THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. JULY, 1830. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. NOTICES OF THE ANCIENT Kingdom of Ylli in BritannY. ed, after the departure of the Romans and under the British colonization, was one which bore the name of YLLI. Its insignificance might have excluded it from history, but for the marriage of one of its princesses to a king of Britanny. Hence it has become an object of inquiry to Breton antiquaries, who are not agreed upon its geographical situation, some placing it near Morlaix, and others confounding it with a different state. M. Miorcec de Kerdanet, the first living archæologist of Britanny, has published a little tract on the subject, in which he considers the question as set at rest.* The words of Ingomar, as quoted by Dom Morice, appear to point out the situation of Yil, if they can be satis factorily explained. He says, that King Ausochus, dwelt in capite lit toris magni, à parte occidentali, in tribu Lysia, in commendatione Ylli. In medieval Latin, commendatio means government or custody, answering to the Breton word Quemenet; and Quemenet Ylli, was actually the name of a canton of Lower Britanny, in the district of Leon, or northern part of the present department of Finisterre. This country contained a bishopric and two subordinate dioceses, or archidiaconates, namely Ach (Lat. Aginense), and Quemenet-Ylli. The chief place of this latter division was Tregarantec, or Charity's home,t so called because the inhabitants of Pleudiher found refuge there, at the time of a raging epide nic. It is about five leagues *Notice sur le Royaume d'Ylli. 18mo. pp. 10. Printed for Duchesne, at Rennes. + M. Miorcee renders this word trève de la charité, I should conceive erroneously. I have given the Welsh, or more ancient meaning of the word. N. E. of Brest, and a part of it still bears the name of Lysien, aboveAusochus may be safely placed at mentioned. So that the palace of king garantec. The kingdom of Ylli contained only seventeen villages, in the time of Clerod, a valiant monarch, who is said to have been twice crowned with a cap of wreathed laurel. He had three sons, each of whom had a remarkable impression on the right shoulder; the eldest a bow, the second spear's head, and the third a sword; which denoted their military renown. They bore this motto on their shields, Carantez e peb amser, e peb hænt lealdet. Charity at all times, Honour in every way. a son Hilpertit, or the Gloomy. After Clerod was succeeded by his grandhim reigned his son Ausoch, who is known in history as the father of the his absence at a neighbouring court, beautiful Pradell or Pritell. During it happened that Judual, Prince of Dumnonia, who had lost his way in hunting, arrived at the palace. He was struck with the charms of the princess, and the same night he saw her image in a dream, surrounded with weathat the lady's hand must be sought in pons of war. The omen might betoken perils and enterprises; but the lover did prophet Tholosin, son of Onis, who not despair; he consulted the bard and dwelt in the peninsula of Rhuis; by whom he was told, that the issue of the marriage would be a warlike son. Encouraged by this explanation, he de manded and obtained the hand of the Princess: their marriage is placed in * Pridd, adj. precious, Welsh Dict. + The North-Eastern part of Britany: Mr. Turner considers it as the refuge of the exiles from Devonshire. Opposite Quiberon, on the southern coast of Britanny. An Abbey was dedicated there to St. Gildas. Judual died about 620. His son and successor was the celebrated Judicail, whom tradition represents as a match for the stoutest antagonist when a boy, but who shines in history as a very amiable character.* He married Moron, daughter of Even, King of Ach. One of his sons, named Arnec, was bishop of the little diocese. It. seems that he resigned it in favour of St. Vigan, his neighbour. The legend says, that he promised him as much territory as he could traverse, while he himself was asleep. Arnec betook himself to slumber, and Vigan mounted his horse; but it was on the steeple of St. Eloi, between Landerneau and Lesneven; and taking a spring from thence, he traversed the whole of the diocese in the air before Arnec awoke, and it was accordingly ceded to him. The kingdom appears to have reverted to temporal princes, for Argan, or Arastan, reigned in the time of Charlemagne. (It might be an apanage.) This prince accompanied Charles in his expeditions, was distinguished as a soldier, and fell at Roncevaux in 778.