صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Foreign News.-Domestic Occurrences.


The principal chiefs of Bosnia Herzzovina, a part of Macedonia and Albania, bave organized themselves into a confederation for resisting the encroachments of Russia. They will acknowledge the sovereignty of the Grand Seignor, if he consents to give up the new political and military systems and institutions he has introduced into the empire; renounces the military costume and discipline of the Franks, resumes the turban, throws aside the cap worn by the christian slaves, and restores the ever victorious Janissaries. The insurgents declare they will never recede from these bases, and the same principles appear to prevail in all the chief towns of Turkey. To this end committees have been formed at Seraglio, ia Bosnia; at Pristina, in the Arnaouthlik at Fotchia, Gasco Scodia, Elbossan, Berat, Janina, Larissa, Jacova, Kuptuli-Vardar, and Sarnocovo. The Servians, although partly emancipated by the treaty of Adrianople, have concurred in the plan.



Affairs have at length taken a decided turn in Columbia. General Bolivar, seeing himself to be an object of unextinguishable jealousy to his fellow-countrymen, and unable otherwise to prove the disinterestedness of his motives, has formally announced his resolution to hold himself free of any share in the Government. On the 27th of April he addressed to the congress, sitting at Bogota, a modest and unpretending message, in which be says the good of the country alone exacts from him the sacrifice of withdrawing himself for ever from the land which gave him birth, that his presence may not become an impediment to the happiness of his fellow-citizens.

To this message the Congress replied on the 30th of April, that it saw in this proceeding on the part of Gen. Bolivar, a new proof of his disinterested devotion to his country, and an additional claim to the glory with which his name would be handed down to posterity.




Want and misery appear to be on the increase in many parts of Ireland.In several districts of the Queen's County the lower orders are actually perishing from famine. They have been tempted into the commission of outrages by their distress, and their proceedings are now assuming a most dangerous character from a secret system of organization which seems to regulate them. The distress in the northern suburbs of Dublin equals in intensity that which has been felt in most parts of Ireland. In Howth, Baldoyle, and Clontarf, the population have been in the most dreadful state of destitution. Above 4,000 wretched creatures, young and old, of both sexes, have been employed by the relief committee of Limerick breaking stones on various roads and bye streets of the city. For three weeks past many families in the county of Leitrim contrived to subsist upon herbs and nettles.

July 2.-The noble spire of the church at Rotherham (represented in our Magazine for last September) was struck by lightning. Having been upwards of 63 yards high, it has long been the pride of the town and the admiration of strangers; but it is much feared that the injury received has so materially

displaced eight or ten yards of the upper part, from its centre, that it will be necessary to take it down.

The history of the spurs worn by the "Herald" at the proclamation of his Majesty at Exeter, is somewhat curious. Mr. Baker, an ironmonger in the Highstreet of that city, had purchased them in a lot of old iron by weight at one farthing per pound. On their being polished for the ceremony, they proved to be silver, decorated with a fleur-de-lis, and worth, as old silver, upwards of 31.

The property of the late Sir C. Hawkins, bart., in St. Ives, and which secures the purchaser a seat in Parliament for the borough, was lately sold by auction in London for the sum of 57,2001. It is reported that the purchaser is the Marquess of Cleveland.

July 19.-Some months ago the threefold crime of rape, robbery, and murder, attended by circumstances most disgustingly horrible, was committed by two carters named Thomson and Dobie, near the village of Gilmerton, in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. The unfortunate victim of their unnatural brutality was a woman named Paterson, whom the monsters had induced to ride in their cart; and after the perpetration of this foul crime, they threw her into the read, where she was afterwards found


Domestic Occurrences.-Promotions.

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nearly dead. They were this day tried at
Edinburgh in the High Court of Justi-
ciary, with closed doors. The jury re-
turned a verdict of guilty against both
the parties. After the verdict had been
received, Lord Moncrieff observed, that
the case was one which it "beggared all
power of language to describe, and all
terms of condemnation to characterize,'
and Lord Justice Clerk Boyle declared,
in passing sentence, that "no words he
could use were capable of worthily de-
scribing the unparalleled brutality and
wickedness of so foul a crime."
his Lordship was proceeding to direct
the bodies of the criminals to be given
for dissection, Dobie exclaimed-" My
Lord, it is a grand thing that you canna
dissect the soul!"

LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. His Majesty William the Fourth. His Majesty, since his accession to the Throne, has been rendering himself extremely popular by his frequently appearing in public, and conducting himself with great condescension and affability towards all around him.

On the 19th his Majesty inspected the Coldstream Guards on the parade in St. James's Park, accompanied by the royal Dukes and an immense concourse of people. He afterwards held an investure of the most ancient and noble order of the Thistle, when the Duke of Sussex was invested with the insignia of that Order. At one o'clock the King held a court at St. James's, for the purpose of receiving addresses from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

On the 20th his Majesty inspected the 1st and 2d battalions of the 3d Guards on the parade in St. James's Park. After the troops went through their various manœuvres, the officers were separately presented to his Majesty, and kissed hands. Among those present were the Dukes of Cumberland, Gloucester, and Wellington; Princes George of Cumberland, Leopold, Frederick of Prussia, and a great number of field officers. After the review his Majesty proceeded to visit the exhibition of the Royal Academy at Somerset-house.

On the 21st his Majesty, accompanied by the Queen, and attended by a numerous suite, inspected the two regiments of Life Guards in the Regent's Park. Their Majesties afterwards break


fasted with the Duke of Wellington, at
Apsley House. About two o'clock his
Majesty returned to St. James's Palace,
and held his first levee since his acces-
sion to the throne.

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The 22d of July the King inspected the 1st and 2d Battalions of the Grenadier Guards, on the Parade in front of the Horse Guards; and afterwards the 9th (or Queen's Royal) Lancers, commanded by the Earl of Rosslyn.

On the morning of the 26th inst. his Majesty had a grand review in Hyde Park of the Household and other troops, consisting of two troops of Horse Artillery; two batteries Foot Artillery; 1st and 2d Life Guards; Royal Horse Guards; 1st, 2d, and 3d battalion of Grenadiers; 2d battalion Coldstream Guards; 1st and 2d battalion of Third Guards; the entire of the Troops under the command of Gen. Lord Visc. Combermere. The whole presented a very brilliant sight.

On the 27th the King attended a review of the Artillery and Engineers at Woolwich; after which his Majesty and attendants partook of a most elegant dejeuné à la fourchette with the Artillery officers. In the course of the entertainments his Majesty, after toasting the Royal Artillery, gave "the Duke of Wellington and the Army and Navy combined."

On the 28th his Majesty held a levee at St. James's Palace, when great numbers of the nobility and persons of distinction had the honour of being presented.

A new street from Waterloo-bridge to Charlotte-street, Bedford-square, is to be carried into immediate effect. The Government give the Marquis of Exeter 25 000l. for his share of the ground which it will occupy, and the Duke of Bedford generously contributes 4,000l. towards the plan. The Waterloo-bridge Company will subscribe as their proportion 5,000l. The Mercers' Company have at their own cost agreed to carry the new street entirely through to Charlotte-street, where, in a direct line through Bedford-square, Gower-street, by the London University, it will fall into the Great North Road. Mr. Arnold, the proprietor of the English Operahouse, will immediately commence the re-erection of his theatre on a partially new site.


July 5. John Forbes, M.D. F.R.S. of
Chichester, to be a Physician to the house-
hold of the Duke of Cambridge.

July 6. 3d Foot Guards; Capt. H. Colville to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col.-87th Foot. Major James Rowan, to be Major-Unattached; Capt. Lord G. A. Hill, to be Major

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Promotions and Preferments.

of Inf.-Garrisons; Capt. J. C. Griffiths, to be Fort-Major at St. John's, Newfoundland.-Unattached; Brevet Lieut.-Colonels W. Cochrane and D. McDougall, of Nova Scotia, and J. F. Love, of New Brunswick, to be Majors of Inf.

Sir Justinian Isham, Bart. to be Colonel in the Northamptonshire Regular Militia, and Langham Rokeby, esq. to be Lieut.-Col.

