See under subjects illus-

Imagination: 71, 72, 246, 313, 317, 321,
328, 390, 459.

Immediacy: 85 (see 'Immediate...').
I. in Causal Connexion: 378, 381-
383, 427, 428.

Immediate Antecedent, I. Cause, I.
Effect: See 'Immediacy in Causal
Connexion.' I. Apprehension, I.
Experience, I. Perception: 4, 75,
76, 82, 85, 340, 393. I. Inference:
185-209, 306. 'I. I. by Privative
Conception': 190 (ftn.). 'I. Is'
from Hypotheticals: 265, 266. I.
Object: 85. I. Self-evidence: 84.

Immortality: 462.
Imperative: 93, 94, 127, 168.
Imperfect Disjunction: 137 (see 'Non-
exclusive ..'). I. Enumeration :
347 (see 'Enumerative Induction').
I. Fi Figures: 247, 248, 324 (see
Fig. . II., 'Fig. III.,' 'Fig. IV.')
I. Inductions: 347, 351-364 (see
Analogy,' 'Enumerative Induc-


Impersonal conceptions of Truth and
Reality: 4, 5. I. Judgment: 116.
Implication: 35, 70, 71, 81, 94, 95, 112,
113, 123, 124, 148-151, 155-158,
165, 167, 168, 187-190, 229, 301, 304,
307, 321, 322, 326, 327 (see 'Im-
port...'). I. in Apodeictic Hypo-
thetical: 140, 142, 146. I. in Hypo-
theticals: 139-142, 385. I. in Syllo-
gism: 214, 223.

Implications of Disjunctives: See
Import of the Disjunctive.'
Implicit Assumption: 436-438, 458.
I. Exhaustiveness: 46. I. Self-
contradiction: 104.

Implied Common Nature: 115. I.
Objective Reference: 94. I. Pro-
perty: 26, 27.

Import: See 'Meaning,' 'Singular I.'
Determined by Identity: 146. I. of
Propositions: 94, 95, 99, 114, 115,
119, 123, 132 (ftn.), 145-148, 150,
155-159, 189, 190, 239-241, 244, 245
(see 'Attributive view of I.',
Class-inclusion,' 'Coincidence-im-
port, "Denotative Reading," ' ' Ex-
istential I.,' 'Extension-i.,'' Formal
I.,' 'Identity-i.,' 'Intensive Read-
ing.' 'Predicative view of I.,'

'Statement-i.,' 'Truth-i.'). I. of
'Some': 157 (see 'S.'). I. of the
Categorical: 146-161. I. of the
Disjunctive: 132-137, 274. Of the
Hypothetical: 138-142. Of the Par-
ticular Proposition: 154-158. Of
the Undistributed Term: 157 (see

Important Attribute, I. Character, I.
Difference, I. Resemblance: 58-60,
62, 65, 327, 358-360. I. Circum-
stance: 396, 403, 426. I. Condition:

Impossibility: 131.
Inaccuracy: 66, 295, 386, 432.
Inadequate (or Incomplete) Division:
45, 46, 52-56. I. Knowledge: 129,
130 (see Limitation of K.').

Inclusion of Classes: See 'Class-i.' I.
of Individuals in Classes: 43, 152
(see 'Class,' 'Individual').
Inclusive Idealism: 77.
Incompatibility: 156, 364, 401, 443.
See Compatibility.'
Incomplete Dichotomy: 47. I. Di-
'Inadequate D.'
I. Enumeration: 43. I. Explanation:



Inconceivability: 449, 450, 452.
Inconclusiveness: 281.

Inconsistency: 8, 9, 17, 76, 98, 99,

102, 106, 107, 139, 140, 150, 164.
Increase of Determinate Connotation :

Indefinability: 74, 76, 82, 84. See

Indefinite Categorical: 113. I. Char-
acteristic: See 'Indeterminate Ele-
ments...' I. Judgment: 165 (ftn.).
I. Proposition: 156. I. Species, I.
(or Negative) Term: 47-52, 124,
190-192, 250. Its Symbol: 201. I.
Subject: 116. I. Use of 'Some':
156-158, 175.

Indefiniteness: 16-18, 74, 157, 281.
See 'Indeterminacy.'
Independent Propositions: 166, 198,

Indesignate Proposition: 128, 165, 147.
Indestructibility: 387.

Indeterminacy: 89, 112, 113, 116. See

Indeterminate: See 'Indefinite...'
I. Agreement: 20. I. Categorical :
131, 133. I. Concept, I. Conception,
I. Meaning: 76-78, 88, 95, 121, 284,
285, 329. I. Elements in Definition :
20-22, 35, 41, 43, 44, 54, 71, 74, 75.
I. Knowledge: 113. I. Subject-
concept: 116, 121, 165 (ftn.).
Indeterminism: 453. See 'Non-me-
Index: 63-65.

[ocr errors]

Index-Classification: 64-66.
Indication of Objects by Terms: 21
(ftn.), 80, 81, 86, 147, 161, 162 (ftn.),
218, 219. See Application of
Meanings,' 'Objective Reference.'
Indicative Sentence: 94, 167.

