humanity, like the good Samaritan, be brought to judge and condemn the want of that indispensable grace of the regenerate in the professors of religion. SOCIETY ESTABLISHED FOR THE PREVEN TION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. ESTABLISHED 1824. OFFICE, 2, PANTON-STREET, HAYMARKET. RESOLVED; -That Silver Medals be awarded by the Committee to such eminent instances of humanity, or to such permanent and practicable ameliorations in the treatment of animals as they may deem sufficient to justify the award, having due regard to the funds entrusted to them by the public. That the Chairman present such medals at the annual yearly meeting. Communications may be addressed to LEWIS GOMPERTZ, Esq., honourable Secretary, Oval, Kennington, and will be laid before the Committee each month. March 5, 1832. LEWIS GOMPERTZ, LONDON FEMALE ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. The following gratuitously superintended Associations are in every respect worthy of the support of the reflecting and upright part of mankind. At a COMMITTEE of the London Female Anti-Slavery Society, held the 21st of 11th month, 1831. IT WAS RESOLVED, to send to each of the Ladies' Associations, a copy of the following statements, trusting that the claim will be deemed by them legitimate and desirable as a collateral one; and that an appeal for a few pounds annually may be met without weakening their interest in the primary object of Anti-Slavery Associations. For some years past Hannah Kilham has assiduously directed her attention to the importance of attempting to instruct the natives of Africa through the medium of their own languages; and for this purpose she has successfully prepared vocabularies, and in some instances, elementary books, in various dialects spoken on the western coast, chiefly comprising those nations who are the victims of the slave trade. This devoted Christian philanthropist is now in Sierra Leone, paying her third visit to that colony, having left England in the autumn of 1830. In this, as in her former visits, her attention has been peculiarly directed to promoting education, and applying the lessons she had prepared. Soon after her arrival at Sierra Leone, the way opened in a manner she had not previously anticipated, for her settling down in one of the liberated African villages, called Charlotte, and taking charge of about twenty-two girls, chiefly such as had been rescued from slave ships, speaking one or two different languages; but upon the arrival at Free Town of another captured slave ship, which contained a number of children, she was induced to apply to the Governor for an addition, and eventually increased her charge to upwards of seventy girls. The Government provided a dwelling, and also the food and clothing of these children, and pay for a part of the superintendance: and by funds placed at Hannah Kilham's disposal by some benevolent friends, the other charges, including the salary of a matron, are at present defrayed. The enlarged establishment had existed six months when the last accounts were received; the whole family had been brought into order; they were receiving instruction in their own language; and already exhibiting the effect of that care which it is so earnestly the wish of Hannah Kilham to bestow. The present statement is addressed to Ladies' Associations, soliciting them to give a small annual quota each, for the term of three years, if required; the first payment of which to be made on or before the 1st of the 4th month (April) next. An establishment on a plan likely to prove so peculiarly useful it is hoped will meet with the cordial support of the Ladies' AntiSlavery Associations. Nothing can exceed the wretchedness of these poor children, who, torn from their parents and their home, often stowed down for weeks together in the holds of a Slave vessel, are brought into the colony in a state of indescribable misery. An eye-witness observes that " no pen can describe, or language utter, the frightfully emaciated condition in which these poor creatures are landed in Sierra Leone." Signed on behalf of the Committee of the London Female AntiSlavery Society, Any contributions may be forwarded either to Elizabeth Dudley, Pekham; or Rachel Stacey, Tottenham. THE SAILORS' HOME; OR, BRUNSWICK MARITIME ESTABLISHMENT, Now erecting by Voluntary Contributions, in Wells-street, London Docks, London. Donations received by the Treasurer, Captain GEORGE GAMBIER, R. N., 23, Wells-street, London Docks; Messrs. DRUMMOND, Charing-Cross; and Messrs. Williams and Co., Birchinlane. LADIES' PHILO-JUDÆAN ASSOCIATION. The Committee of the Ladies' Philo-Judæan Association beg leave to inform their Subscribers and Friends that although the N Parent Society is about to relinquish its labours, it is the earnest wish of the Ladies' Association not to relax their efforts, so long as the liberality of their friends shall enable them to persevere. The experience they have gained by five years' intercourse with this distressed, oppressed, and greatly suffering people, produces increased desire to do them good, in the manner most suited to their state as a nation; "for if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things," (Rom. xv. 27.) a duty of which it must be confessed Christians have been too long unmindful. It being found that any appeal made to the Jews on the subject of their faith, when visited for the relief of their temporal wants, induces them to think that the charity is bestowed as a means of proselyting them, their receiving it consequently exposes them to the displeasure of their own people, the forfeiture of the rites of sepulture, and all relief from the synagogue. For these reasons the Committee have resolved on making the alteration which will be found in their first rule, believing they shall in this way best answer the end proposed, which is to discharge a debt of gratitude by alleviating the misery of the suffering and persecuted Hebrew females. Their wants are urgent, their state altogether most pitiable. Freely we have received, freely let us give, that instead of a curse we may receive a blessing, not only from them, but from their Lord and King, who has promised, that as He scattered Israel, so will He gather them, and cause them to return, and they shall dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded: and then, "thus saith the Lord, all they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all thine adversaries, every one of them shall go into captivity; and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey." " I will punish all that oppress thee;" but on the contrary, " blessed is he that blesseth thee," and "they shall prosper that love thee." The low state of the funds has not hitherto permitted the cases to be relieved in any adequate proportion to their need, and many very destitute ones are constantly rejected. |