July 16. 79th Foot. Brevet Lieut.-Col. Duncan M'Dougall to be Major.-87th Foot, Capt. Hon. N. H. C. Massey, to be Major. Officers on the Staff promoted to unattached Commissions; to be Lieut.-Colonels of Infantry-brevet Col. Hon. J. Ramsay; brevet Lieut.-Colonels G. C. D'Aguilar, C. Turner, Sir Guy Campbell, bart., C. H. Churchill, H. G. Smith, K. Snodgrass, H. B. Harris, Lord J. T. K. Somerset, and T. Drake. To be Majors of Infantry; brevet Lieutenant-Colonels L. L. Foster, R. Egerton, W. Stavely, G. Evatt, W. Beresford, J. Shaw, T. Noel Harris, brevet Major C. Wood.

Officers lately removed from Staff situations in Ireland, promoted to unattached commissions.-To be Lieut.-Colonels of Infantry; brevet Col. E. J. O'Brien, and R. Owen. To be Major of Infantry; brevet Major J. C. Smith, Brevet; Major Alex. Campbell, to be Lieut. Col.- Staff; Major W. Marshall, to be Inspecting Field-Officer of Militia in Nova Scotia, with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel. July 19. Lieut.-Gen. Lord Aylmer, K.C.B. to be Governor of Lower and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the island of Prince Edward; and MajorGen. George Mackie to be Governor of St. Lucia.

July 20. 68th Foot; Major J. Reed, to be Lieut.-Col.-82d Foot; brevet Major Brook Firman to be Major.-Unattached; to be Lieut.-Col. of Inf. brevet Lieut.-Col. R. Grant.-To be Majors of Infantry, brevet Major Wm. Hanbury Davies, brevet Lieut.Col. John Gurwood, Capt. F. Du Vernet.Staff; brevet Col. W. Beresford to be Permanent Assistant Quartermaster-general; Major H. G. Broke, to be Deputy Quartermaster-general in Nova Scotia, with the rank of Lieut.-Col.

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July 21. Knighted, Martin Archer Shee, Esq. Pres. R. Acad., Jas. South, Esq. of the Observatory, Kensington, Wm. Henry Richardson, Esq. Sheriff of London, George Drinkwater, Esq. Mayor of Liverpool.

July 22. To be Aide-de-Camps to his Majesty for the Militia force, Cols. Sir W. W. Wynn, bart., George Earl of Aboyne, Lord Dufferin and Claneboye, Thomas Wood.

War Office, July 22. Sir Robert T. Wilson, restored to his rank of Major-Gen., and to be Lieut.-General.

The following officers to take the rank of
GENT. MAG. July, 1830.


Brevet as undermentioned :-To be Field Marshals in the Army: General Sir A. Clarke, Right Hon. Sir S. Hulse.

To be Generals in the Army; Lieut.-Gens. Earl of Dalhousie, T. Baker, H. Williams, Marquis Conyngham, Hon. Sir A. Hope, Sir J. Fraser, P. Heron, J. Ramsay, Sir J. D. Broughton, bart., W. Dyott, Sir R. C. Ferguson, bart., Sir R. Macfarlane, J. G. Crosbie, E. Stack, Hon. J. Brodrick, Sir H. Warde, J. Durham, hon. D. Leslie, J. M. Kerr, T. Scott, Sir T. H. Turner, C. Chowne, Hon. W. Maitland, Lord Crewe, Hon. Sir G. L. Cole, Q. J. Freeman, Earl of Granard, F. Moore, Viscount Lorton, Sir W. H. Clinton.

To be Lieut.-Generals in the Army; Major-Gens. Sir C. Imhoff, G. Gordon, A. Adams, Lord Macdonald, S. Need, E. Webber, T. L'Estrange, C. Craven, J. Foveaux, G. K. Dana, J. Moore, Sir H. M. M. Vavasour, bart., H. R. Koight, S. V. Hinde, T. N. Wyndham, T. B. Glegg, Hon. J. Ramsay, L. Mosheim, Sir C. Grant, Sir J. Lyon, J. Orde, C. B. Egerton, Sir T. Beckwith, H. J. Cumming, Sir C. Phillips, H. Bruce, T. B. Reynardson, Earl of Carysfort, Sir P. Maitland, Hon. E. Capel, Sir W. Sheridan, bart., G. B. Mundy, Hon. Sir R. W. O'Callaghan, Sir J. Keane, Lord G. Beresford, R. Campbell, R. Balfour, Earl of Carnwath, J. Cuming, Sir C. Halkett, Sir H. Bunbury, bart. Sir H. Lowe, Sir Fred. Adams, Sir R. H. Vivian, bart.

