صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



The fourth Heart represents one of whom the risen Redeemer saith, "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou wert cold or hot; so then because thou art lukewarm, I will cast thee out." Such an one relying on the atonement and righteousness of Christ as a discharge from obedience, virtually saith, "I am rich and encreased with goods, and have need of nothing," &c. His character is nevertheless poor, wretched, miserable, blind, and naked; his is the unproductive faith of devils, who know historically and theoretically the divine and human nature of Christ, and yet for want of love and obedience are not saved. Such are counselled to buy of Him gold tried in the fire, that they may be rich, and white raiment that they may be clothed, and that the shame of their nakedness do not appear.

Such persons pass through the mechanical business of religion with great punctuality. They idolize the ordinances without being able to discern their use and meaning. Even the Scriptures are occasionally read, but their favourite commentators must guide them through what appears to inexperienced vision, deep waters, and inaccessible mountains. This character has the dead name and form of religion, the living spirit is wanting. The peculiar set of opinions they have adopted were handed down from their forefathers, just like any other property. They are called Protestants because centuries before some one protested against certain glaring corruptions; but any corruption may exist under the Protestant name. They shun that light which exposes and reproves injustice, fraud, and oppression, wherever they appear. "Cleanse your hands

NA 4


Picture of a Heart having the form. religion but denying the power thereof.

whose Paith is dead, whose love has become cold specu




lation and theory. Again Adversary temptations, and if they should be listened to the latter

end of this heart is worse than its beginning:

"Having a name to live but is dead."

Sketched by Mr Simon.

Drawn by 1.R.Smith.

Engraved by Peter Maverick.

ye sinners, purify your hearts" ye double-minded, be afflicted and mourn and lament, until ye are able to say, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do." This being the sincere prayer of a contrite heart, the answer is "Sell that thou hast, take up the cross, and follow me."

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