1830.] New Church at Doncaster. NEW CHURCHES.-No. XXVIII. CHRIST CHURCH, DONCASTER. TH HE Town of Doncaster has been long celebrated for its beauty and cleanliness, for its striking approach from the south, its magnificent Grand Stand and celebrated Race Course, its public buildings, its venerable Gothic Church, and stately tower; and latterly by the erection of a beautiful Gothic Church, with an elegant spire, giving an additional feature to the town from every approach. This new Church was founded and endowed by a benevolent individual of the name of Jarrett, whose ancestors had for a number of years been connected with the town of Doncaster. A monument in the old church states that a brother of the founder was an Alderman of this borough. John Jarrett, esq. the founder of Christ Church, was in early life a manufacturer at Bradford; subsequently, during the war, he became a partner in the extensive iron works carried on at Low Moor near Bradford, under the firm of Jarrett, Danson, and Hardy, where he acquired a very large fortune. Retiring from business some years ago, he returned to his native town to enjoy the fruits of his honest industry, and, during a period of several years he by acts of kindness and benevolence acquired the respect and esteem of his fellow townsmen. It pleased the Great Disposer of events to terminate his life before the completion of this his last pious work. The first stone of the Church was laid on the 9th of October 1827; and the founder died on the 15th of January 1828, at the age of eighty-three. The sums he gave were 10,000l. for the building, and 3000l. for the endowment. The site of the Church, at the point where the Thorne road branches from the great North road, is particularly fine and open, occupying about two and a half acres of ground, surrounded by wide and spacious public roads. The style of architecture adopted is that which prevailed in the 14th cen tury. The stone used is from the celebrated quarries of Roche Abbey. The plan of the Church comprises a tower, nave, two side-ailes, and a chancel; the latter, together with two vestries, forms a semi-octagonal projection, which gives the east end a GENT. MAG. December, 1830. 2 489 multangular and unusual appearance. There are six windows to each aile, and a seventh at the north-east and south-east vestries. Each of these is lights; the centre three are square divided horizontally by two cross-mulquatrefoils; and the tracery at the head lions, and thereby formed into twelve and the upper part spread out in forms three other quatrefoils. The east window is of six principal lights, tracery. The principal entrance is through a spacious octangular porch, the whole the galleries and side-ailes is by the size of the tower, which is groined in imitation of stone. The entrance to doors on the north and south sides of the Church. The size of the Church from the tower to the chancel, in the interior, is 94 feet long, and 52 wide, with galleries at the south and north sides and west end. The accommodation is for 1000 persons, of which 300 seats are free and unappropriated. The ceiling above the nave is divided into square comwith bosses at the intersection, which partments by bold ornamented beams, side-ailes are groined in imitation are painted in imitation of oak. The of stone, having bosses at the intersection of the ribs, with corbels for the ribs to rise from. The pulpit, reading, and clerk's desks, accord in style with the building, and are placed in the centre of the middle aile, which is 10 feet wide; a handsome stone font is placed in front of the west entrance. 2 The without expressing our admiration of caster. his Grace the Archbishop of York, on The Rev. Henry Branson is appoint- 492 On the ancient Surname of Clinton. "In the book of Knights' fees, 24 Ed. I. 1295, Henry de Clinton was certified to hold one fee in Solegrave,' of William de Pinkeney; and in 9 Edw. II. William de Glinton was certified to be Lord of Sulgrave. In 30 Edw. III. (1356) Henry de Elington was found to hold lands in Sulgrave and Siresham of the manor of Morton (Esc. 30 Edw. III. p. 2, n. 45). William de Elington, probably his son, enfeoffed John de Stotesbury in the manor of Sulgrave," &c. &c. Now Glinton, Clinton, Elington, and Cliton, were synonymous terms, Glinton being only a Saxon orthography of their C(which, Hickes says, answered to the Greek gamma in figure and power, and their G to Y, whence yat, i. e. gate). Clinton only a French perversion of Cliton, and Elington only an abbreviation of Athelington, and at the same time convertible into both Ylinton and Clynton; all having the same allusion to a Cliton or Atheling, the term for a Saxon prince. Nothing can be more clear than the evidences which prove this.