† His exploits were a favourite theme of the Breton Troubadours. His successor was Prinitis, of whom nothing is recorded, or indeed of any later sovereign. It has escaped the keen antiquary of Les Tourelles, that Yili is a word meaning a division, or something parted off It is natural to suppose that this little kingdom had been detached from some other, and thence obtained its name. Too insignificant to be an object of cupility, and no larger than an English nobleman's *See Mr. Turner's sketch of Breton history, in the first and fourth editions of his History of the Anglo Saxons. + M. Miorcec adds, "Le Tasse l'a célébré dans la Jérusalem. Il a extrait ce qu'il en dit de l'archevêque Turpin, contemporain d'Argan." Yl. s. m. that tends to part. Yllt, a rent-Welsh Dict. Lysien has a similar signification:-Llys, s. m. that separates. property, it may have experienced more happiness than larger states, where kings can only see with the eyes of ministers. That it should have remained unconquered in those turbulent times, supposes patriotism in the inhabitants, affection towards their chiefs, and a propitious course of circumstances. The name of Tregarantec speaks highly for the character of the people, and is no trivial instance of the value of etymology in corroborating history. It is possible that a diligent search of the early Welsh Bards may throw some light on the events of this interesting little kingdom, or on the names of its princes. CYDWELI. EING resident between the Se Bern and the Wye, I have often observed the injury and inconvenience sustained by the neighbourhood, for want of a bridge over the Severn at Newnham; travellers in carriages being compelled to go round either by Gloucester or the Old Passage, from twenty or more miles out of their way, if their direction be the opposite populous country, and the parts beyond. I have therefore collected, for the information of my neighbours, various matters concerning bridges, which I think it may be amusing and useful to lay before the public, as they do not apply to a particular case only. It is well known that the erection of bridges has become so exceedingly expensive, and so accompanied with heavy loss to the shareholders, that a virtual prohibition exists to the increase of such conveniences, except at the public cost. Nevertheless, I beg to premise, that I am not such a Vandal as to object to stone bridges, chain bridges, or any best things, where they can be afforded; only that where they cannot be afforded, expense is not to be doctrinal against convenience; stones and mortar against ten per cent.; facility of communication, which augments commerce and the value of estates, against mere outside show. But more money gained will cause money to be spent. The country, which has exhibited the best modes of encountering the difficulty is America; and though many of their expedients are too rude for adoption here, yet there are others which merit attention.. In the first place, then, I would ob 1830.] On the Erection of Bridges. serve, that there does already exist a ferry at Newnham; and that such ferry may be made to answer every purpose of a bridge (except, perhaps, when the Bour or Hygre, i.e. the tide, is pouring in) by the following simple means; and I beg it to be recollected, that I shall say nothing without authority. "At Philadelphia, the finest object is the river Delaware, and its opposite shore, about half a mile across, with a little island in the middle of it. Steam and team boats are continually crossing and recrossing. They are double boats, or two placed side by side, the paddles working between with a deck across both, to take waggons, carriages, &c. You may drive into them seated in any vehicle, and out on the opposite side on coming to shore, without the least danger. A large bell is rang every time they make the shore, stop about ten minutes, ring again, and off.”—Pickering's Emigration, p. 28. That a similar expedient might be here adopted, is beyond doubt, because a raft conveys a stage-coach without unhorsing or unloading, across an estuary in or near Arundel in Sussex, and was contrived by the coach-proprietor, because a bridge was refused. The raft was towed by a chain and windlass, but as the rope or chain, (not necessarily so, though troublesome) might impede the navigation of the river, it would be objectionable at Newnham. To the double-boat described above, no such impediment exists. The paddies might be worked by a man in each boat, and simple machinery; and quays or causeways of differing heights and extents might be thrown out on both shores, to meet the changeable elevations of the tide. The next economical substitute would be a wooden bridge, with a drawbridge in the centre, for vessels to pass, as at Amsterdam, and but lately at Weymouth. But stone bridges are by far the best. Undoubtedly; but there is a wide difference in cost between a crown and a pound. Wooden bridges, (expense is the question), do not cost more than one fourth of stone ones, are the only bridges across wide rivers which pay good interest of money, and may be made picturesque and beautiful. Now for the proofs: "A stone bridge was first meditated at Chelsea; but the estimate given in was 83,000l. The proprietors, alarmed at the expense, erected a wooden one for about 20,000l. The concern now amply remunerates 5 them; whereas, had it been built with stone, it would not even now produce an interest of more than 2 per cent."