! 1830.] Lulworth Castle, the present residence of Charles X. LULWORTH CASTLE. S Lulworth Castle in Dorsetshire A forms the present retreat of fallen royalty, the annexed view (see Plate I.) may be acceptable to our readers. The most ancient possessors of the manor are said to have been the De Lolleworths; but the powerful family of the Newburghs possessed it as early as the reign of John. Christian, the sole heiress of Sir Robert Newburgh, carried the estate to her husband, Sir John Marney, in 1514; and their second daughter, Elizabeth, brought it into the Howard family, by marriage with Thomas Lord Howard of Bindon; the other coheiress, Catharine, who married Lord Poynings, having died without issue. From the Howard family the estate was purchased in 1641, by Humphrey Weld, esq. of Holdwell, in Halfield; and is now possessed by Cardinal Weld, his lineal descendant. That here was a Castle in former ages appears from Tyrrel's History of England; where we read, that Robert Earl of Gloucester, 1142, took the Castle of Lullwarde for the Empress Maud. Whether the present structure had its name from succeeding to its site, or only from being built in that form, is uncertain; though it never was a place of strength, or designed to be such. It is a noble pile, and stands at the higher end of the parish, a little north of the church, and on the edge of the park, om a rising ground; commanding a fine prospect of the sea, from an opening between the hills; and from the top of the house, is an extensive view over the country, especially on the north and east. It was chiefly built out of the materials of Mount Poynings and of Bindon Abbey, by Thomas Viscount Bindon, as Mr. Coker says (p. 44) about 1600. Some have made Inigo Jones the architect. The foundations were laid 1588, and the building was finished 1609.. But, though: Theophilus Earl of Suffolk resided here 1635, little of the inside work was finished when Mr. Weld came to it. It is an exact cube of 80 feet, with a round tower at each corner, 30 feet in diameter, rising 16 feet above the walls, which, as well as the towers, are embattled. The walls are six feet thick, the offices are, under ground, arched with stone. GENT. MAG. September, 1830. 201 The house has three stories, but the towers four; in each front are three rows of four windows; in the towers are four rows of three each, exclusive of the offices. The hall and diningroom are large, and the rooms are in general 18 feet high. In some of the apartments are some family pictures, done by the celebrated hand of Sir Peter Lely. The principal front is on the east, and faced with Chilmark stone. Before it was a large court, now laid into the lawn leading to the landingplace, which is guarded by a balustrade of stone (which, in the late Edward Weld's time, only extended along the east front), and called the Cloisters, because paved with the stones taken from the cloisters of Bindon abbey. This was continued by the late possessor along the north and south sides, at the extremity of which it joins a terrace to the west, of the same height with themselves. Over the doors are the - statues of two ancient Romans in their gowns. On each side of the door, which is supported by four pillars of the Ionic order, is a large niche, and over them two shields, on' which are the arms of Weld, properly blazoned. In the niches are statues of Music and Painting. This mansion has had the honour to entertain King James I. when he came in his western progress to hunt in the Park and the Isle of Purbeck, 1615*; as also, in 1665, King Charles II. and the Dukes of York and Monmouth, whose names the apartments they lay in still bear. It is reckoned one of the finest seats in the county for its uniformity, and was justly admired by King Charles II. The large gardens adjoining, and the groves of trees that almost surround it, add greatly to the beauty and grandeur of the place. The only thing it wants is water. It was sometimes garrisoned by the King; but in 1643 and 1644 by the Parliament, probably to be some check upon Corfe Castle. Captain Thomas Hughes was governor here during that time; whose receipts, without date, out of the hundred of Winfrith and liberties of Bindon and Owre-Moygne, being the profits of sequestered lands, amounted to 38541. 4s. Otd. and his disbursements to 25181. 