—(i.) Glinton and Elindon. In the Taxatio of Pope Nicholas (p. 53), the Abbot of Peterborough is said to have in Elinton alias Glinton, in terr',&c.—(ii.) Athelinton and Elindon the same. Mr. Hunter says (South Yorkshire, i. p. 90) "the name of Edlintone is evidence of some former consequence; æpeling tun, the town of Alheling, a generic term for the younger offspring of the Royal Saxon Houses. It may appear to be an objection to this etymology, that in Domesday book it is written Ellintone, which is also the pronunciation still used by the common people. But this objection will be removed, if we observe how these syllables were used indifferently by our early scribes. Thus Adling flete is written in old charters Athelingflete, but also Allyngflete, and what is now Ellenthorpe was anciently Edelingthorpe; and thus Edlingham in Northumberland was the demesne of King Ceolwulf, to whom Bede inscribes his history."--(iii.) Athelington and Clinton, the same. - In the "Historia Ramesiensis," (Gale's XV. Scriptores, p. 441) it is stated, that there is in the county of Huntingdon, a vill, to which long antiquity gave the name of Athelinton, and out of which Etheric Bishop of Dorchester, cheated a Dane, by making him very drunk, and then gave it to Ramsey Abbey. Now this very Athelinion, in the confirmation charter of King Edward the Confessor, is called ton (see Dugdale's Monasticon, i. est [Dec. 237, col. i. l. 51), and is, I presume, the Ellington near Silthorp of the present day.(iv.) Cliton, Clinton, and Atheling, the same. Ducange (v. Chitones) quoting Simeon of Darham, says, ann. 866, “ Elfredus id Clito Adeling," ubi emendat Somnerus, "" Elfredus Clito id est Adeling: " and Etheling is rendered Clito, for a prince of the blood, in Lye. Orderic Vitalis says (L. xi. p. 838), as quoted by Ducange (ubi supra), Robert begot William the bastard, who begot Robert the father of William Clito; and again, William Clito was son of Robert Duke of Normandy (L. 12, p. 854). This Cliton the French historians converted into Clinton, for Pere Anselme (Histoire Genealogique &c. de Maison Royale, tom. ii. p. 87) says, that Stephen Count of Aumale, solicited by his wife, revolted and went with many Normans to William Clinton, son of Robert the third Duke of Normandy, and again (p. 876), he says in the year 1138, William the first Clinton, called the Gros, after the death of Henry the First, had many differences with the Count of Lincoln, Simon Senlis. And the same identity of Clyton and Clynton was extant in England; for in the Harl. MS. 853 (written about the year 1580), we have "Clynton, a Saxon, was in the Conquest time earle of Wincester," &c.; but in the Harleian MS. in 1584, fol. 4, we have a transcript of the passage last quoted, beginning with Cliton, a Saxon, &c.; and further, in the Harleian MS. 4754, fol. 1, 6, we have "Clinton, or Clyton, a Saxon, was at the Conquest Earl of Winchester, and for that he took part with Edgar Etheling, against the Conqueror, he was banished England, and died in Scotland." Ethelwald, in the Scriptores p. Bed. shows, that there was a Clyton or Prince of the blood, Earl of Winchester, but that is not to our purpose. All we mean to show is, that Clyton and Clynton were synonymous; and in a blazonry of arms of the Nobility, made temp. James and Charles I. (Harl. MS. 1426, f. 21), we have Clyton (sic) Earle of Lincolne, &c. As to Clinton, a place, the Saxons give their own names to vills, the Normans took theirs from them. It is very true, that Camden, in his Remaines, makes (p. 117) Glin a derivative from Glen, Welsh, a dale, but that cannot apply to a place also called Elindun. Dugdale, therefore, had no right to 1830.] On the Family of Clinton. presume, that Clinton implied an ig noble name, for the contrary was precisely the fair inference, and history supports such an inference. This very Henry de Elington (Clinton or Glinton), whom I have mentioned above from Mr. Baker, was the representative