To be Major-Generals in the Army; Col. R. Ellice, Sir J. Buchan, N. McLeod, M. C. O'Connel, J. P. Murray, Sir H. Gough, J. Macdonnell, L. Moore, A. Pilkington, J. Gardiner, G. Middlemore, Sir W. Williams, J. Lomax, J. W. Sleigh, A. Nesbitt, W. G. Davy, C. W. Maxwell, C. Ashworth, A. Campbell, M. Napier, J. Wardlaw, J. Yates, J. Kearney, E. J. O'Brien, T. Foster, Hon. J. Ramsay, J. A. Farquharson, R. Owen, A. G. R. Norcott, C. Bruce, J. F. FitzGerald, A. B. Clifton, W. Stewart, W. C. Eustace, Lord Greenock, E. Lindsay, Sir A. Leith, J. Ross, Count F. Rivarola, Sir J. Browne, Hon. Sir R. L. Dundas, Lord R. Manners, Hon. H. Arbuthnott, Sir R. Arbuthnott, G. G. C. L'Estrange, T. Pearson, D. L. Gilmour, Sir G. H. B. Way, Sir J. Douglass, J. Waters, W. Macbean, Sir W. P. Carroll, the Right Hon. Sir H. Hardinge, Sir G. Elder, W. Cotton, J. Clitherow, J. Hanbury.

To be Colonels in the Army.-Lieut.Colonels W. Smith, J. Watling, M. Marston, Sir F. H. Doyle, bart., H. Yonge, W. Gray, E. Darley, J. R. Ward, H. Williams, W. V. Hompesch, C. Hamilton, J. Daniell, W. W. Blake, Sir E.Miles, G. Teesdale, guards; W. H. K. Erskine; G. J. Reeves, M.Mahon, Hon. H. Murray, J. M. Everard, J. Grey, G. Wyndham, A. Cameron; Sir J. Wilson, T. K. Burke; T. Dalmer, Sir H.


Watson, E. Walker, T. Evans, J. Johnson,
A. Maclaine, W. G. McGregor, J. Hay, W.
Wood, W. Warre, C. A. à Court, C. G.
d' Aguilar, J. G. Cuyler, G. O'Malley, N.
Ramsay, P. D'Arcey, J. Gillies, E. R. J.
Cotton, C. Turner, W. F. B. Loftus, F. S.
Tidy, G. Burrell, J. Farrer, R. Ross, T. B.
Aylmer, J. McDermott, H. J. Riddell, R. G.
Elrington, H. C. E. V. Graham, J. Ready,
C. A. Vigoureux, Sir J. A. Hope, Sir R. J.
Harvey, Sir E. K. Williams, H. Sullivan,
B. Camac, R. M'Douall, H. John, R. Arm-
strong, A. Brown, R. Waller, Sir F. Stovin,
Sir G. Campbell, bart., R. G. Hare, A.
Thompson, J. W. Mallet, M. Clifford, F. G.
Heriot, S. Rice, W. F. P. Napier, J. Duffy,
M. Lindesay, H.Daubeny, D. Mercer, F. M.
Milman, J. Reeve, J. Tonson, W. A. Gor-
don, S. A. Goodman, T. Kenah.

To be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army.
Majors J. Moore, J. Jones, C. Milner, W.
Fawcett, J. Phillott, M. Close, M. Ryan,
W. H. Taynton, F. Elwin, W. M. Morrison,
W. H. Lapslie, T. Hole, J. Peat, M. A.
Bozon, H. Cameron, H. White, E. Carly-
on, G. G. Cochrane, P. Campbell, T. Weare,
T. Burke, J. Bogle, A. Todd, R. Campbell,
H. Cameron, J. Creighton, W. S. Forbes,
W. Vincent, B. Stone, T. S. Nicolls, D.
O'Kelly, C. H. Smith, G. A. Eliot, James
Jenkin, James Lewis Basden, D. Campbell,
J. P. Oates, E. T. Fitzgerald, C. Pratt, G.
Spottiswoode, J. Harvey, L. Gray, C. Camp
bell, H. Obins, G. Tovey, J. Horton, J.
Laing, E. A. Angelo, J. Bradish, R. Jones,
J. Campbell, D. McNeil, G. S. Thwaites,
W. Sall, S. Bircham, S. Colberg, R. Hil-
liard, Lord R.Kerr, J. S. Lindesay, G.Bunce,
N. Brutton, W. Morris, R. Rochfort, J.
M'Mahon, D. O'Donoghue, J. Jerrard, R.
Terry, J. T. Whelan, A. Morris, G. Elliott.