133. Od. The * See Nichols's Progresses of King James, vol. III. p. 97. 202 Lulworth Castle, the present residence of Charles X. iron bars of the windows, the leaden water-pipes, and great part of the wainscot, were sold, or carried away by the Parliamentarians, when they broke up their garrison. By the governor's accounts, three tons of lead were sold hence, and two more delivered for the use of the garrisons of Weymouth, Poole, and the siege of Corfe castle, besides what was spent here; and the owner was very fortunate, that a set of men, who delighted so much in mischief, had not burnt or demolished this beautiful pile of building. In 1789, George III. together with his Queen and the three elder Princesses, paid a visit to Lulworth Castle by sea from Weymouth, where they then resided for a few weeks. In 1791, the same royal company repeated their visit by land, and, on each occasion, spent many hours in examining the Castle, the new chapel, and the grounds. In 1792, their Majesties, with the Prince of Wales, and five of the Princesses, sailed from Weymouth in the Juno frigate, which was accompanied by several other vessels, in order to visit the Castle, whilst the Duchess of York, and several ladies of the court went thither by land: however, the sea running high, none of the nautical party attempted to land, except the Prince of Wales, which he effected, at the expense of a severe drenching. He surveyed the Castle, and returned to Weymouth by land. A few days afterwards, the King and Queen, with the Princesses, to prevent a second disappointment, came to Lulworth in their carriages. These visits were commemorated by the following inscriptions on oval stones over the door of the principal front of the Castle: Adventus regis Georgii III. et Caroletæ reginæ conjugis, qui supra cætera beneficia ab anno MDCCLXXXIX. frequenti aditu prætorium hospites ingressi, omnemque Weldeorum domum admissione et adloquio solati, splendorem loco ac dignitatem præsentiâ intulerunt. Anno MDCCXCI. Georgius III., rex, fidei defensor, legitimæ libertatis adsertor, consentientibus regni ordinibus leges quæ Catholicis sacris advorsabantur publicè refigi, ejusque nominis cives æquo libertatis jure uti voluit, jussit. Immortale optimi principis beneficium sempiternæ posterorum memoriæ consignabat Thomas Weld devotus majestati ejus. In the year 1786 the first stone of [Sept. the present Chapel, which stands at a small distance to the south-west of the Castle, was laid by the late possessor, under which were placed coins of the reign of Geo. III. and a plate of brass, with the following inscription: + Lapis sacer auspicalis in fundamenta futuri templi jactus anno MDCCLXXXVI. IVo nonas Februarii, quod templum Thomas Weld publicè meo in solo primus omnium mitescente per Georgium tertium legum penalium acerbitate, in honorem Virginis Beatissimæ Dei genetricis, adgredior extruendum. Tu vero Deus optime maxime opus tantis auspiciis inchoatum custodi, protege, fove, ac confirma, ut quaqua Britanniæ patent religioni sanctæ templa adcrescant templis cul tores. + The Chapel is of a circular form, increased by four sections of a circle so as to form a cross, and covered with a dome and lantern. It contains a well-toned organ, a copy of Raphael's transfiguration, and two other scriptural pieces brought from Italy. Joseph Weld, Esq. brother of Cardinal Weld, the owner of Lulworth Castle, having tendered the use of this noble mansion to the ex-King of France, in case the British government would permit him to land, the fallen monarch gladly accepted the offer, and on the answer of our government being received, allowing him to reside in England as a private individual, preparations were made for the departure from Cowes. On Monday Aug. 23, 1830, the royal family debarked at Poole, and proceeded to Lulworth Castle by land. Shortly after three o'clock, two carriages arrived, with luggage and a few attendants, and about five o'clock two other carriages drove M Mothe park containing the deposed the Duke of Bordeaux, the Duke of Luxembourg, and General Baron de Damas. The ex-King was received at the entrance of the Castle by Joseph Weld, Esq., with whom he cordially Monarch, the Duke shook hands. of Charles (who, we believe, now bears the title of Duke of Milan, being prohibited from residing in England otherwise than as a private individual), is of rather tall stature, but he does not display his figure to any advantage, owing to a rather ungraceful stoop. He bears evident marks of ! 