THE THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL CONTRASTED WITH THAT OF THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD. In forming an estimate of the progressive or retrograde state of nations, we are distinctly to keep in mind that civilization is not the standard of estimate, or even of comparison; inasmuch as it is not the offspring of enlightened principle, but of estranged intellect. It is curious to trace the origin of the arts and sciences, and their effects on society in a state of estrangement from God; and on the other hand the arts in alliance with wisdom and virtue, and dedicated to the glory of God. The arts originated in the family of Cain. Tubal invented instrumental music. Tubal Cain, his brother, became the instructor of artificers in brass and iron. After this Seth was born to Adam, who was a seed chosen instead of the righteous Abel. We learn that in the days of Enos, the son of Seth, "Men began to call on the Name of the LORD." The seventh from Adam in this line was Enoch, of whom it is testified: " And Enoch walked with God and was not, for God took him." The apostle Jude also makes mention of this holy man, who prophesied of the perilous times preceding the second coming of the Messiah, “Behold the LORD cometh with ten thousand of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all that are ungodly among them of their ungodly deeds which they have committed, and of their hard speeches which ungodly transgressors have spoken against Him." This line who called upon the Name of the Lord, were in contradistinction to the other branches of the families of Adam and of Cain, called "the sons of God;" but in process of time the descendants of Seth incurred much evil, by intermarrying with the idolatrous and godless K children of men. "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually; and it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at His heart." The elect line continued in the elder son of Noah, who received a peculiar blessing, that of becoming a benefactor to the Gentiles, who descended from Japhet, by whom "the Isles of the Gentiles were divided in their lands, every one after his tongue, after their families in their nations." From Ham arose Nimrod, a mighty warrior or hunter, the origin of whose kingdom was Babel, and three other cities in the land of Shinar. Nothing was undertaken in the fear of the LORD-no references to His authority-no calling on His name, except in the elect line. This independence is strikingly recognised in the prophetic representation of "wickedness" seated in an ephah, with a weight of lead upon it. The question being asked: "Whither do these bear the ephah?" it was said: "To build an House in the land of Shinar, and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base." To the same sandy foundation our Lord, as a prophet, alludes in the building of that House, of which "the fall should be great." It is in the line of Seth we are to trace civilization marching hand in hand with wisdom and righteousness in subjection to the authority of God, and for the glory of His name. Thus we find wisdom as His inspiration, and the companion of genius. Of Hiram it is said: " He was filled with wisdom and understanding," as well as genius. The meaning, is all his designs teemed with morale. His works had a meaning to the honour and glory of God; while the mere wisdom of the Egyptians, or the mere genius of other nations, was the knowledge of nature, as the casket without its gems, or the embodied fictions of imagination, which all tended to evil. The glory of Israel was that they did nothing without the mind of God being revealed. "See that thou make it according to all that I shew thee." " And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise-hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make," &c. "See, I have called Bezaleel, &c., and I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship." The description which Josephus gives of that spirituality, of which the visible splendour of Aaron's priestly garments were only the symbol and shadow, is very instructive; much of this knowledge having come down to the Hebrews in history, as well as oral tradition. These two distinct kinds of genius and civilization having been traced to their origin in wisdom and virtue, or the reverse, let us bring, not the existing kingdoms of this world, as the rule by which to judge of the progress of intellectual education and science, but rather take that government accounted the most intelligent in the nineteenth century, to be judged by the ancient Kingdom of Israel, in order that we may lay our hand on our mouth, and our mouth in the dust, crying out: "Unclean, unclean!" and thus shall we comprehend that " darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness the peoples." The infinite wisdom of God enacted the government of Israel, of which the metropolitan Throne was Jerusalem. Moral right regulated the whole constitution thus established on sound principle. Evil was in the least deviation from this healthful system. Departure from the principles of administration was a departure from God. The very reverse of this characterises governments founded on political expediency. The occasion, in such a perverse system, dictates any breach of good faith, and tolerates any means for the attainment of that political end which covetousness may have in view. It is therefore in a personal separation, a voluntary coming out of this evil state of things, that individuals are to obey God and save themselves. The Scriptures frequently allude to this inverted order of things: "Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay." Again, " I will overturn, overturn, overturn, until He come whose right it is, and I will give it Him." The healthfulness of the constitution of Israel's beneficent government was in the prevention rather than the punishment of delinquency. The moral diseases which prevailed were in a departure from the healthful regime. We find that not only perfect wisdom dictated the constitution of society, but that its beneficent character, directly tended to the promotion of prosperity and peace. The release which distinguished every seventh year, and that more general release every fiftieth year, called the jubilee, had a most beneficial influence on society; for not only was a great lesson taught of immediate dependence on God, but the poor and needy in the land were thus provided for by law. In a strict obedience to this statute, Israel found that plenty and peace prevailed throughout the land. While the breach of it discovered a spirit of ungodly reasoning, either on natural causes or the practice of the nations, and was followed by famine and invasion. The law is remarkably precise and clear. " Wherefore ye shall do my statutes and keep my judgments and do them, and ye shall dwell safely in the land; and the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat fully, and dwell therein safely. But if ye shall say: What shall we eat the seventh year? Behold we shall not sow nor gather in our increase? Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for six years. Ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat of old fruit until the ninth year; until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the old stores. The land shall not be alienated, for the Land is Mine, and ye are strangers and sojourners with Me." These sabbatical portions were called the sabbaths of the land, and disobedience to this glorious and salutary statute was followed by a temporary alienation of the land, which enjoys her sabbaths in the absence of her exiled inhabitants. Seventy of these portions of time, in reference to the land, are spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The release which took place at these periods was another blessing most materially affecting the well being of the people. The children of a prodigal father, or orphans, inured to privation in their youth, were yet encouraged to bear with patience their temporary depression, assured that in the year of jubilee their estates would revert to them; thus did the hope of regaining their family hearth and hall nerve the mind to endure toil and poverty. But in these times poverty wore not that hideous aspect with which it now appears. A most benign law provided for the wants of the poor widows, fatherless children, and stranger, in the gleanings of every corn field. Thus it was that the widowed Naomi and the stranger Ruth were sustained. And thus Boaz found in keeping the commandment a great reward, for in " leaving the corners of his fields for the widow and stranger," the first link was wrought in that chain of events by which he became the ancestor of the Messiah; while Ruth found that |