of the first ancient family in North amptonshire. In Weever's "Funeral Monuments," copied in your vol. xcvII. i. 414,503, is an Anglo-Saxon inscription, formerly at Leominster Church, reciting that Kynelm was a benefactor of royal blood, and that his relative was Reynelmbald at Clinton." This was first published by Warburton the He rald, from a copy by Hackluyt, a native of Leominster, but was pronounced, through prejudice from Dugdale, a forgery by Warburton, who had a light character. Now this must be erroneous, for in the Harleian MS. 4029, fol. 65, written a century before the birth of Warburton, is a pedigree of Clinton, where the ancestry is ascribed to a Re nebald [de Tankerville], a factitious origin as to the Tankervilles, to be found in Rous's Roll (MS. Ashmol. 6504, or G. 2, fol. 96, b.), who, by the way, does not say a word of the prænomen Renebald, so that it must have been an interpolation from another source, i. e. Warburton's copy or original. Now where was this place Clinton? At Clinton or Glinton, co. Northampton, for there Beorred, King of Mercia, did settle some of his stipendiaries and relatives (see Bridges's Northamptonshire, ii. 575, &c. Ingulph. int. Scriptor. p. Bed, p. 494, a. Tin. 41, 42, ed. 1596, &c.), and their representatives are mentioned in Domesday Book, fol. 221, b., and were utterly distinct from the Abbot of Peterborough's knights or feodaries, who were first enfeoffed by Abbot Thorold, temp. Will. Conq. (Chronic. Petroburgense MS. Cott., Claud. A. v. f. 7, a.; Gunton's Peterborough, 266, 267.) Among these Knights was a Ralph, son of Arconbi de Glynton (Gunton's Peter. borough, p. 279), from whom descended this Henry de Glynton, or Clinton, or Elington, who held the estates in Sulgrave and Siresham, mentioned by Mr. Baker. That this family was one of very high consequence, is certain from inquisitions taken in the time of Edw. I. the Plea-rolls, and Testa de Nevill. There are three several copies of these Inquisitions still extant; viz. Harl. MSS. 3875 and 5804, and Lansdowne, 207, vol. ii. f. 1; and 493 from these it appears, that Heury de Glinton, or Clinton, or Elindon, mentioned by Mr. Baker, was then chief Lord of a "Baronia de Clinton, de conquestu," says the record; but evidently the remains of one much larger in preceding times. In the Plea-rolls of 1274, as appears by the record, (misquoted in the Calendar, p. 187) the Barony de Clinton was only in the custody of Roger de Hingoldby, it was not his own; and a presumed son of this Henry, viz. a William de Glenton, is returned 28 Edw. I. as one of the military tenants who held Cs. lands, co. Linc. (MS. Harl. 1192, f. 30, b.)-He is the William who is returned by Mr. Baker as Lord of Sulgrave, 9 Edw. II. A.D. 1315, and is called in the Record itself, (see Palgrave's Parliamentary Writs, ii.389) William deClinton. That the present noble family of Clinton, Lord's Clinton, Earls of Lincoln, and Dukes of Newcastle, were descended from the same family, is evident-1, from Geffrey de Clinton having had an estate at Siresham, where, two centuries afterwards, Mr. Baker shows us that the Glintons, Clintons, or Elingtons had also estates, besides others in the immediate vicinity; 2, from the early Clinton arms having in the heraldic indexes been the same as those borne by Glinton; and 3, from the register of St. Andrew's Abbey, Northampton, (MS. Cott. Vesp. E. xvii.) where the name Gaufridus de Glynton appears, fol. 13, 15, 16, and never Clynton (as if his origin from vicinity was known); and in the register of Kenilworth, the family call themselves Glynton and Clynton indifferently, in the very same charters. Such are the evidences, concisely abstracted, which show that Dugdale, upon the weak authority of a corrupt historian, who never set foot in England after the age of eleven years, has degraded the origin of one of the most ancient and splendid families of the realm. With the Testa de Nevill, which mentions the "Feudum de Clinton," and the Bittlesden Abbey Register, he most certainly was acquainted; yet he suppresses the one, and alters the text of the other. It is not that Dugdale has not the highest claims of merit. I only state matters of fact, with the intention of disproving misrepresentations, which have been copied into all the Peerages; and, as affairs of history, ought not to exist a moment beyond the