1830.] Charles X. and his Family. age, and appears somewhat weakened, but not so much as might have been expected in a man nearly 73 years of age, after the great anxieties and fatigues he has so recently undergone. There is a character of mild graceful ness about his countenance, tinged with a cast of melancholy. The Duke of Angouleme, his eldest son, who is 55 years of age, is much shorter than his father, and displays in his appearance little firmness or manliness. He looks nearly as old as his father. The Duke of Bordeaux, who was ten years old on the 23d of Sept. is a very fine and interesting child; he is tall for his age, and possesses an intelligent coun tenance. The Princesses and the retinue slept at the London Inn at Poole on Monday night, Aug. 23, and the following day proceeded to Lulworth. The following is a list of the persons who accompanied the royal suite; with the stations they respectively occupy: The ex-King:- the Duke of Luxembourg, Captain of the Life Guard; Count O'Hegerty, Master of the Horse; the Baron Kingtzenger, secretary; Dr. Bongou, physician. The Duchess of Angouleme:-the Countess of Murnar; Countess of St. Maurs, accompanying lady; Madame de St. Preuve, waiting lady; Chev. O'Hegerty, Master of the Horse. The Duchess of Berri:-Count de Misnard, Master of the Horse; Count de Brissac, Major Domo; Count and Countess de Charette, friends; Countess de Bouillie, accompanying lady. The Duke of Bordeaux:-General Baron de Damas, governor; M. de Barbaneois, under do.; Count de Martras, do.; Alfred de Damas, aidede-camp; M. de Burante, professor; Chev. de Villale, aide-de-camp. The Princess Maria Theresa Louisa: -Duchess de Goutaud, governess; M. Vachen, teacher. Besides many inferior attendants and servants. 203 themselves with shooting excursions, having taken out the proper certificates. When Charles X. was resident at Edinburgh, he was in the habit of corresponding with the illustrious Prince of Condé, father of the Duke of Bourbon, whose memoir we have given in our obituary. In a letter now before us, written Nov. 29, 1796, Charles thus proudly adverts to the Duke d'Enghien, as being the hopes of the Bourbon race: "Je joins ici ma lettre, que je vous prie de me remettre de ma part au duc d'Enghien. Je ne lui parle que de mon amitié; mais c'est le Roi, c'est la France entière, que je félicite de ce qu'il est, et de ce qu'il sera un jour, en suivant la glorieuse route que vous lui avez tracée." Charles then adverts to his own son, the Duke d'Angouleme, and thus notices his youthful propensities and intended pursuits: "Il faut que je vous parle d'un objet qui tient à mon cœur; il paraît que mon fils s'est conduit en joli garçon, et qu'il a a du goût pour les coups de fusil. C'est toujours bon en soi-même, mais cela ne suffit pas; dans sa position, il faut qu'il se mette promptement en état de bien servir son Roi; et c'est à vous que je m'adresse avec confiance, mon cher cousin, pour que vous employiez toute votre autorité de général, et toute celle, que mon amitié a remise entre vos mains, à exiger qu'il occupe tout son hiver à travailler bien serieusement au métier de la guerre, à se rendre digne de commencer l'année prochaine à conduire des troupes. Je ne vous indiquerai aucuns moyens à cet égard; personne ne saura mieux que vous exciter son émulation, et lui inspirer le désir de l'instruction: mais vous jugerez facilement combien je serai sensible à cette nouvelle preuve de votre amitié. "Adieu, mon cher cousin, je ne veux rien changer au rendez-vous que je vous ai donné; et c'est vers ce but que tendent tous mes efforts. Je vous renouvelle, du fond du cœur, l'assurance de l'amitié bien tendre et bien constante qui m'attache à vous pour la vie." 1 The period for which the exRoyal Family will remain at LulworthCastle, or even in England, is quite uncertain. Charles keeps himself much secluded, and seldom ventures beyond the precincts of the park. The preserves are in good order, and afford the party much sport. He and the Duke of Angouleme frequently amuse The following letters, dated Warsaw, April 9, 1804, were written by the Duke and Duchess of Angouleme to the Prince de Condé, when resident at Wanstead