Indirect Moods: 236. I. Observation:
435. I. Proof: 237, 238, 324, 325.
I. Reduction: See 'Reductio per

Individual: 22-24, 40, 42, 43, 57, 63,
64, 66, 71, 72, 80-82, 85-88, 114,
115, 148, 149, 152, 157, 161-163, 165,
288, 299, 340, 352, 354, 356, 363,
455, 460

[ocr errors]


Singular Term'). Its Definability:
See D. of Proper Names.' I.
Characteristic: 371. I. Concept:
80 (see Singular C.'). I. Elements
in Division: 47, 79, 80. I. (or Sub-
jective) Intension: 70, 71. I. Na-
ture: 81. I. Meaning: 80 (see

[ocr errors]

Singular Meaning ').

Individuality: 82, 85, 459, 460. I. of
Reference: 80. See 'Singular Mean-

Individualization: 118.


Indivisibility: 79. See 'Divisibility.'
Induction, Inductive Method, In-
ductive Procedure, etc.: 3, 94, 122,
295, 301-303, 306 (ftn.), 311-462 (see
Explanation,' 'Inductions,' 'Prin-
ciple of Induction,' 'Scientific I.').
I. and 'Inductive Inference': 326,
327. I. and the Inductive Principle:
311-344. I. by Complete Enumera-
tion: 356, 357. I. by Simple
Enumeration: 347, 351-357, 454-456.
Inductions improperly so-called: 344-
350 (see Colligation,' 'Parity of
Reasoning,' "Perfect Induc-
tion"'). I. properly so-called: 347
(see 'Imperfect I., Scientific I.').
Inductive Canons: See 'C. of Causal
Methods.' I. Conception of Fact:
448. I. Conclusion: 416, 418. Ι.
Criterion, I. Standard: 347, 348,
350, 355-357, 362, 456, 457. I. Ex-
planation: 343, 368-370 (see 'E.,'
Induction'). I. Hypothesis: 336
(see 'H.'). I. Idea: 318 (ftn.),
352, 390. I. Ideal: 420, 448. I.
Inference': 299, 301, 303, 326, 327,
347-350. I. Inquiry, I. Method,
I. Procedure, I. Process: See 'Induc-
tion.' 'I. Instinct': 303. I. In-
terest: 381, 421, 457. I. Logic:
326 (see 'Induction'). I. Methods
326, 356, 395-422, 455, 456 (see
'Method...'). I. Movement: 313.
I. Postulate: 3, 338 (ftn.), 367, 368,
420, 445-462. I. P. and Deter-
minism: 450-455. I. P. and I.


Principle: 449. I. Principle: ix, 3,
311-364, 367, 395, 448, 449 (see
'Fidelity to Relevant Fact'). I.
Proof: 416, 454. I. Scheme: 347.
I. Science: 313, 378, 379, 453. See
'Induction,' 'Science.'

Inertia: 459.

Inference: 3 (ftn.), 7, 8, 114, 130, 141,
142, 146, 155, 167, 185-310, 318-327,
348, 349, 362, 368, 370 (ftn.), 385,
387, 409 (see 'Deductive I.,' 'For-
mal I.,' 'Immediate I.,' "Induc-
tive I.",' 'Invalid...,'' .,' 'Syllogism,'
'Validity'). I. as an Identity: 96.
I. by Added Determinants: 208, 209.
I. from Disjunctives: 133, 134 (see
'D. Syllogism'). I. from Par-
ticulars to P.: 299, 300, 302. I. in
relation to Hypothetical Form: 145,
146. I. of Consequent from Ante-
cedent: 142 (see 'Apodeictic...').
Inferential Fallacies: 286 (see 'Formal
Fallacy'). 'I. Possibility': 130.
Infima Species : 42-44, 72-74, 77, 80,
88, 89 (see Continued Division ').
Its Divisibility: 79, 89.

Infinite Regress: 103, 378. 'I. Term':
48, 49, 72 (see 'Indefinite Species').
Influencing Agent: 405.
Infra-scientific Viewpoint: 4, 5.
Inherent Force: 459, 460.
Initiating Cause, I. Condition: See
'Exciting Cause.'
Inner Standpoint: 453.
Inorganic Fact, I. Phenomenon: 458,
459. I. Nature: 61 (ftn.). I. Order:


Inspection: 390. See 'Observation.'
Instance: 114, 131, 157, 302-304, 327,
340, 348-362, 371, 383, 391-408, 412-
418, 421, 422, 425, 426, 439, 443,
449-451, 454-458. See 'Negative
I.,' 'Positive I.'

Instantia Crucis: See 'Crucial In-

Integrity of Thought: 98. See 'Con-

Intelligibility: 98, 104, 191, 452. I.
of Experience, of Fact, of Reality,
etc.: 78, 79, 99, 104, 139, 140, 458.
I. of Statement: 99.
Intelligible World: 105.
Intended Meaning: 97 (ftn.).
Intension: 21 (ftn.), 70-73, 80, 146,
147, 154. See Disjunctive De-
velopment...,' 'D. Interpretation
of I., Intensive...'
Intensive Reading: 147, 148 (ftn.).
Intent, Intention: 23, 24, 27, 28, 51
(ftn.), 97 (ftn.) See 'Purpose.'
Interaction: 29, 341, 459, 460.
Interconsistency: 7, 8, 9. See 'Con-

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