صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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HEN I first committed the volume, with which I now present you, to the public, I was actuated purely by a defire to stop the progress of errour, which I feared, from the sacrifice that had been made to her, would be mistaken for truth; and as fuch embraced by many unsuspecting, and many indolent persons. A train of thinking, upon one side of the question, had been prescribed to them, and the conclusions, set up for their assent, abetted by proofs of fincerity, which I apprehended such men would confider as the criterion of truth. For their benefit I ventured to interpofe, and, to the best of my power, have pointed out the only premises from which any conclufions in religious enquiry can result; and from which they may proceed to draw their own inferences, without being diftracted by the intervention of fuch as are altogether foreign to the fubject. I have gone yet farther, and, reasoning on the principles I had set down, have fupplied them with fuch arguments as were amply fufficient to my own conviction; and which, had I not believed them to be fufficient to theirs, I never should have given to the world.

But, as I was new, both to that world, and myself as an author, it was natural in me to wish to obtain its fentiments as speedily as possible. To this purpose (which was all that an anonymous writer could do) I directed my printer to present copies of my book to a select number of perfons, who might reasonably be supposed to lead the fentiments of the public: Persons on whom, either an exalted station, or something better than an exalted station, had conferred confequence. I flattered myself that I should the more readily learn their opinion of my work, (if a favourable one) by taking this method of foliciting their, perufal of it. I was not disappointed; for though I have not much to boast of any approbation personally addressed to myself, from those who have drawn their honours from the royal fountain, yet I was not unnoticed by others, who derive theirs from the clear and unpolluted fpring of merit. Amongst the first of these, Sir, I was favoured with your sentiments, delivered to me thro' the medium of my bookfeller's conveyance in the speedieft and most polite manner. Let then a Layman, writing on a most important religious fubject, make his boast, that he can, at leaft, produce credentials in his favour from a layman, and that layman Mr. Edmund Burke.


To have found an ally in a person who had himfelf maintained the establishment of the church; who, as a friend to truth, and as an investigating Christian, had already fo ably, fo eloquently, fo zealously combated in her cause, muft, in any fsituation, have been a pleasing circumstance. In mine it was much more; for when I perceived myself abetted by your favourable judgment, it gave me the fullest reafon to hope, that my well-meant endeavours, to fatisfy the scruples of men, who object upon one particular ground, would be attended with success; especially as I might now take the liberty of infcribing that work to you, from whose approbation alone it could derive the confidence to claim your patronage.

When I have thus made it known to the world that you have borne me a favourable testimony, I may add, that I republish with a certainty of being useful. I may indeed confider myself as having answered Mr. Lindsey's book in a manner originally foreign from my intention,


intention, and thrown a weight into the opposite scale, sufficient to preponderate against his huge mass of human authority. I have the honour to be,


With the greateft respect and esteem,

Your much obliged,

And most obedient, humble servant,


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