-Faulkner's Chelsea, i, 33. at Putney pays ten per cent., and that I have heard that the wooden bridge the shareholders a few years ago wisely resisted the conversion of it into stone, because, as public convenience was served without it, they saw no reason why their private property was to suffer for the sake of a good job. has erected a beautiful wooden frame bridge "But ugliness is avoidable, for Colonel By over the Big Kettle in Canada."-Mac Taggart's Canada, i. 347. Of the hopeless proceeds of stone and iron bridges, the following table, taken from your Magazine for May, 1830, p. 479, tells a melancholy tale BRIDGES : Hammersmith. Do. New 7 per cent. Ann. of 81. Price of Div. Shares. per ann. £24 0 £1 10 20 30 0 3 0 17 4 15 2 If Government would make a donaforest of Dean, the expense of a wooden tion of timber from the neighbouring bridge at Newnham would be very considerably reduced. The indispensable expense of a chain bridge has been very much exaggerated; Mr. MacTaggart, a government engineer, said, "A chain bridge to stretch across the St. Lawrence, from Cape Diamond to Point Levi, a distance of more than a mile, where the current is strong and water deep, seems no easy task, yet it might be performed. The chain bridge would require five floating piers, and these may be so constructed and so anchored that even the heaviest drift ice rushthem away. The expense attending such an uning before a flood would not be able to sweep dertaking, considering contingencies, might probably amount to 40,000l.; nothing less, at least, could possibly answer."-MacTaggart's Canada, Vol. i. p. 315. Now, the breadth of the water way at Newnham in full tide is, according to a trigonometrical admeasurement, 560 yards, and, of course, but the third of a mile and eighty yards over. Divide 40,000l. by 3, and upon Mr. MacTaggart's estimate, a bridge could be built across the Severn at Newnham for 13,330l. Two, or at most three, piers would be enough. But the most appalling circumstance 6 Bridge over the Severn at Newnham. as regards Newnham, is that no rocky "The original foundation of Old London Bridge appears to have been laid at low water, as the heads of the small piles were a little above that level; they were chiefly of elm, and driven in three rows, all round the sides and ends of the piers, about six or seven feet deep, and ten inches square, upon an average. Between these piles a quantity of loose rubble stones were laid without cement, and upon this were bedded three strong sleepers, about 21 inches wide and 9 thick. *"At veteres, quod faustum et felix sit, fodito inquiunt usquedum solidum invenias." -Alberti de re ædificat. fol. xxxiii. [July, This timber was perfectly sound after the lapse of now above six centuries, and proves a strong practical instance of the preservation of wood under water, when unexposed to the action of air."-Archeol. xxiii. 18. In building our ancient bridges, the custom was to turn the water-course, make starlings, and upon them raise the piers; and if they had sunk their starlings to low-water level, and not made their piers unnecessarily thick, there would have been no falls. It does not appear, from the London or Bristol old bridges, that they piled under the starlings. (See Seyer's Bristol.) Nor is it at all probable, quick as are the sands of the Severn, and various other sands, that a superstructure raised upon the hull of the Royal George, the Rother-ship, or a Severn trow bedded in sand, would subside much from the superincumbent weight; for Vauxhall bridge has its piers laid in boxes. As to the Severn, the experiment could be easily made by examining the depth to which the causeway on the Arlingham side, used from time immemorial, has subsided ; and furthermore, the ford at low water for carriages has been used from time immemorial, so that it can never have been undermined, and must be firm enough for a timberbridge, or an artificial bed of stone laid upon it. In excavation, the American mode is twice as cheap as the English, both in bridge and canalmaking. Instead of human labour being employed in digging, a team or two ploughs the surface with a very strong plough, the men remove the earth as fast as it is turned up; they then plough again, and so continue the process, (if the stratum be not rocky) till the job is completed. A bridge at Newnham, unless supported by Governinent (and in all nations except this, such public works are so supported,) is, however, not likely to find patronage. The people of Gloucester and the Old and New Passages, have a strong interest in opposing such a measure; but there is no reasonable