To be Majors in the Army.-Captains M.
McLeod Tew, J. J. Hollis, A. Mackenzie,
J. Proctor, R. Hunt, E. Charleton, C. Ben-
nett, B. Halfhide, R. Mullen, J. Bent, F.
Heatley, J. H. Phelps, J. Rivers, H. Pratt,
J. Henderson, H. Wellman, W. North, W.
Smith, E. Rennick, D. J. Macqueen, G. A.
Delhoste, P. S. Norman, S. Workman, R.
J. Denham, C. S. O'Meara, J. Swinburne,
R. Moore, J. Garvock, R. S. Aitchison, J.
W. Nunn, C.Schaw, J.Tongue, J. Johnson,
W. S. Bertrand, R. Jebb, J. Fitzgerald, J.
H. Barnett, P. Lowen, R. Hammill, P.Dun-
can, M. M'Gregor, J. Kitson, H. Hawkins,
E. E. Hill, F. Fuller, B. Jackson, D. E.
Johnson, S. Noel, G. Ingham, G. Macpher-
son, T. S. Begbie, J. J. Anderson, A. F.
Barbauld, R. N. Crosse, T. Pardoe, S. Ken-
nedy, G. E. Jones, P. Baylee.

To be Aides-de-Camp to his Majesty with
the rank of Colonel.-Sir R. Gardiner, J.
Fremantle, Lord G. W. Russel, E. Wyn-
yard, J. Fergusson, T. W. Brotherton, Sir
A. J. Dalrymple, bart. Sir J. H. Reynell,
W. Smelt, A. Creagh, J. R. Arnold, W.
Wemyss, G. Fitzclarence.


The following officers of the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers to take rank by


To be Lieut.-Generals in the Army.-
Major-Gens. J. Humphrey, H. Eustace,
Lord Bloomfield, G. Cookson.

To be Major-Generals-Colonels E.Pritch-
ard, J. Viney, R. Beevor, J. Shorthall, R.
Legg, R. Crawford,

To be Colonels.-Lieut.-Cols. P. Ket-
tlewell, F. Coulson, R. Uniacke, G. Irving,
Sir J. May, J. F. Burgoyne, C. W. Pasley,
Sir H. de Ross, Sir C. F. Smith, C. G. Elli-
combe, H. Goldfinch, J. W. Smith.

To be Lieut.-Colonels.-Majors W. M.
G. Colebrook, T. Tidall.

To be Majors.-Captains J. Darby, S.
Rudyerd, W. Bentham, C. C. Dansey, D.
Bissett, A. F. Crawford, H. W. Gordon, J.
Oldfield, M. C. Dixon, R. King, W. D.
Jones, P. D. Calder, F. Arabin, C. Dixon,
R. B. Hunt, C. Cruttenden, P. Faddy, J. B.
Harris, W. H. Slade, W. Wylde, C. E. Gor-
don, J. Harper, W. E. Maling, P. W. Wal-
ker, A. Maclachlan, T. Scott, C. Blachley,
J. Longley, H. R. Moor, H. G. Jackson."

The following officers of the Royal Marines to take the rank, by brevet, as undermentioned:

To be Major-General.-Col. G. E. Vinicombe.

To be Lieut.-Colonels.-Majors N. H. English, R. Bunce, and T. Adair.

To be Majors.-Captains R. Parry, R. White, J. Maughan, R. Owen, A. K. Colley, F. G. G. Lee, J. S. Smith, J. S. Pilcher, J. R. Hore, T. L. Lawrence, E. S. Mercer, R. S. Wilkinson, T. Mitchell, J. Moore, Joseph Williams (1), W. Walker, F. Waters, W. Taylor, J. McCallum, T. Lemon.

The 9th regiment of light dragoons to assume the title of the 9th (or Queen's royal) lancers.

Admiralty Office, July 22.

Admirals of the Red, Lord Gambier and Sir C. M. Pole, to be Admirals of the Fleet.