House. They were pen 204 Charles X. and his Family. ned soon after the execution of the circumstance. "MONSIEUR MON Cousin, navré de la douleur la plus amère et la plus vivement sentie, permettez moi de joindre mes larmes aux vôtres. Je n'ai pas besoin de vous assurer de leur sincérité; j'ose me flatter que vous connaissez assez tous les sentimens qui m'attachent à vous, pour n'en point douter. Ce n'est point un cousin que je perds, c'est un frère; et c'est à ce titre que je regrette infiniment de n'être pas auprès de vous, je ne dis pas, pour vous offrir des consolations (car il n'en existe que dans la religion pour un pareil malheur), mais pour pleurer avec vous. Ma femme, qui partage entièrement mes sentimens, me charge de vous les temoigner, et de vous dire combien, ayant éprouvé elle-même les pertes les plus affreuses, elle resent plus vivement votre malheur. Agréez, Monsieur, l'assurance de notre profonde douleur, ainsi que de la haute considération, et du plus tendre et sincère attachement avec lequel je suis pour la vie, Monsieur mon cousin, votre très-affectionné cousin, [Sept. "When the Count d'Artois came to Lyons [1815] although he threw himself on his knees before the troops, in order to induce them to advance against me, he never put on the cordon of the legion of honour, though he knew that the sight of it would be most likely to excite the minds of the soldiers in his favour, as it was the order so many of them bore on their breasts, and required nothing but bravery to obtain it. He decked himself out with the order of the Holy Ghost! to be eligible for which you must prove 150 years nobility, an order purposely formed to exclude merit, and one which excited indignation in the breasts of the old soldiers. We will not,' said they, 'fight for orders like that, nor for emigrés like those; he had ten or eleven of these imbeciles as aid-de-camps. Instead of showing to the troops some of those generals who had so often led them to glory, he brought with them a set of misérables, who served no other purpose than to recall to the minds of the veterans their former suffer ings under the noblesse and priests." "I advanced to Lyons, when I was joined by the troops charged to defend it against me, and the Count d'Artois was happy to escape, escorted by a single dragoon, from the city he had commanded a few hours before." Lorus antome "MONSIEUR MON COUSIN, je ne puis me refuser à vous exprimer moi-même la part bien vive que je prends à la douleur qui vous accable, et que mon cœur partage bien sincèrement. Malgré tout ce que j'ai souffert, les pertes cruelles que j'ai éprouvées, je n'aurais jamais pu imaginer l'évènement affreux qui nous met tous dans le deuil. J'ai été voir ce matin la princesse Louise: je l'ai trouvée avec ce calme de la douleur que la religion et la résignation aux décrets de la providence peuvent seules donner. Elle n'est occupée que de vous, Monsieur, elle y pense sans cesse, et alors les larmes soulagent son cœur oppressé. Je n'écris pas à Monsieur le duc de Bourbon, mais veuillez être l'interprète de mes sentimens auprès de lui; et comptez, je vous prie, sur mes vœux, pour que, soutenue par votre courage, votre santé résiste à la juste douleur de notre cruelle et commune perte. "Je suis, Monsieur mon cousin, votre très-affectionnée cousine, In another place, Buonaparte ob serves, "When you have seen that old blockhead Montchenu, you have seen all the old nobility of France before the Revolution. Such were all the race, and such they have releft it. Ils n'ont rien appris, ils n'ont rien turned, ignorant, vain, and arrogant, as they oublié. They were the cause of the revolution, and of so much bloodshed; and now, after twenty-five years of disgrace, they re turn, loaded with the same vices and crimes for which they were expatriated, to produce Mr. URBAN, Long Melford, Sussex, Marie Thérése. gend of the Three Kings of Cologne, As an illustration of the characteristic bigotry of the Bourbon family and the old emigrés, Buonaparte related to Barry O'Meara the following anecdote of Charles X. then Count d'Artois: and the usual manner representing them in paintings or sculpture. in a letter to the Earl of Leicester, In 1794, Craven Ord, Esq. F.S.A. ries, gave an account of a basso-rePresident of the Society of Antiqualievo, or tablet of alabaster, painted |