صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


give or withhold its affections from Him, their legitimate object of devotion? Would he bid us " cease to do evil, and learn to do well," if we were considered by Him as passive machines? Would he, as if in mockery, say, will not come unto me, that ye might have life," if we could not come, by reason of His arbitrary pre-ordination? What means the general invitation, " Whoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely?" Can we, then, or will we not come? The invitation is general, but it is limited to those who have ears to hear. It is only for those who accept the terms of it; and as these involve subjection of the will, obedience from the heart, and renunciation of self in every form, few will be chosen, although many are called.

A death-bed repentance, as it is called, is a miserable delusion. Health and vigour were spent in the service of the devil, the world, and the flesh, and that under a solemn engagement to renounce them; and now the dregs of a life of sin are, in the spirit of fear, not of love, offered to Him who bought us to His service. Filial love, not slavish fear, can be accepted by Him, whose love for us was so generous. Your conduct proves that you thought Christ had become a pander to transgression, not that he came to redeem unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Shall the mere confession which fear has extorted from alarmed consciousness serve as a passport to the society of those who have fought the good fight, and obtained the victory over those very enemies who had the mastery over your mind, and whom you have honoured and obeyed?

Why is the gospel hid? The god of this world hath blinded their hearts; they have been led captive by him at his will. The case of the pardoned thief is no precedent;

he believed in Christ as soon as he knew him; both his knowledge of, and his faith in Him, as a Saviour, were at the last hour of his life. Had he known him sooner, he would not have broken His law. Gratitude to the Redeemer would have constrained him to obey; for this His law alone could not do.

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Picture of the Meart which has tasted the good, word of God – the gift of the holy Spirit and the power of the world to come.

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Be ye faithful unto death & ye shall receive a crown of life.

Watch and pray!

Sketched by M. Simon.

Drawn by LR. Smith.

Engr by Peter Mavenid



The third heart exhibits a more advanced stage of the new life. Much now depends on using the means for growing in grace. 'The Word of God is the bread of the new creature's life. He must receive daily bread. Vigilance and watchfulness against the surprisals of temptation, and a constant spirit of prayer, are essential to our progress.

We are not to restrict prayer to asking, - sometimes when you are acquainted with God you will be thanking Him in prayer. It is for want of knowing God, and the endearing manifestations of His love to his children, that so few prayers of thanksgiving are attesting that we can call Him our Father. Ten lepers begged hard to be healed, but only one of the ten returned thanks for the cure..

The study of the revealed mind of God, prayer, and watchfulness, are a threefold cord which the enemy cannot break; thus the Spirit not being resisted, carries on the work of regeneration, until the babe attains the stature of a perfect man in Christ.

But if the windows of the soul are, as it were, closed wilfully against the reforming light and energy of the spirit, it will cease to strive, the conscience will become seared; and the poor Esau sells his future inheritance for a present gratification of the animal nature. It is not they who run well for a time, but they that overcome who shall be crowned.

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