Admirals of the White, J. Wickey, esq.; J. Fish, esq.; Sir J. Knight, Sir E. Thornborough, S. Edwards, esq.; Sir J. Saumaurez, bart.; T. Drury, esq., the Earl of Northesk, Visc. Exmouth, Sir I.Coffin, bart, J. Aylmer, esq., to be Admirals of the Red.

Admirals of the Blue, Sir J. Wells, Sir G. Martin, Sir W. S. Smith, T. Sotheby, esq., Sir H. Nicholls, Sir H. Sawyer, Sir D. Gould, Sir R. G. Keats, the Hon. Sir R Stopford, M. Robinson, esq., Sir T. Foley, Sir C. Tyler, Sir M. Dixon; and Vice-Admirals of the Red, I. G. Manley, esq., E. Crawley, esq., to be Admirals of the White.

Vice-Admirals of the Red, Sir T. Williams, Sir W. Hargood, J. Ferrier, esq., Sir R. Moorsom, Sir C. Hamilton, bart., Hon. H. Curzon, Sir L. W. Halsted, Sir H. B. Neale, bart., Sir J. S. Yorke, Hon. Sir A. K. Legge, the Earl of Galloway, Sir F. Laforey,

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bart., Sir P. C. Durham, Sir I. Pellew, Sir B. H. Carew, Lord A. Beauclerk, W. Taylor, esq., Sir T. B. Martin; and ViceAdmirals of the White, J. Lawford, esq., F. Sotheron, esq., to be Adms. of the Blue. Vice-Admirals of the White, Sir W. J. Hope, Lord H. Paulet, C. W. Paterson, esq., iRght Hon. Sir G. Cockburn, J. Carpenter, esq., R. Barton, esq., Sir G. Moore, M. H. Scott, esq., J. Hanwell, esq., Sir H. W. Bayatun, Sir R. King, bart., E. G. Colpoys, esq., E. J. Foote, esq., Sir R. Lee, P. Halkett, esq., P. Stephens, esq., hon. C. E. Fleming; and Vice Admirals of the Blue, Sir W. Hotham, Sir P. Malcolm, Sir J. Gore, J. Harvey, esq., Hon. Sir H. Hotham, to be Vice-Admirals of the Red.

Vice-Admirals of the Blue, Sir J. Rowley, bart., Sir E. Codrington, G. Parker, esq., R. Plampin, esq., Hon. Sir H. Blackwood, bart., J. E. Douglas, esq., Visc. Torrington, R. Donnelly, esq. Sir J. P. Beresford, bart., T. Eyles, esq. T. Le-M. Gosselin, esq., Sir C. Rowley, R. Rolles, esq., W. Locke, esq., Sir D. Milne, J. Young, esq.; and RearAdmirals of the Red, Sir R. W. Otway, R. Dacres, esq., W. Windham, esq., S. Peard, esq., and E. Fellowes, esq., to be Vice-Admirals of the White.

Rear-Admirals of the Red, W. T. Lake, esq., Sir C. Ogle, bart., H. Raper, esq., Sir W. C. Fahie, Sir G. Eyre, R. Lambert, esq., R. D. Oliver, esq., M. Dobson, esq., T. Boys, esq., Sir J. Talbot, J. R. D. Tollemache, esq., J.Giffard, esq., J.West, esq, S. Poyntz, esq., Lord Colville, J. Cochet, esq., R. Winthrop, esq., H. Digby, esq.; and Rear-Admirals of the White, C. Ekins, esq., B. W. Page, esq., Hon. P. Wodehouse, T. Alexander, esq., to be Vice-Admirals of the Blue.

Rear-Admirals of the White, A. Smith, esq., Sir E. Berry, bart., Lord M. R. Kerr, T. Harvey, esq., R. H. Moubray, esq. H. R. Glynn, esq., J. Bligh, esq., Sir E. Hamilton, bart., T. Baker, esq., S. Sutton, esq., Sir R. Laurie, bart., W. H. Gage, esq., J. Maitland, esq., J. Walker, esq., Hon. Sir C. Paget, R. Worsley, esq.; and Rear-Admis. of the Blue, A. P. Hollis, esq., Sir H. Heathcote, Sir E. W. Owen, G. Scott, esq., T. Dundas, esq., G. Fowke, esq., R. H. Pearson, esq., to be Rear-Adms. of the Red.