objection to a double-boat ferry like that used at Philadelphia, and the profits of such a convenience might form a fair criterion as to the prudence of ulterior measures. There are turnpike roads in communication on both sides, and no approaches required, nor acts of parliament, nor any outlay except that which does not require serious consideration. Indeed one or more patriotic noblemen or gentle 1830.] Italian Drama at Paris-Alfieri's Plays. men might, by an easy subscription, have a model and full working descriptions sent from Philadelphia, and by assent of the proprietor of the ferry, set the business going. The secret consists in nothing more than two barges, with a stage or platform, guarded by rails, and forming a moveable bridge, which may be hooked on to piers or quays. Having stated plain matters of fact, I do not see why Englishmen in Eng. Land cannot be as wise as Anglo-Americans, and not sneer at conveniences because they may be cheap; in short, I affirm that by the Philadelphian construction of double ferry-boats, the purposes of a bridge may, to a very ample extent, be exemplified at Newnhain, to the great eventual benefit of the town, the country, and the public at large. We borrowed our steam-boats from the Americans, why not other as practicable conveniences? I am aware of insult, because architects will not suffer any public convenience what ever to be projected, if it be possible to prevent it, unless it be done at an enormous expence, and their plea is national ornament. Their plea is just, if the funds can be afforded, but it is known, that if expensive architectural construction cannot be afforded, the picturesque supplies the useful without u fiftieth of the cost; and that the public convenience is not nor ought to be impeded, because a man will obstruct your having a picturesque dwellinghouse, unless you sacrifice almost all you are worth to make it an architectural palace. It is a notorious fact, in favour of the picturesque or Gothic style, that no other style assists or harmonizes with landscape. In the Gothic, there are beautiful, picturesque, and cheap modes of improvement, and accordingly it is now a prevailing fashion to Gothicize rural dwellings. Such a style requires far less sacrifices of money, and few or no demolitions; whereas the Grecian, unless it be spoiled, demands both as to buildings not wholly new. The Grecian style, therefore, for persons of moderate for tune more extensively obstructs the na tional ornament than here and there an expensive fabric improves it. Yours, &c. AN ECONOMIST. man vocalists in the French capital: they commenced their representations on Tuesday last (6th July,) with Rosmunda, a tragedy in five acts, by Alfieri; followed by La casa désabitata, a farce in one act by the Count Giraud, an Italian by birth, but of French descent. It is worthy of remark, that Alfieri's plays are seldom allowed to be performed in Italy; and from the sentiments which pervade them, it can hardly be supposed that the French Government would suffer them to be represented in a translation. Alfieri, in his disposition, seems to have resembled Lord Byron; he identifies tyranny with almost every act of every government, and is unsparing in his condemnation of those public characters who fall under his lash. His strong unqualified language is in consequence scarcely fit for theatrical publication in the vulgar tongue of any country; and however the French literati might wish to excuse the boldness of his style, and the free spirit of his writings, they cannot so easily pardon his severe sarcasms on their national character; they consider it rather inconversunt to commence the Italian performances with a production of such a writer. The Corsaire observes, that if his satire, the Miso-Gallo, had been read in the pit, not an individual would have remained in the house. With such preventions, the merits of the Italian drama cannot be justly appreciated in Paris, until the works of some other authors have been represented. A leading characteristic of Alfieri's tragedies is, that instead of displaying the action upon which his drama is founded, he produces long colloquial descriptions of some strong passion. Threats are held out, curses denounced, and reproaches vented, with nothing to relieve the monotony of the conversation. Shakspeare has been blamed by our classical neighbours, for descending suddenly from the high pitch of tragic sublimity to the low merriment of a farce: those, however, who make this objection, forget that such a transition is often necessary to prevent the attention from flagging. The introduction of comic scenes frequently enables the spectator to become better acquainted with the progress of the narrative than he could be by the declamations and soliloquies of the principal personages; and while it is admitted as a truism, that variety has charms, |