proof of their error. Yours, &c. T. D. F. 496 Walk through the Highlands. by the Water of Ness, which is here a shallow but extremely rapid stream, and the whole district wore an appear ance of cheerfulnesh and hilarity. The barley was in sheaf, and seemed abundant. As we entered Inverness the inhabitants were returning from kirk, and both men and women bore the most primitive appearance. The old men with their bonnets and staves, -the gude wives with their gay and plaided cloaks,-the maidens, with their snooded tresses, powerfully arrested our attention; and our garb and general appearance seemed to cause equal astonishment to them. We marched into Bennett's Hotel at four, and found it worthy of all commendation. Pedestrians as we were, we were treated like princes; and we noted it down as the very best quarters it had ever been our good fortune to enter. Inverness, throughout its whole extent, has an appearance of the greatest neatness and comfort. Some of the buildings, such as the Town Hall, and the principal church, are upon a large scale, handsome and highly ornamental. We also noticed the large school-room, in which, I believe, is a tolerable library. But the greatest ornament to the town is its bridge, over the Water of Ness; at this place broad and handsome, and dividing the town into two parts. With this inspection we were much gratified, and regretted that our sojourn was to be so short. In the evening we had a most delightful walk through the corn-fields leading to the Caledonian Canal, which we crossed, and arrived at the foot of the celebrated hill Craig Phadric. This we meant to have ascended for the purpose of inspecting the vitrified forts to be found on its brow. But the shades of evening were fast gathering around; and we were compelled to relinquish the attempt. From Inverness homewards there are comparatively few objects of curiosity; we therefore took a carriage. The weather was delightful, the roads good, and the country exceedingly pleasant. In the distance Fort George is visible. Soon after this the road becomes dreary and uninteresting; nothing but heath and mountain; but we pleased ourselves not a little by our now luxurious mode of travelling, and arrived at Aviemore Inn to dinner at five. After the usual rest, we proceeded a twelve or fifteen mile stage to the next inn, Pitmain. [Dec. Next day we proceeded to the Falls of Bruars. Close adjoining is a cottage, the inhabitants of which have the keys of the walks, and act as guides to strangers. The grounds are adorned by two or three moss-houses, from whose windows the Falls appear to advantage. In one of them we were shown the verses of Burns, wherein he complains to the Duke that the Falls are bare of trees, and neglected, though worthy of a better fate. The appeal very deservedly met with success; and the banks of Bruars were instantly shaded with trees, which do not, however, appear very flourishing. Indeed, the whole place even now wears an aspect of neglect. The road onwards increased continually in interest; the hills became well wooded and picturesque; the ground on each side rising into the most agreeable undulations; and finally we came in view of Blair Atholl. While the horses were baiting, we wandered, by the pale moon, under the deep dark shade of the venerable trees, in every direction ornamenting the park; while the far-off landscape seemed to us almost a scene of enchantment. With the appearance of the house we were disappointed; particularly when we called to mind the sieges and the battles which it had witnessed. It is now considerably and not very tastefully modernized, and glared through the moonlight an unsightly and uninteresting mass of white-wash. It was at this time under repair, and closed to the public. The surrounding country is truly beautiful, the hills superb, and covered with wood to an immense extent. Immediately on quitting the village of Blair, we passed under an arch which crossed the road; the lofty and tufted trees cast around a solemn and chequered shade, and I shall ever remember the pleasure the scene afforded me. The Pass of Killicrankie, further on, has been much altered in appearance within a few years, from the plantations and improvements of the Duke of Atholl. It is extremely narrow, rising on the left into lofty hills, sum crowned with trees to their (To be continued.) |