Rear-Admirals of the Blue, J. T. Rodd, esq., Sir T. M. Hardy, bart., W. Cumberland, esq., Sir G. E. Hammond, bart., R. Honyman, esq., V. V. Ballard, esq., H. Downman, esq., Hon. T. B. Capel, T. Manby, esq., Lord J. O'Bryen, R. Matson, esq., J. Mackellar, esq., C. Adam, esq. to be RearAdmirals of the White.

The under-mentioned Captains, to be Flag Officers of his Majesty's Fleet:

J. Stiles, esq., W. Granger, esq., J. C. White, esq., A. Drummond, esq., R. Hall, esq., R. Lloyd, esq., Sir T. Livingston, bart., L. Hardiman, esq. J. S, Horton, esq. E.

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Brace, esq., to be Rear-Admirals of the White.-Sir J. Brenton, bart., F.W.Austen, esq., P. Campbell, esq., N. Thompson, esq., E. S. Dickson, esq., T. J. Malling, esq., J. A. Ommanney, esq., H. Stuart, esq., Z. Mudge, esq., H. Hill, esq., A. W. Schomberg, esq., E. D. King, esq., H. Vansittart, esq., G. Mundy, esq., G. Sayer, esq., Sir P. B. V. Broke, bart., F. L. Maitland, esq., F. Warren, esq., J. Carthew, esq., J. Broughton, esq., Hon. G. H. L. Dundas, W. Parker, esq., Sir R. T. Ricketts, bart., Sir C. Dashwood, to be Rear-Admirals of the Blue.

W. Skipsey, esq., the Hon. F. P. Irby, Sir C. Cole, bart., and the Hon. D. P. Bouverie, to be Colonels in the Royal Marines.

Vice-Adm. Sir J. P. Beresford, to hoist his flag in the Prince Regent, as Commanderin-Chief at Sheerness and the North Sea, Capt. J. W. Deans Dundas to be Captain; Capt. Markham to H. M. ship Briton. Comm. Glasscock to H. M. ship Orestes; Capt. Tobin, C. B. to H. M. yatcht Prince Regent; Capt. Vincent, R. N. to the William and Mary yatcht.

July 27. Major-Gen. John Macdonald to be Adjutant-gen., Col. G. Fitzclarence, Deputy Adj.-gen.

July 24. The King has made the following changes in his Household from that of his late Brother:

Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Jersey; Vice Chamberlain, Earl of Belfast; Private Sec. to His Majesty, Lt.-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor, G.C.B.; Keeper of the Privy Purse, Major-Gen. Wheatley; Master of the Robes, Adm. Sir Charles Pole, Bt. G.C.B.; Groom of the Robes (having rank as Groom of the Bedchamber), Capt. Adolphus Fitzclarence, R. N.; Chief Equerry and Clerk Marshal, Major-Gen.Sir A. Barnard, K.C.B., K. C. H.; Equerries, Sir Philip Sidney, K. C. H., Lt. Col. Fred. Fitzclarence, Lt.Col. Sir Aug. D'Este, K. C. H., the Hon. J. K. Erskine; Lords of the Bedchamber, Lord James O'Bryen, and the Marq. of Hastings (vice Earl of Harrington and Visc. Lake); Grooms of the Bedchamber, Henry Hope, Esq. and Sir Hussey Vivian (vice Earl of Mountcharles and Gen. Sir Wm. Keppel); Extra Groom, Hon. Sir R. Spencer, K. C. H, ; Physicians in Ordinary, the President of the College for the time being, Sir H. Halford, Sir G. Blane, Sir M. Tierney; Extraordinary, Drs. Maton, Warren, Sir J. Macgregor, Mac Michael, J. R. Hume; to the Household, Dr. Francis Hawkins; Librarian, Dr. Macmichael.

July 23. The Hon. A. E. P. Graves, to be Page of Honour to his Majesty, vice J. H. Hudson, Esq.


Lord Chamberlain, Earl Howe; Vice Chamberlain, Hon. Fred. Cathcart; Mistress of the Robes, Duchess dow. of Leeds; Ladies of the Bedchamber, March. of Westmeath, Countess of Mayo, March, Wellesley,

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